Offline guy considering an online idea

2 replies
I'm an offliner who's been learning a few new ideas, and one idea I'm wondering if it's valid.
NOTE: I checked the rules briefly, and it said "don't make it all an ad". Ok.

I'm seeking to purchase an info ebook for $7, and promote it online for 100% commission. However.........I don't have a list. I have a couple dozen emails from buyers over this last year, but no consistent list I've engaged regularly, as I like talking to people F2F.

I considered giving $2 out of each sale to my list provider; I'd get $5. Is this a sensible idea? Is there anything glaring I'm missing?

Thanks for your imput.
#guy #idea #offline #online
  • Profile picture of the author Humbee360
    One of the biggest problems with re-selling ebooks is the saturation factor, when a market becomes saturated then it becomes very difficult to profit by making sales. What I have found is that most products that are sold for the purpose of re-selling has already been sold to most everyone that would want to purchase it, (not in every case) but in many cases this is the reason why it is difficult to sell products that have already been introduced into the market place.
    "Everything goes where attention flows..."
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  • Profile picture of the author fhorns2000
    It's that real life advice I'm seeking. Thank you for telling me what you see.

    This is like making a business plan (never have done one) and asking "would this work?" That's my reason I like coming here. Thanks Humbee.
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