Back To School At Age 40

51 replies
I just started school on Monday; no I am not your typical college student. I am 40 years old. Going back to school is not something that I ever thought that I would do.

The truth is that I never went to college when I was 20. I got out of school and went straight into the military. However, now at 40 I was pushed back into going back to school.

Let me tell you why I am enrolled in school.

I started my online journey about 3 years ago. Everything that I have learned online is self taught and needless to say that I was focused 100% on Google. So when Google pushed out their changes the last couple times, I lost a lot of my income.

This is why it is extremely important to diversify your income. You never want to get so tunnel visioned to where you are just working on one project. And never rely just on Google for your income.

Thank goodness I didn't lose it all. So with my income declining and me trying to find my way to success (like a fish in shallow water) I decided that I needed to go back to school to learn about web design.

Now my goal is not to work for anyone else when I get done with school. I haven't worked for anyone for over 5 years. Heck I left a job that was paying me $60,000 per year, I just don't think that I could find another job that would pay me that much.

I do a lot better working for myself. I am not cut out to be an employee.

So why am I writing this post? I just wanted to share where I am in life right now. At one point I felt like a failure because I had to go back to school, but now I don't. I know that I can succeed online, I finally got an online mentor this past May and I am working on my first product creation project.

With school back in session, it is a lot harder to find the time to work on my internet marketing. However, I just have to find more ways to make better use of my time.

I am still working on internet marketing....I just have less time to do it.

Don't give up on your dreams. If you want something bad enough, you can make it happen. Of course it is a lot harder if you have to hold down a job or go to school (full-time) but it can be done.

I just wrote a blog post about me going back to school on a full-time basis, as well as what I currently make per month online.

Be sure to leave me some tips about how to manage my time better. I have to admit I am not good at time management and any tips you provide me, will definitely help me out.
#age #back #school
  • Profile picture of the author wilks3y
    Thats very inspiring. Thanks for that

    Good Luck at Scool / College and NO BULLYING

    I'm in the same boat as you, I've put alot in to some of my sites with not alot in return.

    But yeah, THANKS
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  • Profile picture of the author wilks3y
    Thats very inspiring. Thanks for that

    Good Luck at Scool / College and NO BULLYING

    I'm in the same boat as you, I've put alot in to some of my sites with not alot in return.

    But yeah, THANKS
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  • Profile picture of the author MarketMaster13
    Wow that's so inspiring to many of us who are still young to go back for more skills.
    You can consider schooling part time then you work on your internet marketing with the remaining time.
    All the best at school/college.
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  • Originally Posted by usfemail View Post

    Don't give up on your dreams. If you want something bad enough, you can make it happen.
    I agree 100%.

    Will you be taking classes online or on campus? I am also trying to go back to college and complete my degree. After looking at various options, I came across Western Governors University (WGU). They have a fixed tuition per semester, and not based on per credit. If you take 1 or 5 classes, the tuition is still the same for that semester. I don't know anyone who took classes there.

    Good luck with everything.
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  • Profile picture of the author usfemail
    I am doing both taking one online class and attending classes at the campus. It is challenging getting my internet marketing tasks done, but I am working on improving my schedule.

    Good luck with your journey.
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    • Profile picture of the author fcf360
      Originally Posted by usfemail View Post

      I am doing both taking one online class and attending classes at the campus. It is challenging getting my internet marketing tasks done, but I am working on improving my schedule.

      Good luck with your journey.
      50 is the new 30... It's never too late to expand your intellectual horizons..

      And not only that.. knowing what you really want out of your education and where you are going to go with it is also a huge benefit that most of the other clueless young people just doesn't have.
      The Warrior Forum
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  • Profile picture of the author lowelly
    I realize it could not have been easy for you, but I think it was a great decision. I'm in my 30s, but internet marketing is the best discovery I ever made. It allows me to stay home with my daughter, not worry about idiot bosses and still pay my bills.
    You got my thinking about learning a few things about web design myself. To tell you the truth, I'm a mess when it comes to technicalities, but I should at least give it a try, right?
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  • Profile picture of the author Meharis
    Originally Posted by usfemail View Post

    I just started school on Monday; no I am not your typical college student. I am 40 years old. Going back to school is not something that I ever thought that I would do.

