The #1 Tip For Anyone Looking For Business Ideas

1 replies

I've noticed there are a lot of people who are looking into starting businesses, who have not yet decided which business to get into. To anyone looking to start a business who is still deciding WHERE to begin, the best advice anyone can give you is this: Listen To Your Heart. I know, that sounds kind of ridiculous, but you must understand that when you dedicate yourself to something, especially a business, whether it's online or offline, there will be problems, obstacles, and difficulties that you WILL face; and the only thing that will keep you going in the face of all of these adversities is the knowing that you are working on something that ignites your passion.

Listen To Your Heart. Instead of asking other people what business you should get into, ask yourself, what would make me happy? What do I really want out of life? What type of business do I want? Do I want something that offers a recurring income or not? The more questions you ask, the clearer your decision will become, until you are absolutely certain which direction to take that will lead you to the business of your dreams.

Don't look to get into a business just because it's the hot new thing out now or because you think you might make a bunch of money quickly, because when problems arise, and trust me they will, its so much easier to give up on something that you were never emotionally invested in to begin with.

Hopefully this has been helpful to someone. Let me know what you guys think about this.

#business #ideas #tip
  • Profile picture of the author Steve B

    I think your advice is good, but only to a point.

    The problem with it is this: there are a lot of niches that are not conducive to making money . . . and isn't that the usual reason for starting a business? There are money niches and then there are those that are not likely to be commercially viable.

    If you simply follow your heart, there is a good chance you may end up with a wonderful hobby web site but no real income coming from it.

    I think the best way to start your business is with niche research so you can identify niches where you can realistically make a living. Once you have identified one or more great niches, then is the time to filter your choice to something that you enjoy.

    The best to all of you,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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