First solo ad want feedback

9 replies
ok I just ran my first solo ad and would like feedback from some seasoned marketers. one was for 200 and the other was for 100. I recived 265 and 127 with 82 opins and 0 sales. Is this good for a first time solo run. Here is the link for the squeeze page please let me know if there is anything I can do to better my results. I am motivated to make this work.

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#feedback #solo
  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Well first without looking at your site it comes down to are they honest solo vendors. What your numbers tell me is that you had around a 20, 21% opt in rate total. Again this is tough because your running two solos with two different vendors it sounds. You should ideal test the conversion for each indavidaul solo you run. Even if they are the same one.

    So with that said you could have one good honest vendor and somebody else that brought you down a little but Idealy you would like to have at least a 35% opt in rate per solo. You should shoot for 50% but... 2nd it as far as sales it comes down to many factors such as how your are presenting the information, what the products you are recamending is and how that sales page is. Are you sending them to a thank you page with a "one time offer" or just direct linking to the sales page. Its testing and playing around with all of this stuff.
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • it's hard to say without looking at the copy you are using, offer, funnel etc.. there are tons of elements that make it work or not, so I don't have enough data here to give you valid feedback

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
    Put up the email that was blasted.

    The way you prime your prospects makes a big difference in the level of receptivity they have to your offer.

    I'd make a more simplified squeeze page.

    This thing is WAY too busy.

    Here's a squeeze page being looked at over on the copywriting forum:

    Frank Kern

    Study it.

    Look at the simplicity of the site.

    Deconstruct his irresistible offer.


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    • Profile picture of the author Greative1
      thank you for the feedback. Epoltrack77 yes I was using two different venders one a 200 click package. lower quality I suspect. and then one here on the forums for 100 click. I tracked them both. So you are sayin I should pick on solo provider and buy one of each package? Is this to test the page or the solo provider? no I am not sending them to a thank you page, just right to the offer. I also currently don't have an oto.

      HelpingYouBeAnExpert. As this is my first time testing what I know what are the main elements to make it work. Can you point me to any relevant threads on the forum. What would you need for vaild feedback. I am eager to make it better.

      Mark Pescetti. I do not have an email copy was provided to me via seller. He referred it to a swipe. as for simplifying it are you talking design wise or use video.
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  • Profile picture of the author Wingman DY
    Lose that moving "show me more" I can't read anything with that kinda distraction.

    What countries do the clicks come from?
    Do they open your first follow up email and download the freebies?

    The answers will reveal how good your opt ins are.
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    I'm just gonna say it. I think this whole thing with guaranteed clicks smells funny. I know there are legit MMO solo ad vendors out there. But as any MMO "trend" gains momentum it attracts bottom feeders. And it's waaaaaay too easy to deliver BS clicks and optins, both with bots and real people. Another thing I'd never do is use some silly "swipe" from the vendor.

    In the old days you would buy a solo ad in a popular email newsletter and pay according to how many subscribers the letter had. You could buy a full broadcast or partial. You'd take your best shot with your ad copy and you'd get what you'd get, no guarantees. That's the only way I'd advertise any solo ad and there are still plenty of legit newsletters in every possible niche selling ads this way.

    I'm not saying what you bought is phony, just that it seems more and more people are showing up here lately with very strange and questionable experiences. Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author muffty
    I'd say your Squeeze Page is not something I'd sign up to - way to full of hype!

    See Mark Pescetti's post above and take a look at Frank Kern's Squeeze Page - much better I think!

    Whether the List you've built up will be a responsive list or not remains to be seen!
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