    The truth is that I never went to college when I was 20. I got out of school and went straight into the military. However, now at 40 I was pushed back into going back to school.

    Let me tell you why I am enrolled in school.


    Congratulations!! I take it as one of the good news of the day.

    Never is too late. You plan fits perfectly with your goal. Good luck!

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  • Profile picture of the author Fazal Mayar
    Its never too late and congrats. Im 23 and going back to school haha.

    Blogger at (Make Money online blog but also promoting ethical internet marketing)

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  • Profile picture of the author internetmarketer1
    Glad to know you are going back to school. It is wonderful to see people going back after so long. Best of luck to anybody else doing the same thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author TeamBringIt
    Originally Posted by usfemail View Post

    I just started school on Monday; no I am not your typical college student. I am 40 years old. Going back to school is not something that I ever thought that I would do.

    The truth is that I never went to college when I was 20. I got out of school and went straight into the military. However, now at 40 I was pushed back into going back to school.

    Let me tell you why I am enrolled in school.

    I started my online journey about 3 years ago. Everything that I have learned online is self taught and needless to say that I was focused 100% on Google. So when Google pushed out their changes the last couple times, I lost a lot of my income.

    This is why it is extremely important to diversify your income. You never want to get so tunnel visioned to where you are just working on one project. And never rely just on Google for your income.

    Thank goodness I didn't lose it all. So with my income declining and me trying to find my way to success (like a fish in shallow water) I decided that I needed to go back to school to learn about web design.

    Now my goal is not to work for anyone else when I get done with school. I haven't worked for anyone for over 5 years. Heck I left a job that was paying me $60,000 per year, I just don't think that I could find another job that would pay me that much.

    I do a lot better working for myself. I am not cut out to be an employee.

    So why am I writing this post? I just wanted to share where I am in life right now. At one point I felt like a failure because I had to go back to school, but now I don't. I know that I can succeed online, I finally got an online mentor this past May and I am working on my first product creation project.

    With school back in session, it is a lot harder to find the time to work on my internet marketing. However, I just have to find more ways to make better use of my time.

    I am still working on internet marketing....I just have less time to do it.

    Don't give up on your dreams. If you want something bad enough, you can make it happen. Of course it is a lot harder if you have to hold down a job or go to school (full-time) but it can be done.

    I just wrote a blog post about me going back to school on a full-time basis, as well as what I currently make per month online.

    Be sure to leave me some tips about how to manage my time better. I have to admit I am not good at time management and any tips you provide me, will definitely help me out.
    School is awesome! You'll make new friends, connections and learn. My only gripe with school/college courses, is that it takes 2-4 terms for them to fully teach a specific subject. I wanted, to become a game developer and I would have had to take 3-5 terms of programming classes, to get this done. That would have been, 1 1/2 - 2 years of classes.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Big Kahuna SEO
    You can only make progress by continuing to learn. For some, that means reading books, studying, absorbing information on forums (like this one), etc. For others, that means going back to school. Regardless of which path you choose, the key is to continue to learn, push your boundaries, and expand your horizons. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author usfemail
    Thanks for your comments, now I don't feel so bad about returning to school. Although when I get done with plans are not to get a job.

    I have been my own boss for 5 years and will continue being my own boss.
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    • Profile picture of the author taffie
      well done to you. Time management is a very tricky thing, they say you can't manage time, but you can manage yourself. Try Brian Tracy's book Eat That Frog, no guarantees, but it may help.
      Coach | Mentor | Consultant | I work with business owners, marketers, experts, or coaches/ and mentors who want to understand new media or digital marketing better
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  • Profile picture of the author ParkerArrow
    Congratulations! You're not alone, lots of 40 something people find themselves back at the drawing board for another go.

    I think one of the best things you can take from school is the opportunity to network with people.

    PM sent.

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  • Profile picture of the author Shannonn
    Congratulations! Many, many congratulations! Going back to school after such a long time of absence is not an easy thing. It requires guts and a lot of ambition. God bless you and help you achieve everything you want!
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  • Profile picture of the author retsced
    Good for you Susan. I went to college when I was 34 after leaving a 14 year plastering career. Didn't want to spend the rest of my days working on building sites, so packed it in, went to college, studied network administration, finished top of my class, passed all exams - and then left it behind to start an internet marketing career.

