"3 Traffic Sources" I use to make up to $5,000 a Day

41 replies
I'm going to post a long awkward looking screen shot to show you an entire month of earning so you know I'm actually giving you some advice that you can seriously benefit from

I'm gonna preface this a little, then show you the 3 traffic sources I use to accomplish those earnings.

This business is just like any business there are ups and downs, the highest day that month was $5,791 and the lowest day was ZERO haha that's just the way it goes

The total earning for that month was $23,139.00 with only a few hundred spent on advertising, about $500

Products for sale were in the range of $17 and $2,500


Ok So here are the traffic sources, and I have used these 3 the most reliably since 2007.

Banners: When I first started online everyone was screaming the sky is falling and banners are dead. I saw this as an opportunity to swoop in and grab some very cheap advertising.

I quickly realized that banners were not dead because I was making a ton of sales. For banners just find related blogs and websites, some will have an advertise section some wont.

I even contact the ones that don't have an advertise section and see if I can negotiate a slot just for myself. They all don't say yes, but when they do you can get a ton of traffic and sales.

the ones that do have an advertise section, I will just buy a slot, simple enough. But I like to take a look at the banners on the site, and create a banner so different from everything else that it stands out the most.

Imagine a flamingo standing in a group of penguins. Easy to spot, not exactly a game of where's waldo.

If everyone else is using flashing banners, I will use a plane jane banner. the key is to stand out. If everyone is using red, I'll use green. Stand out get clicks

Start out advertising on niche sites, then open up your market. Example: If your selling a product like the Tao of Bad Ass. Start out looking for niche sites that focus on PUA and all that.

Then class it up and go for dating related sites that offer general dating advice. Start narrow go broad.

Solo Ads: I've been doing solo ads since before they were "cool" I didn't know what they were called. Or that they even had a name. And yes I do this in any and all of the popular niches.

What I did at the time, before you could just go to a directory and pay $40 for a 100 click mailing. I would contact site owners with a subscription form, and ask them how big their list was and if they'd be willing to email their list with my offer for a fee.

Money talks, and I knew this from day one. I knew if I made the right person the right offer, they'd email their list for me. Now, getting solo ads are a piece of cake everyone is selling solo's.

Forum Marketing: Forum marketing is both a free and paid strategy. Buying ad space or getting the forum owner to mail out is an option.

Then there's free forum marketing. So there's 2 types of forums, those that allow signatures, and those that don't. For the ones that do, what you'll do is put a link to your site in your signature. Then just go about being helpful in the forum commenting on threads and posts and let your signature do the work.

Answer questions and try your best to ad value to their lives. The more you help, the more people will look at and click the link in the signature box at the end of a really helpful post

Now for forums that don't allow signatures. You want to do the same thing but with a small tweak.

Read the posts, and respond to the questions to their PM box. Really answer their questions and leave your link in your salutation or whatever it's called.

Example: I saw you were looking for really helpful advice "INSERT REALLY detailed, HELPFUL AND VALUABLE ADVICE HERE,"

Hope that helps
Nick Breen

make sure you are actually helping people in advance.

You don't want toPM people with your link and say something like "th answer to your question is here Spam Link

No that's not what you do. Give First and help people.

there you have it. My 3 most profitable and reliable traffic sources.

Now I know a lot of traffic strategies, but it's not how many you know. It's how many you have mastered. Take the time to master these an you'll have all the traffic you ever need.
#3 traffic sources #affiliate marketing #clickbank #day #make #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author lattlay123
    Fantastic and practical information; Some people pay for this kind of information in WSOs! Thanks for sharing!
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  • Profile picture of the author Dragone
    Nice going with the earnings! Curious how much it changes on a monthly basis?

    Some solid traffic advice. The one about non-signature forums was something I have not thought about before but it seems like a great way to get around that forums rules. Do you find those personal replies yield a decent amount of 'quality' traffic? I guess it also makes more sense to put lots of effort into individual members when there is the option of a $2500 sale as opposed to when your highest price is only $20..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8292062].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ezekielseo
    Many people believe the success in marketing is promote $7 WSO's your whole life because more people will buy them!!

    - sure wso's are a great income stream, but why not sell 4-5 high ticket products instead of 1000's of WSO's to make as much as those 4-5 high ticket product sales.

