Long form squeeze or short form?

13 replies
I've recently gone through Andre Chaperon's Auto Responder Madness which is a course on email marketing. Andre recommends you send prospects to a "squeeze" page that gives the prospect content first before even asking for an email address.

Such as Tiny Little Businesses — Learn by Doing

Does anyone have any opinion on these forms of squeeze pages?

Andre's theory is that users that put in their email address are much more likely to be interested in what you have to say if they have read the content on the page. Also by delivering value before asking for anything, it helps build trust.

Has anyone tried the short form squeeze vs the long form?
#form #long #short #squeeze
  • Profile picture of the author David Braybrooke
    I agree. Give people something of value, something that is interesting to them before asking for email addresses. Some call it a reverse funnel I think.
    "The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage." - Mark Russell
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    • Profile picture of the author AdamPayne
      TLB is an awesome course. I have it and highly recommended.

      Blind squeeze pages will get more leads, long ones aka Andre's style will get top top quality as you are making them jump through hoops.

      Depends on your niche IMO.

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      • Profile picture of the author koocnaed
        Originally Posted by AdamPayne View Post

        Depends on your niche IMO.
        Its all about testing. If I were you, play around with 5 different variations of a squeeze page and see which converts best!

        Do you need to have multiple income streams to succeed in Internet Marketing?

        Have Your Say Here...

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  • Profile picture of the author Sean DeSilva
    Andre is well-known for making big commissions out of teeny little lists, so I would take his advice very seriously.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    Providing a quality info about the product before asking for there email is an awesome id but when you asking there only make 2 boxes 1. for name and 2. for email if you required more info or make your squeeze page longer then people just close there browser.
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    • Profile picture of the author Lady D
      It called reversed squeeze page. Your list will be smaller (you will 'lose' some potential subscribers in every click, but you will get high targeted subscribers (those who follow your article, read it all and opt in for the rest).

      I agree with koocnaed - it's all testing
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      • Profile picture of the author V
        Hi, yes it does helps to build trust and that is exactly how you should be doing. All the best. "V"
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Originally Posted by Lady D View Post

        It called reversed squeeze page. Your list will be smaller (you will 'filter out' some potential time-wasting tire kickers in every click, but you will get high targeted subscribers (those who follow your article, read it all and opt in for the rest).

        I agree with koocnaed - it's all testing
        Fixed that for you...

        I've never seen the course, nor am I on his list, but this Andre guy sounds like my kind of guy.

        I've always said that your opt-in page really has two jobs:

        Get the right people really excited about signing up, and

        Get the wrong people to click away.
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        • Profile picture of the author Danny McConnell
          Yup, that's sure one way to do it.

          It's all about ROI. Is it more cost effective to mine a freebie list for buyers or to sell to pre-qualified prospects?

          Dunno, depends on your business model and your market.

          And you. What do you like to do?

          Is it what you should be doing? I would never presume to tell you that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Jeffels
    It's quite easy really and it makes sense.

    People are going to sign up for something because they have some interest in what you are talking about or offering.

    If you provide value then it only makes sense that a prospects curiosity would be raised and want to know more information. Then you get to build a better relationship.


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  • Profile picture of the author dmarseller
    Not sure if it can work...sounds good because the main point is a Pre-Sell page. This "trick" is used by all the CPA marketers for example.

    The visitors are tired of crappy information or falses promises. If you can make me feel near to the success and near to the "1.000.000 $ Download" I will give you my email and money!

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  • Profile picture of the author CedricHarel
    For a squeeze page I prefer a court squeeze page..
    But I hadn't make test about this.

    Someone have statics about this ?
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  • Profile picture of the author JamieBeresford
    Personally, I get put off if I have a squeeze page in my face "demanding" my email address with no indication as to what I'll get in return. Provided the long form isn't too long, that's acceptable. My preference is to give good info using a video to entice the prospect.

    All the best!
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