2checkout hold my money for 90 days

3 replies
i used 2co over 2 years but today they closed my account & hold my balance for 90 days
Here is a part of their email

"Details: We regret to inform you that 2Checkout can no longer support your payment processing. Because of high recent chargeback activity, we were required to close your account.

Your account has been closed and has read-only access so you will still be able to review your sales information. The account will be reviewed for payment 13 cycles after your most recent sale. We hold payment for 90 days to allow time for refund and chargeback activity. "

As they said I've read-only access but actually I don't

I got only 1 chargeback recently which wasn't our fault. that buyer was a fraud.

I already opened a support ticket, trying to explain to them

Now can anyone tell me. will I really get my money back after 90 days
I searched internet found lot of same situation of people but no one says they got their moneu back after 90 days

please anyone can help me
#2checkout #days #hold #money
  • Profile picture of the author FusionFinish
    Yes you will get your money but man I agree it is frustrating. I had paypal do the same thing to me. I personally found it Ironic that I too had "a large number of chargebacks" but yet after 90 days the money was returned with no additional chargebacks.
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  • Profile picture of the author nikcoo
    This is unfortunate...thanks for the heads up. I recently considered 2CO myself.
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  • Profile picture of the author run
    You'll definitely get your fund inside your account after 90 days if there are no additional chargebacks or the fund is more than enough to cover the chargebacks.
    I just wanna tell you that most of the links in the signature are trash and/or a trap to make you pay!
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