    Hats off to you, showing motivation to those wanderers on the forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Vincent
    Awesome Nick! Do you strictly buy banners directly from website owners or do you also buy from ad networks as well?
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  • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
    Nice work my friend.

    I love banners too.

    Also, if you're buying placements on super high traffic sites, you need to be using something like AdShuffle so you can split test creatives and optimize your placement.

    I just started using it and I feel like I have my big boy pants on now when it comes to banner advertising

    Could you imagine how much you could have made that month if you spent a few thousand instead of just a few hundred?

    "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

    Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

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    • Profile picture of the author Housestacks
      Great post. I would also be interested in what your best month is. Thank you for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    How much do you pay for banners. I do ads sometimes but there usually block ads and I usually keep it at a 100 or below, preferably 50 to 75 bucks.
    I might try a few banners though to see what happens. I havent used banners since about 2002 or so.

    I also sent you a pm on something else.

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  • Profile picture of the author John Atkins
    Originally Posted by nicholasb View Post

    Banners: When I first started online everyone was screaming the sky is falling and banners are dead. I saw this as an opportunity to swoop in and grab some very cheap advertising.

    I quickly realized that banners were not dead because I was making a ton of sales. For banners just find related blogs and websites, some will have an advertise section some wont.

    I even contact the ones that don't have an advertise section and see if I can negotiate a slot just for myself. They all don't say yes, but when they do you can get a ton of traffic and sales.

    the ones that do have an advertise section, I will just buy a slot, simple enough. But I like to take a look at the banners on the site, and create a banner so different from everything else that it stands out the most.
    I do this as well. It's a great traffic technique which is not so common. People are lazy and prefer to use networks to buy ads, which is also good but by contacting people directly sometimes you can find better opportunities.
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    • Profile picture of the author James Fame
      Originally Posted by John Atkins View Post

      I do this as well. It's a great traffic technique which is not so common. People are lazy and prefer to use networks to buy ads, which is also good but by contacting people directly sometimes you can find better opportunities.
      Exactly the part bolded above.

      You also can't imagine the ease in promoting through the content network using banner ads, if you do it right.

      Fire me a pm if you have a question. I build businesses and provide consulting. I do not do finance/money/internet marketing niches. Fitness, self-improvement and various others are welcome.

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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Great advice.

    The best thing people can take away from your post is that you don't need to worry about 100 different traffic sources to be successful. Just pick the top 2 or 3 and focus only on them. If you do it properly you can get more traffic than you will ever need.
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  • Profile picture of the author MKCookins
    Thank you Nick.

    I have always used forum marketing, but never really thought about ways to improve upon it. For example putting your link in personal PM.

    I have been to several forums that do not allow signatures -- but with this simple trick I can go back and generate more traffic.

    Thanks again
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  • Profile picture of the author Edwin Torres
    Awesome advice! Do you see better results using solo ads from directories or directly blog owners directly? In terms of the quality of the traffic...
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    • Profile picture of the author BamIPD
      When are you going to tell us about making $5000 per day?

      edit: sorry for my sass I missed the "up to" part.
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      • Profile picture of the author wordwizard
        Originally Posted by BamIPD View Post

        When are you going to tell us about making $5000 per day?

        edit: sorry for my sass I missed the "up to" part.
        Ha. I was just going to say... that he said "up to." Good question though...

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        Let Me Help You Sell: Sales Letters, Email Series, Pre-Sell Reports... PM me & we'll talk!
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    • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
      I see pretty decent results from both actually. Solo ad traffic really comes down to your ability to convert the traffic into sales. I do that by capturing info, and blogging just about every day.

      Just getting putting myself out there, and providing massive value.

      Originally Posted by Edwin Torres View Post

      Awesome advice! Do you see better results using solo ads from directories or directly blog owners directly? In terms of the quality of the traffic...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8293812].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
      Originally Posted by Edwin Torres View Post

      Awesome advice! Do you see better results using solo ads from directories or directly blog owners directly? In terms of the quality of the traffic...
      Active lists that aren't constantly spammed to death with solo ads will obviously be more responsive than the lists who get hammered to death.

      It's funny when people say things like "banners are dead" yet all across the net people are using banners and they aren't doing it because there's no money to be made. :rolleyes:

      They work well when you master it and get your targeting right.
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  • Profile picture of the author PayForWords
    Great advice! Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author James Woods
    Thanks for the share nick some insightful stuff.

