Warrior plus 100% commission Only

by hideki
10 replies
hey guys,

I was considering warrior plus as an affiliate platform because I intend to launch a WSO in the near future. I watched some videos on youtube, but it seems that there are some changes there.

One in particular got my attention. it seems that in the Warrior Plus Personal affiliate get 100% commission as the only option. Does this mean if I pay the 19$ for the warrior plus personal to sell a product ( let say for $7 ) all I will end up with will be nothing ? Since affiliates will get 100% commission? that means the whole $7?
#100% #commission #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author Kris Walker
    I'm not certain of the 100% commission but if its true then selling a product for only 7 dollars and giving all the sale money to affiliates is what many people do to build a list which is made entirely up of buyers
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  • Profile picture of the author DaleTheDog
    If you use Warrior Plus, you can set your affiliate commissions at any rate. Most I see usually set them at between 50-75%, but it's not uncommon to see full 100% commissions.

    So yes if you do set your commissions at 100%, your affiliate's commission will be the entire selling price. While as a vendor you won't get any money from the affiliate's sale, you can still benefit if you link your WSO to some kind of opt-in service like AWeber. This means that for every sale that's made, whether your own or your affiliate, you'll still at least get that customer opted into your list. From this list, you can have the benefit of emailing them your own future promotions.
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  • Profile picture of the author trevord92
    When you set up a product in Warrior Plus you can set the default commission for affiliates anywhere between zero and 100% in 5% steps.

    Most people then add another product as the upsell or OTO - this can be a different commission rate.

    Then combine them into an offer.

    Affiliate commission on the front end product varies as other people have said. I tend to offer around 80% on the front end and 50% on the upsell but there's a wide variety as you can tell by spending a few minutes on their site and checking what other people are doing.

    And use their support for questions - they respond and are helpful.
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    • Profile picture of the author edlewis
      Something no one has addressed is...Warrior+ has changed.

      If you want to pay up front for the "Pro Personal" it's $19 and the only affiliates you can have are at 100% commission. There are also other differences in features, you can view them here -

      WSO Pro - The all-in-one WSO sale, delivery and management system | WarriorPlus

      The "Pro Advanced" will let you set the commission rate to whatever you'd like. It's Free to use…and you pay a fee (3.9% + $0.10 per sale).

      It wasn't always like this. Previously, you could buy the $19 one and set the commissions using the "Old School" "ones-twosy" way of splitting up commissions. What I mean is a product at 50% commission wouldn't be split 50% on each sale. Instead 100% of the first sale would go to the product owner, and then 100% of the 2nd sale would go to the affiliate…and so on…and so on.

      Obviously, this way of doing things had it's pitfalls. Especially when customer service and refunds were concerned.

      It's also more profitable for a service like Warrior+ to take a piece of every transaction. Don't get me wrong...I'm not complaining - it is what it is.

      On a WSO that sells very well, there can be a huge difference between $19 and the per sale fees. Comparing 2 very successful WSO's I ran in the past…one with old $19 option VS one with the Free (formerly called) "Adaptive" option, the cost difference was….well…significant…let's just put it that way.

      Anyway…these days the $19 version isn't much of an option, unless you're going to use it just as a way to promote a product you offer 100% commissions on.
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      • Profile picture of the author AlexCN
        Ed got it right. W+ is obviously driving everyone away from the $19 "Warrior Plus Personal" option - why? It's far more profitable to charge a nice juicy percentage of total sales.

        With the $19 'personal' option, they took away the ability to offer anything other than 100% commissions, they don't allow a 'funnel' and they strongly suggest if you are even offering ONE OTO, that you use the adaptive payment button with the % of sales charge.

        The 'personal' license also got robbed of a bunch of other handy features like 1-click instant refunds and auto-delivery of affiliate bonuses.

        The 'one payment' personal license is already dinosaur, and they will just keep removing more and more features until it gets fazed out completely.

        W+ is pretty much the only game in town, so its pretty much just deal with it, or use a different processor like JVZoo and be forced to suffer with no affiliates picking up your launches unless you have a bunch of good, solid relationships already in place.

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  • Profile picture of the author hardworker2013
    Yes some vendor offers 100% commissions like on JVZoo but these
    amounts are usually small like $7. The aim is to give up the $7 to
    get the buyer on there email list to sell other products known as upsell.
    Sometimes the vendors offers you a portion of the upsell too.
    That is a great strategy used by the IM Gurus
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    I would like to answer your question but extend a reasoning for the answer.
    When you create a product that is great, that is good. You most definitely need a great funnel behind it to support it.
    Lets say you create a product for seven bucks. Your oto's are 19.97 and 29.97 I would always give 100 percent to my affiliates. Why because I can get 50 percent on the oto's.

    The most important thing though is you get the list and that is the most valuable part of giving 100 percent away, it brings you more affiliate's and makes you a bigger list.

    When you do a launch, Have at least four products. A front end. Two otos's and one behind the curtain that you don't have to pay commission on. Build a list send them an offer for the fourth product and the payment is all yours.
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