by bmw040
21 replies
Are any Warriors still using review sites with any success?

If so, what are some tips you would suggest for someone new entering the "Review Sector"?
#review #sites
  • Profile picture of the author dee4d
    You just made the first step, because I'm actually reviewing your site now. Reviews are important.. You need them to achieve the desired results.
    Stay Healthy all your Life, and Avoid Lifesty Diseases Later in Life. Enjoy life to the fullest.
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  • Profile picture of the author murtagh
    Yes they still do work although it's not as easy as slapping together a 2-3 page EMD site and blasting it with crappy links. A lot more emphasis on good, quality content with some High PR backlinks from relevant sites

    I currently have one in the coffee niche that's just starting to climb up the SERP's and looks promising.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alex Mensah
      Originally Posted by murtagh View Post

      Yes they still do work although it's not as easy as slapping together a 2-3 page EMD site and blasting it with crappy links. A lot more emphasis on good, quality content with some High PR backlinks from relevant sites

      I currently have one in the coffee niche that's just starting to climb up the SERP's and looks promising.
      Funny enough i still see this being done with success but only with a twist not on your own domain. I see some interesting sites ranking out there so it seems the concept has changed.
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    • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Thomas
      Originally Posted by murtagh View Post

      Yes they still do work although it's not as easy as slapping together a 2-3 page EMD site and blasting it with crappy links. A lot more emphasis on good, quality content with some High PR backlinks from relevant sites

      I currently have one in the coffee niche that's just starting to climb up the SERP's and looks promising.
      This. Nowaday's and inside of today's SEO world, review sites MUST all have quality, relevant, unique content, as well as being genuine and offer your site visitors an honest review as opposed to simply trying to promote a crappy product just looking to make a quick buck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Devin X
    Originally Posted by bmw040 View Post

    Are any Warriors still using review sites with any success?

    If so, what are some tips you would suggest for someone new entering the "Review Sector"?
    Yes, they still work beautifully when you don't do them like an idiot...which is how everyone else does them for the most part. No, I won't tell you anything or suggest anything to you relating to profitable review sites because that's like asking me for money. Now if you made it worth my while....
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    • Profile picture of the author IMSue
      Originally Posted by TheRealDudeman View Post

      Yes, they still work beautifully when you don't do them like an idiot...which is how everyone else does them for the most part. No, I won't tell you anything or suggest anything to you relating to profitable review sites because that's like asking me for money. Now if you made it worth my while....
      Great reply! What a revelation.

      Thanks for your input.

      Why waste everyone's time with trash like this!

      Sorry, I just love reading these posts until someone like this has to put in their worthless two cents. Why waste your time with something like this?



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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Originally Posted by Long Beach Nathan View Post

        Wow, did anyone actually copy and paste reviews? I can't imagine that working at all, and more importantly it would be plagiarism.
        People are still scraping reviews and posting them as "content". Look at all the *-azon plugins.

        My opinion, based on my behavior?

        Some review sites still work. Like most things in this space, it comes down to execution.

        The typical review site is so bad or so me-too generic that the only people who might still trust them are those that have never seen one before. The average buyer isn't stupid, contrary to some opinions. By the time they've read the same reviews, in the same format, using essentially the same theme, on a few sites, the light bulb comes on and they reflexively discount those sites.

        The crappy two-page EMD review site was a cheap search engine exploit that was doomed from the start. Kind of like the old cookie-cutter Made For Adsense sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author Long Beach Nathan
    I'd just make the suggestion that you be fair when you do your reviews. Don't make it sound too much like you're pushing the product even if it's a great product. You can accentuate the positive, but try to include some of the negatives too and you'll be much more believable.

    Make sure to include a list of pros and cons towards the end of the review. Most of all, find some product review sites and look at how the nicest ones are set up and written. Try to use them as an example.

    I believe reviews are one of the best methods for selling products online. I hope you do well.
    Need Music For Your Videos, Podcasts, Sites, etc? Get It Now On My YouTube Channel!
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    • Profile picture of the author TheFury
      I gotta think it works really well .. ranks super highly from what I see, probably
      "steals" organic traffic of the vendor (i.e. someone learns about the product from the vendors site and then reads your review and you get the affiliate cookie) and is a good way in general to convince people.
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  • Profile picture of the author BinaryQwest
    They still work well if you use unique content. Copy and pasting reviews no longer works.
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    • Profile picture of the author Long Beach Nathan
      Originally Posted by BinaryQwest View Post

      They still work well if you use unique content. Copy and pasting reviews no longer works.
      Wow, did anyone actually copy and paste reviews? I can't imagine that working at all, and more importantly it would be plagiarism.
      Need Music For Your Videos, Podcasts, Sites, etc? Get It Now On My YouTube Channel!
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  • Profile picture of the author aymen99
    creating a review site is easy , the taugh part is converting readers into affiliate sales !
    you need to study pre-selling techniques before trying to create a review site !
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  • Profile picture of the author extremeboy
    Make a review site with genuine video review with unique content + Some techniques as well will worth ALWAYS
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    • Profile picture of the author Newbieee
      If you can make people feel like you are genuine then yes it still works.

      Writing a promotional review and you wont last long.

      Or wont even earn to begin with.
      Pain is a perception, so is defeat & happiness!
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  • Profile picture of the author Tayharris
    What are some review sites you guys think are doing a good job? I have been working on one recently and would love to find a good format for the reviews.
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  • Profile picture of the author orlly
    Review sites don't work. Now one trusts them and you will just spend ages writing content that doesn't mean jack.
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    • Profile picture of the author Devin X
      Originally Posted by orlly View Post

      Review sites don't work. Now one trusts them and you will just spend ages writing content that doesn't mean jack.
      You're an idiot.
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      • Profile picture of the author Fantastic
        Originally Posted by TheRealDudeman View Post

        You're an idiot.
        I worked for one of the biggest review sites out there at one point.

        Hundreds of thousands of unique visitors a week...

        Thousands of sales per month.

        And I would never buy from a review site so he's not alone.

        It's a tough market nowadays in my opinion.

        That and I know the people typically behind them.
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        • Profile picture of the author arkhamindustries
          Review sites DO work.
          When I first started out in IM, my first venture was doing review sites for physical Amazon products.

          I had a good wordpress theme that worked well for review sites and I wrote all my own reviews and did not just copy and paste. This was very time consuming so I chose to review only high ticket items and had some of the least amount of competition as far as other people trying to rank in the search engines for the same keywords I was going after.

          My websites were actually converting at a surprisingly high ratio but that was not the problem. The problem was RANKING those websites and KEEPING them ranked. To me it felt like the Google dance never stopped with my websites and I could never predict a reliable source of income from them.

          I would not trade it, however. I learned a lot about SEO and affiliate marketing in general. I have since moved onto other types of affiliate marketing. Currently I usually choose ONLY items/services ect that will pay me residually every month. I also depend more on paid advertising to build my list.

          This is another problem with review sites for physical products. It is hard to build and monetize a list from them. Now if you are planning on doing review sites for IM/MMO products and services, you could most likely form a lucrative list a lot easier.

          Just my two cents.
          Hope it helped and I wish you the best of luck with your IM career!
          : )
          Dan Watson
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  • Profile picture of the author bmw040
    Thanks for al your input Warriors!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Tenzho
    Yes, reviews site works.

    Personally like to review products on TV Show program as
    people are most likely to search for them on Google.

    Try targeting keyword like "(Product Name) Reivews" or "Where to buy (product names)

    You can easily rank them within one month with proper SEO.
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