    Thing is. Even though I finished college and but never followed through with the network administration career, if I hadn't of went to college in the first place at 34 - and stuck at the plastering, I'd most likely have never found Internet marketing and my life would have been a lot different than it is right now.

    Swings n' roundabouts.

    Fair play to you for being bold and brave

    Are you the oldest in your class?
    Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
    for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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  • Profile picture of the author usfemail
    Thanks Retsced;

    Yeah I found internet marketing before attending school. My goal is to continue with internet marketing while in school and then do it full-time after school.

    No, I am actually not the oldest in my classes. I was amazed at how many older adults are returning to school. Who would have thought that?
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarafantrys
    Impressive to say the least...Never give up and this shows that one should always continue to learn and prosper. Keep on educating yourself is the way to go in today's world.
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  • Profile picture of the author usfemail
    Thanks I appreciate this...I am always trying to learn new things. I just never thought that I would end up going back to school.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mr Anderson
      Congratulations on making what I'm sure was a tough decision. As a high school teacher and a recent college graduate, I can say with certainty that you will be very successful in your new endeavor. If you can run your own business for five years, you are way over-qualified to meet the rigors of college life.

      Good Luck!

      The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus. ~ Bruce Lee

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  • Profile picture of the author Teddy T
    You're one heck of a lady, ma'am. I wish you all the best and continued success in whatever you do

    Dream Big, Take Action!

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  • Profile picture of the author JasonBennet
    Inspiring post There is up and down cycle in business as there might come the time when the business is severely affected. I feel there is nothing wrong with going back to school or being back to become a employee to earn the money or learn the skills that is needed to start a new online venture. Good luck to your business venture
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8428604].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author usfemail
      Originally Posted by JasonBennet View Post

      Inspiring post There is up and down cycle in business as there might come the time when the business is severely affected. I feel there is nothing wrong with going back to school or being back to become a employee to earn the money or learn the skills that is needed to start a new online venture. Good luck to your business venture
      I realize there is an up and down in business, which is why I chose to go back to school to get more training.

      Not doing it to get a job. My goal is to earn a full-time income online. However, with the education I receive I will have another path to follow that will enable me to earn from home. Thanks for your wishes of good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author himanuzo
    Whatever your dream, don't give up. Turn it into reality.... Persistence is the key to success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    Age doesn't matter going to school. I am 37 and still planning to go to school for some special classes like programming or something similar. It's just that I have no time to do that right now. Congrats and good luck.

    Moderator's Note: You're only allowed to put your own products or sites in your signature.

    Signature edited.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8429039].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author usfemail
      Originally Posted by Adie View Post

      Age doesn't matter going to school. I am 37 and still planning to go to school for some special classes like programming or something similar. It's just that I have no time to do that right now. Congrats and good luck.
      Thanks...yeah I am starting to realize that age does not matter. I hope you do go back to school to get training in programming. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author technocomsoftso
    good luck i think it will be a inspiration for the people who want to continue their study.
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  • Profile picture of the author alexnob
    Try your best and never give up.
    Wish the best for you and you will soon succeed. Believe!
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  • Profile picture of the author galitsyn
    They say that knowledge is the best investment if you don't have sufficient funds. So I guess you are doing a right thing not to mention that is a matter of respect.

    But I would recommend staying afloat in online marketing stuff as we all know how rapidly things change here. Otherwise you will have to start over your internet marketing school ))

    Good luck!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8429957].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author usfemail
      Originally Posted by galitsyn View Post

      They say that knowledge is the best investment if you don't have sufficient funds. So I guess you are doing a right thing not to mention that is a matter of respect.

      But I would recommend staying afloat in online marketing stuff as we all know how rapidly things change here. Otherwise you will have to start over your internet marketing school ))

      Good luck!!
      I am continuing to work on my internet marketing journey while going to school. I am actually working on my first product creation project.

      So yeah, will definitely stay involved with internet marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author RWB
    They say that 40 is the new 20!!! With that being said, Congratualtions on going back to school. You're a 20 yr old with the "real world" experience of a 40 yr old!!! lol Very cool...please keep us updated on your success.
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  • Profile picture of the author DeborahDera
    Good luck and best wishes! My mom is in her mid-50's and just finished her BA. She's still trying to figure out if she wants to finish with a teaching certificate.

