Where to get Sponsors for your blog and make $1000s per month

3 replies
Hi everyone,
I have been around blogging for about 2 years now. During this period, I have been able to make money with my blogs. One of the ways to make money is publish sponsored posts. What this means is that your clients pay you to publish on your blog. Where do you get these clients who pay you up to $500 per post?

Here are some of the places to go

  1. Postjoint.com
  2. GuestCrew.com
  3. Linkvehicle.com
  4. Adbeans.com
There are many of such platforms but I have had success with these.

Do you know of more you can add to the list?

Google is fighting any practice that transfers link juice from one page to the other. That means linking to your clients' site without the nofollow tag could be dangerous. It's for your good, you and your client to have all the links nofollow to protect yourselves from Google ranking penalties

Good luck
#$1s #blog #make #month #sponsors
  • Profile picture of the author egoldzone
    $500 per post is too high...
    > Instant Traffic Formula : Top Affiliate Make $568K in 30 days
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    • Profile picture of the author Shane F
      Not if the traffic and click thus are there to support it. $500 could be a bargain.
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    • Profile picture of the author aarthielumalai
      Originally Posted by egoldzone View Post

      $500 per post is too high...
      Why would it be when you can get 1000s of targeted visitors from the blog? The price is usually fixed based on the site's traffic stats, popularity and so on. There are a lot of people who are charging that and more to post on their sites.

      I recently saw that John chow charges $500 for a post, where we have to provide the content. He gets fresh content on his site as well as cool $500. Why? Because he is a big name in the industry.

      So yeah, it's entirely possible.
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