Flippa Income Proof: Best way to prove it?

3 replies
Hey People,

I have a few sites that make money but I want to phase out due to being hogs of my time.

I am thinking of selling them on Flippa. Right now they all feed money into the same paypal account.

How do I prove this to potential buyers?

I don't want to give access to all transactions in my paypal, I just want to prove the income of certain sites.

Can I do something in paypal to perhaps make multiple accounts or something then grant someone reporting access to a single account?

If the only way to prove income is screen shots or the like then I probably wont bother as there will be nothing separating me from the hundreds of people trying to con some money with fake screenshots.

There is no immediate need for me to sell these sites so I am able to implement changes and then wait a few months no problems.

I am a flippa virgin so any advice appreciated.
#flippa #income #proof #prove
  • Profile picture of the author RyanLB
    Screenshots of income sources, deposits, etc are usually enough. Also, provide a full excel spreadsheet of the transaction that the website generated. Be honest and upfront about how the money was earned, and what you are willing to do to prove it.

    Usually, this is enough for most. Occasionally buyers will demand more but I haven't run into that.

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    • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
      Originally Posted by RyanLB View Post

      Screenshots of income sources, deposits, etc are usually enough. Also, provide a full excel spreadsheet of the transaction that the website generated. Be honest and upfront about how the money was earned, and what you are willing to do to prove it.

      Usually, this is enough for most. Occasionally buyers will demand more but I haven't run into that.
      It' a shame I can't do more. Ive spent hours on Flippa looking at sites and there are so many blatent cons on there I just worry about being drowned out by the noise.

      How about making a separate company for each website so the earning claims are audited separately by the taxman? This would then make it illegal for me to lie.
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  • Profile picture of the author lotsofsnow
    Sure you can create a separate company for each site.

    You can also open another PayPal account.

    Another option would be to have another email for each site and then show just the income for that particular email.

    The main thing: if you are open with everything potential buyers will honor that. It will be very obvious to anybody.

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