    Originally Posted by usfemail View Post

    I just started school on Monday; no I am not your typical college student. I am 40 years old. Going back to school is not something that I ever thought that I would do.

    The truth is that I never went to college when I was 20. I got out of school and went straight into the military. However, now at 40 I was pushed back into going back to school.

    Let me tell you why I am enrolled in school.

    I started my online journey about 3 years ago. Everything that I have learned online is self taught and needless to say that I was focused 100% on Google. So when Google pushed out their changes the last couple times, I lost a lot of my income.

    This is why it is extremely important to diversify your income. You never want to get so tunnel visioned to where you are just working on one project. And never rely just on Google for your income.

    Thank goodness I didn't lose it all. So with my income declining and me trying to find my way to success (like a fish in shallow water) I decided that I needed to go back to school to learn about web design.

    Now my goal is not to work for anyone else when I get done with school. I haven't worked for anyone for over 5 years. Heck I left a job that was paying me $60,000 per year, I just don't think that I could find another job that would pay me that much.

    I do a lot better working for myself. I am not cut out to be an employee.

    So why am I writing this post? I just wanted to share where I am in life right now. At one point I felt like a failure because I had to go back to school, but now I don't. I know that I can succeed online, I finally got an online mentor this past May and I am working on my first product creation project.

    With school back in session, it is a lot harder to find the time to work on my internet marketing. However, I just have to find more ways to make better use of my time.

    I am still working on internet marketing....I just have less time to do it.

    Don't give up on your dreams. If you want something bad enough, you can make it happen. Of course it is a lot harder if you have to hold down a job or go to school (full-time) but it can be done.

    I just wrote a blog post about me going back to school on a full-time basis, as well as what I currently make per month online.

    Be sure to leave me some tips about how to manage my time better. I have to admit I am not good at time management and any tips you provide me, will definitely help me out.
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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    What a brave soldier! You are never too old to go back to school.
    I have a friend who always wanted to study medicine and so went
    back to school at 43 and now has his MD.

    Good for you.

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8430187].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author usfemail
      Originally Posted by Raydal View Post

      What a brave soldier! You are never too old to go back to school.
      I have a friend who always wanted to study medicine and so went
      back to school at 43 and now has his MD.

      Good for you.

      -Ray Edwards
      Thanks...guess people decide to go back to school at all sorts of ages.

      It's never too late...I was surprised to see so many older adults at school.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Congrats on going back to school, Susan.

      I went to college twice. The first time I majored in frat parties and minored in skipping classes to sleep off my major. The university eventually invited me to take some time off and think about what I wanted. It wasn't a request...

      I took ten years thinking about it. By the time I went back, I had a wife and a job to fit my schooling around. Even with summer sessions, it took me five years to finish a four year engineering degree.

      The biggest time management lesson I can pass along is 'compartmentalization'. When you're at school, be at school. When you work on your business, work on your business like school doesn't exist. When you take time off, forget about your schooling and your business. It takes some mental discipline, but you'll get it pretty quickly, I'm guessing.

      Setting priorities, scheduling and moving from compartment to compartment is the key. It's what several US presidents attribute their ability to get so much done in a day to.

      Good luck to you...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8430230].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author usfemail
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        The biggest time management lesson I can pass along is 'compartmentalization'. When you're at school, be at school. When you work on your business, work on your business like school doesn't exist. When you take time off, forget about your schooling and your business. It takes some mental discipline, but you'll get it pretty quickly, I'm guessing.
        Thanks, this portion of your reply really hit home. I started off mixing both together. Trying to do school related things while trying to focus on my internet marketing business.

        I will need to do better on separating both of them; especially if I want to accomplish anything online.
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  • Profile picture of the author Khemosabi
    Hi Susan!

    I'm in a similiar boat. I have tons of experience in other areas. Due to "stuff", I had to start to learn a new career! At first it seemed so daunting! Now, I can't get enough! So much that I spend too much time learning! Not enough time "doing!"

    I found my place, finally. I was so unhappy making money for other people. I, like you, just couldn't work for anyone else again.

    Your post is very inspirational. I would guess to a lot more people than you know!

    Best wishes to you!!

    ~ Theresa

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    • Profile picture of the author usfemail
      Originally Posted by Khemosabi View Post

      Hi Susan!

