Craigslist Tip To Increase Traffic and Automation

3 replies
Now that Craigslist has removed clickable links traffic has gone down a ton at least for me. One thing I've noticed is people will not even copy and past the url. I've even had people reply from smart phones saying that could not access my link because it was not clickable. I thought everyone knew how to copy and paste these days although it might be a little more technical challenging from a smart phone.

This is an old method but it can help increase your CL Traffic.

Sign up to craigslist with an email that you intend only to use with craigslist.

Set your vacation status to away.

In your ad tell them to reply to this posting

Set up a vacation email that has instructions how to access your website.

Simple but it does automate things. If you are going after job seeker traffic have a link in your email that looks like a job recruiter or job board site.
#automation #craigslist #increase #tip #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author loaf1011
    Great tip - thanks, Matthew!
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  • Profile picture of the author DWaters
    Thanks for the tips. I am always looking for free traffic sources. I have used CL a bit in the past with mixed results. I have noticed that the links in my postings are no longer clickable. I thought it was just me - I assume CL hates me LOL!
    Is the non-clickable link situation true in every category or just certain ones?
    I expect I will try your vacation method. Makes sense.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8992673].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MatthewM
      Originally Posted by DWaters View Post

      Thanks for the tips. I am always looking for free traffic sources. I have used CL a bit in the past with mixed results. I have noticed that the links in my postings are no longer clickable. I thought it was just me - I assume CL hates me LOL!
      Is the non-clickable link situation true in every category or just certain ones?
      I expect I will try your vacation method. Makes sense.
      I expect its across site. However paid ads allow enhanced post.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8992704].message }}

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