What would you say about this traffic method?

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Hi, this is Max. Today one of my friends shared a traffic generation method I'd like to discuss. I wonder if you tried it and what you think. So here's what it looks like.

1. Create a new website or a subdomain on your existing website and start an online magazine in your niche, set up Wordpress.

2. Pick up a very specific topic for your first posts, for example "How to Build an Email List Using Google Plus''.

3. Do reseach and find articles, videos, audios and infographics to fit in this topic.

4. Curate 6 articles by others and 1 article of yours on Scoop.it. Embed its widgets one below the other in your magazine post. Add a picture and a brief intro at the beginning.

5. Curate 6 videos by others and 1 video of yours in your next post using embed.ly. Put its widgets one below the other. Again brief intro and image at the beginning. This time add the word ''videos'' at the end of the post title ''How to Build an Email List Using Google Plus. Videos''.

6. Then follow the same principle for audios. Infographics should be ordered as a grid.

7. These 4 posts are sample posts. You can share them in social media mentioning their authors to get your first visitors.

8. Start a brand new topic.

9. Find relevant content for it.

10. Contact the owners of content you'd like to curate for this topic and tell them about your magazine. Make sure they have at least 10k Twitter followers and 10k Facebook fans each.

11. Offer them to embed their piece of content in your magazine post in exchange for 1 tweet and 1 Facebook share.

12. If they're interested you'll get 6 tweets and 6 Facebook shares per magazine post from known people in your niche. Part of your magazine post visitors will come to your own blog as your content takes the seventh spot there.

13. Running any kind of ads in your magazine is not recommended. Not good impression for content owners who will come to see it. But setting up an email newsletter there is cool.

14. Offer participants to contribute their content to be curated for upcoming topics. Let them wait for new topic announcements and suggest you their content for a roundup. This is the way to build long term relations.
#good #strategy #traffic

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