    Hey We all Know that Generating Leads is the Life Blood of any Business. Click the link below to receive Your FREE Report Detailing How to generate and Endless Supply of Leads for any Business.

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  • Profile picture of the author Leo King
    Good Information. Thanks man.
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  • Profile picture of the author TimothyTorrents
    Good job! And thanks for the tips. I was just thinking about how to advertise my upcoming website and now I have some new techniques to try. Great post!

    But how do you convince website owners who have similar websites to advertise your website? Wouldn't that be like asking your competition to promote your website for you?
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  • Profile picture of the author Larry Leggett
    The thing which I have understood so far is, depending on free traffic only can cause loosing a lot of sale. All the big money makers does use the paid traffic sources frequently to make massive money.
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  • Profile picture of the author DraculaIM
    From $5k to 0 and back? Takes balls!
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    • Profile picture of the author Plugin Profits
      Thanks. I won't ask the niches, though I do wonder how many different niches?

      Also are the products you're promoting affiliate products or your own? The screenshot looks like a PayPal screenshot is why I ask. So it looks like it's coming direct and not network checks.

      The deals you're getting on the banner ads must be great if you only had to spend $500 on all the advertising for the month to get back that much. Do you get very cheap clicks with the banners, the amount of clicks you end up getting vs what you paid?

      Though one thing I have to ask is, since you said you send all the traffic to your squeeze pages to add the traffic to your email lists, and then promote the links in the followup emails, how do you know how many of your sales came from the new people added to your list in a month as opposed to coming from the total acumulative number of people on your lists you've built up over a long time?

      In other words, maybe even if you didn't advertise a single day that month to get more subscribers in your funnel you might of still made say $18k instead of $23k (hypothetical example) simply cause of the people you already were marketing to on your lists?
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      • Profile picture of the author Plugin Profits
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        • Profile picture of the author Lori Winsor
          Great advices. It always makes me happy to see what happens when basic marketing+common sense meet. There is no need to reinvent the wheel!
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  • Profile picture of the author KevinChapman
    I've never done banner ads, sounds like it's been really successful for you though, definitely something to look into!
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  • Profile picture of the author owais211
    This is really superb information,thank you for sharing.
    I always use forum marketing but i have never thought along your line of ideas.Your advice has been an eye opener on my side.
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  • Profile picture of the author Laura Raisanen
    This is fantastic advice, thank you for sharing! I haven't tried banner ads before but this sounds like a superb technique so I think I will give it a go.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dayne Dylan
    What tool do you recommend for finding niche sites with high traffic? Google Ad Planner? Alexa.com?
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  • Profile picture of the author thomasjohnson
    Thanks for the valuable info
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  • Profile picture of the author FitMarketer
    Thanks for sharing
    I have been looking for some advertising ideas and hadn't considered banners.

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  • Profile picture of the author joaquin112
    Very solid info. If people can't still make money after reading threads like these then IM isn't for them. I have always said it, the best way to get QUICK traffic and make money is by paying for it.

    Publish your digital course at Accomplisher.com. We create the video sales letter, drive affiliate traffic and split the profits with you. If you want to start making money by teaching online, submit your application here.

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  • Profile picture of the author justlukeyou
    This is fantastic stuff but how did you know how much to pay for the adverts and if they would work.

    For example, if you are selling headphones would you target music blogs? If so how munch would you know how much to pay?
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    what op failed to mention is that this does not happen over night. He makes it sound easy.

    However, while I do take my hat off to OP, he should of said this takes alot of failing, alot of testing, and more testing and will not happen overnight like a lot of people in this thread think.

    notice how he left out the massive failures and the ads that cost and lost money. These are the important elements, and not to take anything away, it just the raw truth.

    Its not just about slapping up a banner, I have found you need to test headlines, colors,, and many other things for it to be successful. This is hard work, and you must not give up..... My bet is you have not see the years of hard work that has gone into OP's list building and all that before. Good job, but these threads need to come out and tell us everything, and not leave out the important details.

    This IM stuff is hard work, its a 9-5 business, and for those that take it serious there are good rewards. Expect to fail first, and learn massive lessons, and then that is stuff no one can take away from you. It will help you profit down the track.
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