The 'What do you do?' challenge...

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"What do you do?" This is easily the most asked question in business networking, and so the most important to answer powerfully (whether in person or in ad copy).

Most people give a technically accurate answer such as...
  • I'm in affiliate marketing
  • I sell health products
  • I'm a copy writer
Until recently, my stock answer was 'I'm in lead generation'.

All that changed last week, when I came up with a completely new answer to "what do you do?" Here's what I say now...
  • I find you people who are ready to say 'yes'
Depending on your business, it might be yes to a phone call, appointment or even a sale. But that's what I do.

What I like about this answer, is that it describes the beneficial outcome (to my clients) of what I do for a living.

I suspect most businesses never reach a point where they describe their product or service in terms of its beneficial outcome to its clients. That has to give those of us who do a big advantage.

So how about you? What do you do?

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