      I'm in a similiar boat. I have tons of experience in other areas. Due to "stuff", I had to start to learn a new career! At first it seemed so daunting! Now, I can't get enough! So much that I spend too much time learning! Not enough time "doing!"

      I found my place, finally. I was so unhappy making money for other people. I, like you, just couldn't work for anyone else again.

      Your post is very inspirational. I would guess to a lot more people than you know!

      Best wishes to you!!

      ~ Theresa
      I am glad that you finally found your place. I never thought my post would be inspirational...I was just letting people know where I was at.

      I also did it to hold myself accountable to work hard on school as well as my internet marketing business. Plus to get some tips from people who have succeed in this area before.

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  • Profile picture of the author HostGarou
    Managing time? What a great challenge in our lives! 90% of people fail in this exam, but this must not keep late, yes you can do it. It is never too late to learn, succeed and live.

    It will be difficult but not impossible, in my humble opinion I think you should:

    #1 : Find more time, yes! We have just 24 hours... I know, better to throw away other activities in your life, internet marketing is a full-time job too, try to invest in your nights.

    #2 : Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today, do your homework at the right time and the right place!

    #3 : Speed of light.. Yeah! You got it, time is money, do not spend it in the rubbish-things.

    #4 : Be creative and find your way.

    My lady, please accept my modest strategy, with all my respect to you and this great community.

    ██ HostGarou :: Fastest, Reliable & Affordable SSD Web Hosting
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8430578].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author usfemail
      Originally Posted by HostGarou View Post

      #1 : Find more time, yes! We have just 24 hours... I know, better to throw away other activities in your life, internet marketing is a full-time job too, try to invest in your nights.

      #2 : Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today, do your homework at the right time and the right place!

      #3 : Speed of light.. Yeah! You got it, time is money, do not spend it in the rubbish-things.

      #4 : Be creative and find your way.
      Great tips...with the first week of school down. This weekend I plan on dedicating to internet marketing. Well part of it anyway.

      Saturday will be geared towards getting what I need done online, as well as Sunday evenings.

      Totally agree with you that internet marketing is a full-time job. That's why I am focused on making better use of my time.
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  • Profile picture of the author mominternet

    Your post is inspiring and so good because it helps us to relax and realize life is real and IM is something we desire. It is an excellent idea Susan, to go back to school and learn some fundamentals that will enrich your online business. I would like to share with you some time management tips I have learned.

    I love time management...I am a wife and we have a house full of kiddos, I enjoy being an entrepreneur (I can spend hours coming up with ideas and cool things to do to) and I too am looking at some online study courses to solidify some fundamental for my online business ( I did not go to college and joined the military too, do I know you? Just kidding).

    Not to mention we do mission work and live in Nicaragua where we have power outs (can't get online without electricity :rolleyes: ) My computer dubs as entertainment for my kiddos who like watching movies. Oh, where to find the time for online endeavors.

    I share all this to tell you I live quite a busy life and time management is essential! I will share with you these simple tips to help you manage your time...

    Trash your To-Do list: By this I am not saying you cannot write yourself notes about things you need to do but do not be a slave to your to-do list. It is far better to be determined to get things done each day that will help build your business.

    I have heard people will sort through their to-do list for an entire day! How does that build your business? My mind would end up so bogged down and tired from so much I had to do I procrastinated even more.

    We Do What We Want To Do: Ask my kids I preach this to them all the time...before making excuses why you did not take time to build on your business be honest with all reality we do what we want to do. Hey if you need a break that day, then take it!

    For example I have decided to work on my online business from Monday through Friday and leave weekends for personal meditation and spending time with friends and family and you know what? I am getting things done more efficiently.

    The key is like in this quote "To thine own self be true..." Shakespeare

    Enjoy What You Do: No matter what you get involve in, if you enjoy it you will make the most of it and have a tendency not to procrastinate.I find that when I procrastinate it is because I put off something I really do not enjoy.

    Don't get me wrong there are things that must be done in our online business that we do not why not get them done first thing? The the rest is fun stuff

    I am sure I could go on and on, like I said I really love time management (it is a fun challenge for me every day) My experiences may not be quite the same, but hopefully you can glean some things that may be of help to you.

