HELP: Ask a Question about networking, troubleshooting, If you know the answer so much the better.

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Hi Warriors,

I have several offline customers, enough to where I think I can make some extra money with my own "help desk."

I'm getting a few of my customers interested in Internet Marketing and in conjunction with that I'd like to help them with their in house PC/Mac setups.

I have a young friend who knows about computers. He has been networking systems and setting up really cool things for a long time.

I want to set up a help desk where he will field questions RE: Desktop PCs, Macs, Networking, "how to" do just about anything RE: Special setups, Multiple Monitors, Do it yourself repairs etc.

Everyone who knows him says he can "do anything" when it comes to hardware and software.

My problem is I don't know enough to know what questions to ask him to see if he can communicate his knowledge effectively.

So here is my request.

Ask me any question RE: PCs, Macks, Networking, Do it yourself trouble shooting/repair, Virus/spyware removal, Mac TVs, etc. or anything else a help desk should be able to answer.

I will ask him. Post his answers and let you grade him.

This is serious, please ask away. I'm taking another step in IM and maybe helping a friend along the way. If his answers are helpful here that's another +.

George Wright
#going offline #grade #help desk #internet #marketers #post #techie

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