Am I Doing Article Syndication Wrong?

3 replies
Hello all,

I have a little site where I write articles in the pie and cake industry. I had bought Paul Myer's "Content Cash" product and thought I was following it correctly, but 40 articles in, I think I may have made a mistake.

My articles are like this: "12 Ways to Keep Your Pie Crust Flaky" and in the article, I give tips on how to make a flaky pie crust and give a few links to Amazon products that I use and find helpful.

I'm getting decent traffic from folks who use my excerpts in their blogs and link to me. But my goal is to syndicate the articles because according to Paul, that's where the real moohlah is.

I just realized that this may be the entirely wrong approach! Will I have trouble getting syndicates by having Amazon links in my articles? If so, what can I do to fix the problem? Should I move those links to the bottom of the article in a "Resources" box?

I'm terribly confused and could really use some help! Thank you!
#article #syndication #wrong
  • Profile picture of the author brittlesnc
    You will most definitely have problems getting your content syndicated if there is mention of any sort of products within the article or even in the resource box...

    Very few sites want to publish content that promotes a product and/or service...

    Save the promotion of products for your own website...leave it out of the content that you want syndicated to other places...

    Personally I think you should link to a content-rich site with an incentive to subscribe to your list in the resource box/byline of your articles that you want syndicated...

    And that's how I think you should do the bulk of your promotion, i.e., through email marketing...this gives you multiple chances to promote a product to each subscriber AND it gives you the chance to promote multiple items...

    However, there is a lot more to email marketing than promoting the WF for threads about email marketing...there's a lot of information to read without even having to start a new thread about email marketing...

    Moreover, check out posts from warriors Alexa Smith, MYOB, JohnMcCabe, and tpw...they really know their stuff when it comes to article syndication and email marketing...
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  • Profile picture of the author Taniwha
    In most cases, it shouldn't be a problem. Blog owners who are not totally against affiliate links in articles could just switch your amazon link to theirs. After all, keeping the affiliate link yours isn't where your main focus is, right? Your main focus is on syndicating articles.

    Say "feel free to either remove the affiliate link, change it to your one, or keep it the same - it's up to you".
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    • Profile picture of the author JayZeey
      Originally Posted by Taniwha View Post

      Say "feel free to either remove the affiliate link, change it to your one, or keep it the same - it's up to you".
      Oh I like that approach very much. I could also code up my download versions to remove the affiliate stuff. My content is very rich and original, so I wouldn't have to go back and re-do it all.

      Originally Posted by brittlesnc View Post

      You will most definitely have problems getting your content syndicated if there is mention of any sort of products within the article or even in the resource box...
      I totally get that, that's what I was concerned about. But I wonder if taking Taniwha's approach might help me promote my existing content.


      I'm hoping Paul might be available to give his assistance too.
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