Seeking Service to Submit to Directories

7 replies

Does anyone know of a good service who will submit to directories?


#directories #seeking #service #submit
  • Profile picture of the author Danny Turner
    This site offers free (and more advanced paid ) website monitoring -
    in their reports they always include an add for
    $20 for 400,000 search engines - I know of one person who said it had an effect
    not used it myself - as yet
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  • Profile picture of the author rstmarketing
    Submit Edge are also very good
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    • Profile picture of the author Jack Duncan
      If you are looking for a good directory submission service, check out DigiXmas (stupid name...but a cool company)

      They have a really awesome directory submitter software that is really top notch.

      They also provide a manual directory submission service with some nice features as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author AndyBlackSEO
    There are a few services around. As mentioned above though, you can get some free software that can speed up the submission process for both article and link submissions.
    [FREE SEO TOOL] Build 29 Effective, High Authority Backlinks that Will Increase Your Google Rankings in 2020... CLICK HERE ...
    ... Instant backlinks that can get you results within 24-72hrs.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jammy
      ArticleMarketer. Expensive one time fee but they really do hit the nail on the head and get you some great backlinks.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jammy
        Costs are at the Article Marketer . com website.

        If you submit a lot of articles, take my advice and jump in for the one time fee and get it over with.

        I've submitted just over 500 articles in the last 4 months, it's very easy to do and you can set up the date for them to be released so in my case it took me a couple of days to upload my 500 but after that it automatically submits 3 or 4 a day to 6000-odd directories. I'm just about to start uploading my next batch. There is no limit.

        Use a 'spam' email address, you receive an email for almost every article submitted to every directory (literally 100's for every article!).

        The downside is you can only have ONE author name. All articles are submitted in that author name. The other downside is that although they claim that they submit to 6000-odd directories I don't think that is the case. I get 100s of emails for every article and when I search for my article (2 weeks or so after being posted) I find it in 100s of places, not 1000s. You also get lots of bounced emails too, I think from submissions to directories that no longer exist.

        All in all though, I would fully recommend it, particularly for the SEO'd backlink to your site. I'm not associated with it in any way and I've not given you my affiliate link.
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  • Profile picture of the author Devon Brown
    We use and they've been pretty useful. You do mean submitting your link to directories and not article directories right?
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