    Please keep us updated.

    Wishing you the best
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    • Profile picture of the author usfemail
      Originally Posted by mominternet View Post


      Your post is inspiring and so good because it helps us to relax and realize life is real and IM is something we desire. It is an excellent idea Susan, to go back to school and learn some fundamentals that will enrich your online business. I would like to share with you some time management tips I have learned.

      I love time management...I am a wife and we have a house full of kiddos, I enjoy being an entrepreneur (I can spend hours coming up with ideas and cool things to do to) and I too am looking at some online study courses to solidify some fundamental for my online business ( I did not go to college and joined the military too, do I know you? Just kidding).

      Not to mention we do mission work and live in Nicaragua where we have power outs (can't get online without electricity :rolleyes: ) My computer dubs as entertainment for my kiddos who like watching movies. Oh, where to find the time for online endeavors.

      I share all this to tell you I live quite a busy life and time management is essential! I will share with you these simple tips to help you manage your time...

      Trash your To-Do list: By this I am not saying you cannot write yourself notes about things you need to do but do not be a slave to your to-do list. It is far better to be determined to get things done each day that will help build your business.

      I have heard people will sort through their to-do list for an entire day! How does that build your business? My mind would end up so bogged down and tired from so much I had to do I procrastinated even more.

      We Do What We Want To Do: Ask my kids I preach this to them all the time...before making excuses why you did not take time to build on your business be honest with all reality we do what we want to do. Hey if you need a break that day, then take it!

      For example I have decided to work on my online business from Monday through Friday and leave weekends for personal meditation and spending time with friends and family and you know what? I am getting things done more efficiently.

      The key is like in this quote "To thine own self be true..." Shakespeare

      Enjoy What You Do: No matter what you get involve in, if you enjoy it you will make the most of it and have a tendency not to procrastinate.I find that when I procrastinate it is because I put off something I really do not enjoy.

      Don't get me wrong there are things that must be done in our online business that we do not why not get them done first thing? The the rest is fun stuff

      I am sure I could go on and on, like I said I really love time management (it is a fun challenge for me every day) My experiences may not be quite the same, but hopefully you can glean some things that may be of help to you.

      Please keep us updated.

      Wishing you the best
      Being a mother and working online, I know that you have some great tips that you can share with me regarding time management.

      As for to-do lists, I have never done them. I just know what needs to be done and I do it.

      Thanks for your advice...I have no doubt that I will learn how to manage my time. It is going to take some getting used to.

      Good luck in your internet marketing journey as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Khemosabi
    I never thought, in my wildest dreams, that I would love breaking and training horses. (this is not "my place"), but I am using it as an example.

    Years ago, I was terrified of my horses! Heck, the boy in my avatar was down right DANGEROUS! I had only a few choices. Sell them, pay a trainer, or get over myself and just do it! The picture is the day I rode him bare back, hence the "dirt" on my rear... I rode him through our woods, between trees.. etc.

    When you learn to take your fear and make it push you instead of blocking you, then, you are set free! (By the way, I did this when I was considered way to "old" to be breaking horses!)...

    Thanks again, I hope more people get inspired from your words!!

    ~ Theresa

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    • Profile picture of the author usfemail
      Originally Posted by Khemosabi View Post

      I never thought, in my wildest dreams, that I would love breaking and training horses. (this is not "my place"), but I am using it as an example.

      Years ago, I was terrified of my horses! Heck, the boy in my avatar was down right DANGEROUS! I had only a few choices. Sell them, pay a trainer, or get over myself and just do it! The picture is the day I rode him bare back, hence the "dirt" on my rear... I rode him through our woods, between trees.. etc.

      When you learn to take your fear and make it push you instead of blocking you, then, you are set free! (By the way, I did this when I was considered way to "old" to be breaking horses!)...

      Thanks again, I hope more people get inspired from your words!!

      ~ Theresa
      Thanks Theresa..Glad you were able to finally ride your horse.

      I notice that you are North From Spokane. I grew up around that area...It's a small town though about two hours outside of Spokane.
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  • Profile picture of the author thedanbrown
    Congratulations on furthering your education! If you're into Time Management you should read the "7 Habits Of Highly Effective People" which talks about the 80/20 principle (something you can find a lot of free information about as well).

    Best of luck!
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