How to get set up in a niche?

13 replies
I have a few niches I want to work in, IM being under consideration, just not sure if I want to work in IM now. IM has a lot of sub niches. You can work in only traffic generation or keyword research or you can set up a site and cover a little of everything. The niche I am thinking about is a lot like that. What is a good way to do it. Set up a blog or site on each sub niche or set up one main site then maybe do Squidoo and hubpage sites in each sub niche that link back to the main site. I can see advantages to each way. Any thoughts?

#niche #set
  • Profile picture of the author abdawriter
    Hi Scott,

    I would suggest you focus on one sub-niche at a time and slowly move on to other aspects of Internet Marketing (IM) because ...

    As I have found, you will have to come back and complete a sub-niche as a whole, rather leave any loop holes behind. So while you're still beginning, I want you to cover all the basics of a sub-niche, like "Keyword Research," for example and move on to another topic, but that doesn't mean ...:rolleyes:

    You WON'T find yourself going back and forth from one sub-niche (from "traffic generation" to "keyword research") while developing content for it as they are all "inter-related," but ...

    But don't YOU worry, as time flies, probably after 3 to 6 months, you have covered a lot of topics on each aspects of IM and ...

    It's a great idea to create Squidoo or Ezinearticles for each sub-niche and link back to your site as you'll be getting HIGH PR backlinks to your site, but don't forget to ...

    Know where your visitors are coming from ... and create a landing page accordingly!

    All the best for your IM venture
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    • Profile picture of the author flavius333
      Originally Posted by abdawriter View Post

      Hi Scott,

      It's a great idea to create Squidoo or Ezinearticles for each sub-niche and link back to your site as you'll be getting HIGH PR backlinks to your site, but don't forget to ...
      NO, NO, NO!!!

      Ezinearticles and Squidoo are dead and buried at this moment; they were at their peak 5 years ago but with recent Panda and Penguin updates they don't really count much.
      Steven Wagenheim, a fellow warrior used to make thousands every month with EZA and now he doesn't do well at all.. just look for recent threads from him..

      Look around before starting to receive 'free' advice..that free advice may cost you time & money.
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfe655
    This makes a lot of sense to me! So concentrate on one sub niche at a time. Can I do that all on the same site? or should I set up new sites for each sub niche?
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    • Profile picture of the author wolfe655
      I will not be working in the IM niche but my niche has several sub niches. I guess each could be a niche in itself.
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfe655
    I just saw another post on Squidoo and I really was not planning on article marketing much. I have been out of this 3 or 4 years so am not sure what to do. I am setting up a site and an autoresponder series so I can get a list going. I guess social media is the big thing nowadays?
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  • Profile picture of the author John J M
    Social media still works to some degree, depending on how you use it.

    I would agree that you should focus on a subniche if you're going the traditional route of just being an affiliate or building your own training/product.

    But there are tons of ways to go here. For example, what I've focused on most recently that has gotten a lot of results is a system that allows people to get set up fast and start making money. I teach people how to use it and make money at the same time. With something like that, you can have a much wider audience.

    But yah, in general, sub-niche would probably be the way to go.
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    • Hi,
      I won't recommend squidoo. Recently, they have locked down lot of lenses. Some people even had their entire account locked.

      good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    If you trying for brand presence then just do one micro niche. If you are just putting up site after site to get adsense or w/e doesn't matter then does it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Originally Posted by wolfe655 View Post

    I have a few niches I want to work in, IM being under consideration, just not sure if I want to work in IM now. IM has a lot of sub niches. You can work in only traffic generation or keyword research or you can set up a site and cover a little of everything. The niche I am thinking about is a lot like that. What is a good way to do it. Set up a blog or site on each sub niche or set up one main site then maybe do Squidoo and hubpage sites in each sub niche that link back to the main site. I can see advantages to each way. Any thoughts?

    In times past, I would have recommended Squidoo, but not anymore -- know lots of people who have spent years on there that have gotten stuff locked. Nowadays, I would recommend you setup a micro-niche site (inexpensive to start and acts pretty much like a free site does) just to get your feet.

    Once you get your feet wet (get to know the people in the niche, learn about the products, and see how your site performs), it will be easier to decide whether or not you want to start in the niche. I had to try a number of them before I found what I liked.

    Good luck,
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  • Profile picture of the author troy23
    Squidoo has never worked that well. Ezine Articles still has some traction for sure depending on how you use it. You can either go the sub niche route or have a general blog about IM and create pages/posts around sub niches. Sub niches certainly work well when list building.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
    Originally Posted by wolfe655 View Post

    I have a few niches I want to work in, IM being under consideration, just not sure if I want to work in IM now. IM has a lot of sub niches. You can work in only traffic generation or keyword research or you can set up a site and cover a little of everything. The niche I am thinking about is a lot like that. What is a good way to do it. Set up a blog or site on each sub niche or set up one main site then maybe do Squidoo and hubpage sites in each sub niche that link back to the main site. I can see advantages to each way. Any thoughts?



    1. Start in a small sub-niche of the bigger market you want to work in and branch out from there. To begin any other way would just leave you frustrated and working like a dog trying to cover all the bases. So, start in a sub-niche.

    2. Create a battle plan. Sit down with pen and paper and list your main niche and then list all of the sub-niches. If you are going to be creating your own information products start listing those as well under each sub-niche. You don't have to create them all at once. Create one at a time, launch it, get it making money and then continue to add to your product line.

    3. I would recommend you get a website in the main (larger) niche and that will act as your company website. Share information on your company website and have it linking to your landing pages. Drive traffic to your landing pages because those are going to be specific to each sub-niche. If you find success in the products you create then you can buy separate domains for them at that time.

    *** The most important thing is to sketch out a plan on paper first, quickly set up your business website and then start in the sub-niche you know the most about. Speed is key here to keep you on track and motivated.

    So many (too many) people end up scattered in many different areas and are left too thin to compete in the marketplace.

    Think of it this way... Do television series reveal all their plots in the first episode? Certainly not but the entire time they know exactly where they are headed. They have a plan and are following it... This doesn't mean you cannot change your plan and modify it as you go but a plan allows you to move in the direction you want which ultimately leads to greater success much faster.

    So forget about all the ridiculous talk about Squidoo, EZ Articles, etc... and focus on building a real business from the ground up, not just some random traffic from Google.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
    Gotta love it when you take the time to post a solid answer and the OP is nowhere to be found... LOL. Oh well his loss, he'll continue chasing shiny objects I guess
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    • Profile picture of the author Jared Hale
      Originally Posted by Mike Hill View Post

      Gotta love it when you take the time to post a solid answer and the OP is nowhere to be found... LOL. Oh well his loss, he'll continue chasing shiny objects I guess

      Well I appreciated your answer Mike. Thank you
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