What Is Up With The Thirty Day Challenge?

by reapr
22 replies
What is up with the 30 day challenge!

I signed up for it and I get the emails from Ed Dale for the preseason launch lessons when I goto click on them I get a page that says Almost There" like the launch is messed up!

Is anyone else seeing the same?
#challenge #day #thirty
  • Profile picture of the author Harry Behrens
    Exactly the same.

    Not only that, but I've watched the countdown timer go from 3 days to 5 days to 7 days with each passing day... it's a bit of a bizarre feeling to be honest I'm sure they're just straightening some last-minute things out.

    - Harry Behrens

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  • Profile picture of the author zimbie
    I think the site is supposed to be ready Wednesday night according to Ed Dale on Twitter.
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  • Profile picture of the author reapr
    Originally Posted by Craig Desorcy View Post

    Not sure what's happening but if you're new to IM, Ed's training is a must have.

    And it's free!

    I am not new and am doing well with it. It is just kinda embarrassing that friends and people I know I have refered to the 30 day challenge and are asking he same...
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    • Profile picture of the author reapr
      Just got a 30 day challenge email "plus" for a low 27 a month? But the regular 30 day needs to wait till ... next monday ...

      Is this what they call a bait and switch???
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      • Profile picture of the author MizzCindy
        Originally Posted by reapr View Post

        Just got a 30 day challenge email "plus" for a low 27 a month? But the regular 30 day needs to wait till ... next monday ...

        Is this what they call a bait and switch???
        No, it's not.

        OK, the 30DC 2009 preseason will be starting sometime during this first week of June. They have pushed the day back to next Monday (I believe), so that accounts for the change in the countdown graphic.

        The two month preseason will get folks prepared for the actual challenge by introducing them to the tools being used during the actual challenge, which will start August 1st. This way, people won't get bogged down trying to learn to use the tools during the actual challenge. Instead they can concentrate on using them to achieve each day's goal(s).

        30DC+ is a separate paid monthly program that focuses on creating and marketing your own products. It's NOT the same as the 30DC, although I can see how the email can be confusing due to the similarity in name.

        The 30DC is completely and totally free. You don't have to pay to access any of the training - which is top notch - nor will you have to pay to complete any of the tasks set forth. Although Ed Dale and the team will introduce certain tools that cost to use, they always provide the free alternatives so nobody has to pay anything to participate and learn.

        While the 30DC is a selling-free zone (no catch or hook), up until preseason starts Ed Dale will do what he does, which is market products. That is the 'sales' part of the email you received today. Once the challenge (even preseason) starts, that's it. No selling.

        Don't let the price tag fool you. The 30DC is a hugely valuable resource for learning about all sorts of marketing strategies.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jeampz
    Hey, new here, yeah I also heard great things about the 30-day challenge and Ed Dale specifically... Can't wait to get started on it, seems it's going to next Monday though.. just got an email about that from them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Gannon
    yeah i joined it looking forward to it!
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  • Profile picture of the author newBum76
    What I'd like to know is why there is a time constraint on this? I mean, why does it have to "start" in August? I go on youtube and see a bunch of 30 day challenge videos, why don't they just make those all available on the site so you can get started and go at your own pace?
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    • Profile picture of the author MizzCindy
      Originally Posted by newBum76 View Post

      What I'd like to know is why there is a time constraint on this? I mean, why does it have to "start" in August? I go on youtube and see a bunch of 30 day challenge videos, why don't they just make those all available on the site so you can get started and go at your own pace?
      The videos that you see on youtube are either from this year's preseason or last year's challenge in its entirety (preseason and the actual challenge).

      Each year has a set schedule in terms of live participation (meaning working with teams and participating in live podcast chats, etc.). However, you are free to start the challenge at any time you wish and you may go at your own pace.

      It's very flexible.

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  • Profile picture of the author Blade Runner 77
    I just took a look and it already doesn't make sense, and in fact it required someones post here to explain what all those tools are about, why don't they explain what the tools are about? I hope this isn't an indicator of how they work in the future cos I'm put off already, and I sure am sick of programs that use my time only to turn out to be scams to line their pockets weeks down the road.
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    • Profile picture of the author WinsonYeung
      Originally Posted by 105724 View Post

      I just took a look and it already doesn't make sense, and in fact it required someones post here to explain what all those tools are about, why don't they explain what the tools are about? I hope this isn't an indicator of how they work in the future cos I'm put off already, and I sure am sick of programs that use my time only to turn out to be scams to line their pockets weeks down the road.
      if you don't appreciate these top internet marketer who are willing spend lots of effort creating these teaching material trying to help out newbie to get start in making money online. Just leave it, there is no need for you to call them scam as well.

