A Monitary Question About Pinterest

2 replies
Been studying Pinterest a lot in the last few weeks. Wasted my money on some e-books, if it was on the internet I read it. Finally through trial and error figured out how to actually get Pinterest traffic for my business.

So spending a lot of time focusing on one thing, you kinda get a blind eye. However, I noticed this evening... How in the world does Pinterest, the site, turn a dollar?

No advertising, I only get e-mails that say "look at these pins", doesn't cost anything to get an account. How long is that going to last? I can only imagine what Warrior Forum costs per month to run, could you imagine Pinterest?

Any ideas?
#monitary #pinterest #question
  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Social Media Forum - Social Media Marketing Forum
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author 102drive
    I assume they are just waiting to be bought by someone like google. It may cost them money to run, but heck people and companies get VC investments all the time. Pinterest is HUGE now a days, the top of the top, they know what they are worth, that is all that matters to them!
    -Web Service Consulting
    "Helping Online Businesses Grow"
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