A question about Renewed Expired Domains

by nitesh
2 replies
Hello Everyone,

Someone has renewed some expired domains. I need more domains to expand my business in all categories. Should I consider buying the renewed expired domains or should I register new one? Please give your advice.

Thank You
#domains #expired #question #renewed
  • Profile picture of the author CyberAlien
    Is there a specific reason that you want one of those renewed domains? Did they use to be used by popular websites, still maintain a high PR, etc.?

    If you don't have a specific reason, then just go register new ones. Otherwise, let us know the reason.
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  • Profile picture of the author samueljsh
    Firstly, If the expired domains are niche specific and maintain a decent PageRank, you should consider purchasing them. Depending on the price. Older domain names tend to rank faster as they search engines deem them to be more credible. (Not a fly-by-night website.)

    You should consider the following when purchasing expired domains.

    1.) The Price (ROI)
    2.) The reputability of the domain name. (Check if it is blacklisted)
    3.) Relevancy to your niche.

    If you have considered the above and choose not to purchase an expired domain, you should consider the following when registering a new domain.

    1.) Price
    2.) The domain name.
    Ideally you would want a domain name that relates to your niche/company. Preferably keyword related. For example, your company's name is 'Demo' and you sell soap. Your ideal domain name would be DemoSoap.com or something related. There are many online tools that can help you research keywords, which you can then implement in your domain name. These tools can show you how many people search for the products/services you provide, as well as what keywords perform best and have the least competition. For research purposes I'd recommend using Google Adwords Keyword Tool and Google Trends
    3.) Registering a domain name for at least 3 years. This shows search engines that you are in it for the long haul, thus improving your credibility.
    4.) Try to get a .com or .net domain name. (They are more valuable.)

    Hope this helps.
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