Mini Rant about Software

6 replies
I just need to write this and get it off my chest so I can reclaim my serenity......I am just a little annoyed at how a software product is bragged about until purchase and then purposely diminished and put down with sentences like, 'no i will just stay with this limited ability and no support, etc, etc' - just because of the upsell...seems so disingenuous..just sayin.
#mini #rant #software
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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    Originally Posted by Terri LC View Post

    I just need to write this and get it off my chest so I can reclaim my serenity......I am just a little annoyed at how a software product is bragged about until purchase and then purposely diminished and put down with sentences like, 'no i will just stay with this limited ability and no support, etc, etc' - just because of the upsell...seems so disingenuous..just sayin.
    I agree. I recently purchased a software product which was $37. I thought that was a fair price so I bought it. Only after I purchased it did I get to an upsell which explained that in order to get "unlimited" use of the software, I would have to fork up another $27. Yes, it was mentioned on the sales page that the $37 was only good for a limited amount of campaigns, but it was in pretty small print.

    After spending $64 total on the software, I installed it and began using it, only to find that it was really terrible and didn't do anything like the sales page said it would. Long story short, I asked for a refund. And believe me, I'm not somebody who requests a refund unless a product is really BAD.

    Instead of doing it that way, why don't they just put two buy now buttons on the sales page? That way you could choose what option you wanted right then and there. I think it's much more transparent that way and would lead to happier customers. Just my two cents.
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    • Profile picture of the author WillR
      Originally Posted by nicheblogger75 View Post

      I agree. I recently purchased a software product which was $37. I thought that was a fair price so I bought it. Only after I purchased it did I get to an upsell which explained that in order to get "unlimited" use of the software, I would have to fork up another $27. Yes, it was mentioned on the sales page that the $37 was only good for a limited amount of campaigns, but it was in pretty small print.

      After spending $64 total on the software, I installed it and began using it, only to find that it was really terrible and didn't do anything like the sales page said it would. Long story short, I asked for a refund. And believe me, I'm not somebody who requests a refund unless a product is really BAD.

      Instead of doing it that way, why don't they just put two buy now buttons on the sales page? That way you could choose what option you wanted right then and there. I think it's much more transparent that way and would lead to happier customers. Just my two cents.
      A lot of vendors do it this way where the different licenses are listed on the salespage. That's how I do it. But there is nothing wrong with having an upgrade option that adds further functionality to the software. As I always say to people, judge what you are buying based on what you are looking at. Not whether there are going to be any upgrades or not.
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    • Profile picture of the author professorrosado
      Your rant isn't really about software, it's about sales tactics i.e. the upsell.

      That a marketer puts down his/her first hype in order to give urgency to the upsell is at best, school yard bullying. It's lazy and casts a negative shadow on your product and puts your business in a bad light almost immediately.

      A buyer suffers from remorse soon after pressing the buy button and you really hammer it in by casting a negative shadow on the purchase.

      This is not good salesmanship - it's blatant conniving.

      Sell Benefits! Sell Benefits! Sell Benefits! Up or down - nothing but BENEFITS! Let the buyer feel informed and in control of the sales process.
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      • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
        Originally Posted by professorrosado View Post

        Your rant isn't really about software, it's about sales tactics i.e. the upsell.

        That a marketer puts down his/her first hype in order to give urgency to the upsell is at best, school yard bullying. It's lazy and casts a negative shadow on your product and puts your business in a bad light almost immediately.

        A buyer suffers from remorse soon after pressing the buy button and you really hammer it in by casting a negative shadow on the purchase.

        This is not good salesmanship - it's blatant conniving.

        Sell Benefits! Sell Benefits! Sell Benefits! Up or down - nothing but BENEFITS! Let the buyer feel informed and in control of the sales process.
        100 percent agree. If the product was good enough to buy in the first place, there should be no need to badmouth it to make another sale. And you are still buying the same software AND something else by the same person who talked their own product down.

        Most times, there really is nothing new under the sun, and its just a matter of time before another person sells the same functionality, hopefully without the bullying.

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  • Profile picture of the author cuie
    I agree. Downselling on exit works much better compared to aggressive and misleading upselling.
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