      I'm sure 30day challenge has helped lots of newbie to start making some money online.
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    • Profile picture of the author MizzCindy
      Originally Posted by 105724 View Post

      I just took a look and it already doesn't make sense, and in fact it required someones post here to explain what all those tools are about, why don't they explain what the tools are about? I hope this isn't an indicator of how they work in the future cos I'm put off already, and I sure am sick of programs that use my time only to turn out to be scams to line their pockets weeks down the road.
      :rolleyes: OK...it didn't make sense to you at first. You've now read several posts which clarify the situation. You've seen that there are multiple videos up that do indeed "explain what all those tools are about".

      If you're put off, then don't participate. Simple as that.

      It's definitely worth mentioning (again), that this entire program can be done without spending one single dime.

      BTW, if anyone wonders why I'm such an advocate for 30DC. I participated last year. I saw the program in action. I made full use of the training materials and I can tell you first-hand how valuable the challenge is.

      Interestingly, I see new topics and new products popping up on this forum and others that are based on concepts which were covered in last year's challenge. So there is definitely some cutting edge value there as well.

      Is it right for everyone? Nope. It's not. You will have to be organized and committed in order to follow through on the entire challenge. You will have to make the time to watch each of the videos and then act on them. You will have to actually use your noodle and figure out the best ways to incorporate what's taught into your own individual businesses.

      These are all things no one else can do for you. You'll have to suck it up and do some sleuthing on your own to figure it out. Not everyone has the gumption to do that.

      So, if you think the 30DC isn't for you, then don't participate. But don't insinuate that it's a scam simply because you don't get it.


      DISCLAIMER: I am not an affiliate for 30DC (there are none). I do not profit from promoting the challenge. I do, perhaps, benefit from increased participants, since the nature of the challenge is to collaborate and share guidance and information. That's it.

      You may now return to your regularly scheduled programming.
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    • Profile picture of the author newBum76
      Originally Posted by 105724 View Post

      I just took a look and it already doesn't make sense, and in fact it required someones post here to explain what all those tools are about, why don't they explain what the tools are about? I hope this isn't an indicator of how they work in the future cos I'm put off already, and I sure am sick of programs that use my time only to turn out to be scams to line their pockets weeks down the road.
      I disagree with you about this being a scam and they're certainly not "taking" your time.......I mean, they're not getting any money from you and you're going through the program of your own free will.

      Though I can (sort of) see where you're coming from about explaining things a little better. If you're completely unfamiliar with anything having to do with IM and the 30 day program is your absolute first exposure to it......then yes I can see how it might be a little confusing being that they don't have a step-by-step blueprint of what exactly to do. Personally, I was a little confused at first because they only have the pre-season stuff right now and I was wondering where the actual day 1, day 2, etc. videos were. Apparently they conduct the program live once a year and release 1 video each day for a month so they can get a ton of people to participate at the same time and collaborate on forums. I did a little searching on google though and found all the videos from the previous year. I do think it would be a good idea if they just made all those videos available on the site for people to watch at their own pace and it might cut down on some confusion.

      Regardless though, the program is very thorough about giving a good elementary education of IM and is the best free program that I've seen for newbies. Anybody with average intelligence should be able to get what's going on for the most part, and anything that might be confusing can be easily researched further with a google search (or right here on the forum).

      I watched the first few days from the 2008 videos and I definitely have a much greater comprehension of what's going on, so don't shoot it down just yet. Be patient and give it a shot and you will gain some valuable knowledge.
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  • Profile picture of the author marlonjbroussard
    Already some cool tools to use in 30DC... waitn to see what else comes out
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  • Profile picture of the author ericmartinez
    If you are new and not going to participate in the 30DC you are doing a great disservice to yourself.

    It is by far the best beginner IM education out there.
    Not to mention completely free.
    No strings attached.
    Live Help on Forums
    Q&A on Ustream.

    Great stuff
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    • Profile picture of the author Cassie18
      I signed up for the 30 Day Challenge on July 1st and can't wait. I have only received 2 emails from him the last on July 9th. I will be going over the pre-season videos this weekend!
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  • Profile picture of the author pizzatherapy
    The 30 Day Challenge is absolutely one of the best programs you can participate in.

    There is an incredible amount of information presented during the challenge. In addition there is a forum for added assistance.

    As has been stated by other Warriors: the 30 Day Challenge is an incredible resource for anyone interested in learning Internet Marketing.

    Best of all it is totally free. Along the way you are given an opportunity to purchase addional tools, however, that is totally optional.

    Ed Dale is a master markerter and an excellent teacher.

    The 30 Day Challenge is: "Brilliant!"
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