Project Management online Applications

by aislee
7 replies
I would like to get your guys opinion on the best Project Management software applications. I have been reviewing many

So Far, I've looked at TeamBox, Ace Project, base Camp, Wrike, Comindwork, freedcamp, Podio, Zoho Project, Wunderlist, & Asana.

I want to start out using the FREE version until I progress to the paid version. I am putting together a small team with a online VA, local admin VA, and two joint Venture affiliate/partners. So far I am leaning to Asana because it is simple, Free , and unlimited projects or team members I can add. I like TeamBox and Ace Project as a more robust system. If I go with Asana, I don't mind switching systems once my business needs a system that is more robust that I can integrate & collaborate more modules of other departments of my business.
If I go with any of the others, I want to be able to use it for a team of 5 with enough features and space to start out being functional but also the best bang for my Buck as I upgrade to the paid version.

Anyone, has any experience with multiple project management apps to evaluate them and suggest the best course?
#applications #management #online #project
  • Profile picture of the author CPH007

    I find that no software or system is any more help than a good system of your own. I run large multi million dollar projects and use box for a file share system to keep everyone up to date. If you want free planning software then project libre is a great tool.

    I fail to see what these other systems offer that a free file share doesn't

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    • Profile picture of the author aislee
      They offer Auto Notifications and programming to automate and create workflow manage task and communication to a team. I am busy during the day and can't take many phone calls. I have Dropbox, box, sugar synce, Drive, skydrive or what ever for file sharing. I also have to upload my checklist as a Document and team members initiate manual email notifications when a task is completed or when waiting on the next team member.

      The purpose of the solution/application I am searching for is to improve processes and increase efficiency and effectiveness by saving time and money, increasing speed.
      I want a flexible system that makes it easy to identify my biggest current constraints and gives me the capability to make adjustments/improvements in a simple & quick manner to promote innovation and better partnerships.

      Aislee - Speed, flexibility, partnership, and innovation
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  • Profile picture of the author MrMonetize
    I've used a few and was attached to BaseCamp until they changed the interface. I'm now a heavy user of TeamWorkPM. It's a superb system with some great features, such as the desktop timer so I can track where my hours are spent. Give it a go, I really enjoy using it and it definitely makes me more productive.
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    • Profile picture of the author bestdesigner
      Trust me, I had worked with several clients and most of the time I will have to use the tools they use, as I am their VA.

      I had used Asana, Basecamp, Wrike, Zoho, etc. Some are good and some are not(with some stuffs). Ultimately, the more you pay, the more you get out of it.

      I would recommend you not to use free tools, as you are missing the main and important features that would make your process hassle free. Paid tools does give a lot more features making the tool much more user friendly.

      Currently, I am working with two major clients, one uses an inhouse software, which I have SaaS access and for other I use Replicon - Project Management Software | Project Planning Software | Online Project Management | Replicon which is a good tool, as they make the task simpler by providing time tracking, expense management, billing, invoicing, cost management, etc.

      I believe this helps you. Let me know if you have any questions.
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  • Profile picture of the author frettcarla

    Have you tried Replicon for the purpose of project management. If not I would recommend you to give a try. I am sure you will not opt for any other tool after that.

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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    I like teamwork project management software, best features that will help you manage all your work easily and access anywhere, it's free as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author dalestiles
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim Franklin
    Interesting thread, I was recently looking for a resource for team management and there was no clear solution that would really fit with what I wanted to do, many do have a free option but they did something really stupid.

    They made it into nag ware, )

    Why would anyone want to nag a potential new customer just because they want to see what you can do with a software product before they commit to buy it?

    They make these huge mistakes, they tend to try to "remind" you of how you would not have to do this if you only would go ahead and upgrade.

    This is simply just ignorant and counter productive.

    There are some interesting solutions out there, Im still looking for one that does the job the way I want it done.

    So far the two main flavors seem to be either limited users or fees per month per user.

    Or, limited projects and unlimited users.

    (bad monetization)

    Would be a good thing to see a better product developed...
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