How can I create a video that looks like a sketch video?

22 replies

How can I create a video that looks like a sketch video?
To show what I mean I have a video here (just to show you what I mean). Fat Loss Factor By Dr. Charles Livingston

Does anybody know how that video can be done? Which programm do I need?

Warmest regards
#create #sketch #video
  • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
    Can you draw?

    Just put the camera over the drawing board and record.

    That gets speeded up and audio layed on.

    "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author Lori Winsor
    If I understand your question - I came across Sparkol Sparkol VideoScribe - What's your story?
    I just watched a few training videos and bookmarked it but it seems really good quality.
    Good luck :-)
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    • Profile picture of the author Frank29
      Originally Posted by Lori Winsor View Post

      If I understand your question - I came across Sparkol Sparkol VideoScribe - What's your story?
      I just watched a few training videos and bookmarked it but it seems really good quality.
      Good luck :-)
      Is it difficult to make a video with VideoScribe when one has zero experience with that programm?
      Also, are there enough pictures/options available to create a very individual video?

      If you don't know it, does anybody else know?
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      • Profile picture of the author Jared Hale
        Before you try Sparkol, you might want to check out Pow Toon is free to join and start making video's and they have the whiteboard option.
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        • Profile picture of the author Adie
          Originally Posted by Jared Hale View Post

          Before you try Sparkol, you might want to check out Pow Toon is free to join and start making video's and they have the whiteboard option.
          I was thinking of the same. Powtoon is easy to use especially if you are familiar with powerpoint.

          Moderator's Note: You're only allowed to put your own products or sites in your signature.

          Signature edited.
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  • Profile picture of the author tolaskool
    There are services for this on fiverr and the warriors for hire section, you can get mazing ones done for pennies on the dollar
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    • Profile picture of the author Frank29
      Originally Posted by tolaskool View Post

      There are services for this on fiverr and the warriors for hire section, you can get mazing ones done for pennies on the dollar
      Do you think I can also get those services for the german language?
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      • Profile picture of the author Lori Winsor
        Thank you Jared Hale and Adie, didn't know about Powtoon
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        • Profile picture of the author bengirwb
          Sparkle is good, also Pow.

          In Sparkle, I even used a regular photo of a person and it drew the photo. A real eye catcher.

          Both programs offer clip art of characters, furniture, etc. I give Sparkle the edge.

          Both programs have trial versions that you can practice with.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrgoe
    The same thing I tell all the people.. if you have some spare cash, outsource a hard job for you that`s easy for someone else.. or start learning, but it could take a while..
    Worked as a senior editor on, experienced in financial topics
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    • Profile picture of the author ImproveYourVideos
      I have spent several days trying to get a good sketch video done and in the end I went to and hired someone to do it for me. When I add up the cost of the time I spent trying to get it to work and the cost of hiring someone on odesk I kicked myself for not letting someone else do it earlier.

      You will still need to storyboard your video and provide any example graphics you want to use.

      I hope this helps

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  • Profile picture of the author Scott Skinner
    You can hire it done at fairly inexpensively.
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  • Profile picture of the author chandan_dutta
    If you know Adobe After Effect, you can create any video. There are learning curve though.

    If you need any help, I will be glad to do that.
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  • Profile picture of the author successpro
    Hey, there is a brand new software tool that came out today that creates these in minutes. You can create as many of these videos as you like for one low price.

    If you would like to know more send me a PPM and I will send you the link
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  • Profile picture of the author jasdfgh
    Yep, just go to fiverr and get one done there!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Wells
    This thread, screams at least to me, of a very tricky, crafty and clever way to sneakily promote a product that has recently been launched or is going to be launched very soon.

    A few days ago, I recieved an email promoting the same product mentioned in post #16, but it had not been released yet, or at least they said it hadn't.

    Then I come to the WF casually browsing and see the OP's question. First thing that hit my mind was, I know of a product just like what they are wanting, I just saw it, and saw a demo of it. Then I realized, hmmm, I wonder if this is just a way to get people to promote that product. By starting a thread, asking a question harmlessly as it's been asked, and then eventually the product will be mentioned in the thread by someone.

    Well, I have no proof that this is what has and is happening, other that it has happened.

    Things that make you go, hmmmmm?

    Am I being too suspicious?

    Kind of interesting to me that that person who mentioned the product has these stats:

    Warrior Member

    Join Date: Jul 2009
    Location: Germany
    Posts: 1
    Thanks: 0
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts
    Social Networking

    And that the original question is from someone from Germany also?
    Need Custom Graphics Work? - Message Me For A Design Quote!
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  • Profile picture of the author zenxseo
    I don't think video is only about sketch or animation or image ,
    lot of software out there on net and lot of people are doing video animation,
    the main point of video how convincing it is, lot of people just use video and think its time for lot of money. but don't think about conversation and the quality of video
    kick Video is a combination of Quality Script + images+voice +animation + call of action .
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  • Profile picture of the author Mo Goulet
    Contact WarriorWill.... WillR on the forum or at his website

    He also provides training.
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    • Profile picture of the author teha
      HI i saw your videos, its technically called as whiteboard explainer video. I found some of the explainer videos in online india. check here Explainer Videos - Animation Production Company |Toon Explainers,Coimbatore,India

      Hope it will help to convert and drive more leads to your business by using videos. These videos are done by hand draw to explain about business.Hope you got some idea, what i convey to you.

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  • Profile picture of the author koubain
    you can get it for $5 from fiverr
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    • Profile picture of the author the french newbie
      What ever you do, don't buy video sketch pro... I bought this for 197$ 2 weeks ago and I still haven't try it cause I'm not able to log in... Their support desk does not care about resolving the issue and I didn't hear back from them since I have asked for a refund! What a nice way to treat customers!

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  • Profile picture of the author kevmitch
    Ive brought sketch pro and i think its fantastic....I brought it for $30 and thats what im selling it for..
    I think its brilliant..You can do so much with it...

    Customer support is great..

    please pm me with any questions.....This has endless possibilities and im the cheapest selling this on the web...

    Thanks kevin
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