Anyone know a good "contact us" submitter?

by sam770
6 replies
Could anyone here recommend me a good tool that simply fills in "contact us" forms and submit them?
I have a list of urls, each url is actually a direct link to the "contact us" page of each site.
I would like to contact these sites with a short message (legit, not spam!) but I prefer to use a tool rather then do it manually site after site.

Any ideas?
#contact us #good #submitter
  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Originally Posted by sam770 View Post

    (legit, not spam!) but I prefer to use a tool rather then do it manually site after site.
    So you want a tool that spams contact forms so you can send a message that is "not spam!".

    I'll give you a quick definition of the word spam. BULK unsolicited email.
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    • Profile picture of the author sam770
      WillR, You are rude.
      I HATE spam, and I HATE spammers, at least as much as you hate them (if not more than that)!
      I have a private list of a few 100's urls, a super legit list of people who contacted me in the past, sent me their sites address and agreed to be contact by me.
      I can contact them manually one by one but it will take too much time so I am looking for a tool to do this job for me. I see NOTHING wrong with that.

      Next time, before making yourself a joke, I suggest that you check things a little better...


      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      So you want a tool that spams contact forms so you can send a message that is "not spam!".

      I'll give you a quick definition of the word spam. BULK unsolicited email.
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      • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
        I see NOTHING wrong with that.
        When people ask questions like this, I tend to look a little more closely. The fact that your profile claims you're posting from a different continent than any IP I can find you having logged in from doesn't really inspire me to believe you.

        Maybe you moved. I don't know. But it does raise a question.

        If these folks actually said it was okay to contact them, it's worth the personal time. And that removes the problem of potential blocks of your messages by botblockers in those forms.

        Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers

    No point. Spammers define spam as "That thing I don't do. That's what the other guy does."

    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author Deepak Media
    Originally Posted by sam770 View Post

    Could anyone here recommend me a good tool that simply fills in "contact us" forms and submit them?
    I have a list of urls, each url is actually a direct link to the "contact us" page of each site.
    I would like to contact these sites with a short message (legit, not spam!) but I prefer to use a tool rather then do it manually site after site.

    Any ideas?
    I would recommend that you hire a person to do it manually. There is no way to automate this because most forms will ask for captcha and the fields will be different.
    Digital Marketing Author | Speaker | Consultant

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    @ Bangalore, India.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mateenyall
    That's not spam....
    It's just bringing in some automation to the process. Just because he wants to automate this doesn't regard it as spam...
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