Where to Publish Over 5,000 Articles

by aleong
17 replies
Hi everyone! I have more than 5,000 articles published on Yahoo Voices. Yahoo Voices is closing and I'm looking for other avenues to publish them. Since they're on a variety of topics, mostly health, nutrition and fitness, I don't really want to turn them into e-books. I considered Hub Pages but I'm not sure whether they allow previously published content. I'm also not sure whether it's really worth the time. Any suggestions?

Thanks. :-)
#articles #hub pages #publish
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Depending on their quality, it may be possible to sell them very profitably as "PLR" in bundles of something like 10-12 articles for about $9, and to make multiple (but perhaps limited) sales of each bundle.

    That's certainly a lot of articles! It would take me 20 years to write that many ...
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    • Profile picture of the author WPMaker
      Yeap, if the quality is good and they cover similar topics then pack it into PLRs and sell as packages - even here on Warrior Forum as WSO.

      Limit the number of each PLR package so you sell 30 for example of each PLR package - this will create extra scarcity in the sales letter and will look better for buyers as they know it wouldn't be sold again.

      Get someone to write your sales letter for WSO - make it kind of a template so you just change the topics and niche the articles are in (simple to do if you have just a graphic header which can be cheaply outsourced to get done and the rest of sales letter is text) and you will be able to sell virtually unlimited number of PLR packages.

      The sales letter would cost anywhere from $100-$700 for WSO but it's definitely worth to invest the money into it as you will convert more customers easier with a good copy-writing and sales letter design.

      Get those buyers on the list LIST IS A MUST HAVE! - aweber, getresponse or any other newsletter system will do good - and email them each time you put out another package and get even more sales

      Email them from time to time with maybe like extra articles or some useful knowledge (how to use those articles right and get more traffic? ) so they will open more of your emails and when you are ready to put another PLR package they will be more then happy to buy them.

      Also you can promote content from your site if u have any related to the topics or articles itself and you can get traffic and they get another good content from you which they love to have

      It would be that simple
      , a little work (use outsources for this if you can afford them) on your part and you can grow an online business
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      • Profile picture of the author Steve B

        Another option would be to create a membership site and use the articles as drip-fed content.

        If you were to re-work the articles so they all focused on the needs of a particular segment of the health/fitness/nutrition I think you could be very successful. Here are just a few ideas:
        - Career ladies under 40 with little time for extra-curricular activities
        - Stay at home moms with small children
        - Seniors over 60
        - People with special health issues like diabetics
        - People that are homebound

        The thought is this . . . narrow the audience you speak to down to a very specific group of people. Then, as you cater to their needs, be very specific in your recommendations so that they are tailored to your members.

        Wide audiences are much more difficult to market to, to appeal to, and to find solutions to their desires. The tighter and more specific the market, the more you will appeal to those in it, the more you can charge for your targeted information, and the easier it will be to find products and services to sell them.

        The very best to you,


        Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Ellac
    List down the titles and auction them off.
    1 owner for each title.
    Or 1 owner for each set of 10, etc
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  • Profile picture of the author aleong
    All good suggestions. I've considered going the PLR route but thought it's probably pretty saturated with content and so many people are focused on offering unique content because of Google's algorithm changes.

    Steve B, I hadn't considered a membership site. Interesting thought. I agree it's important to target a specific group of people - carve out a niche. I'm trying to find a good niche in the health field right now. I have a general health website right now. It built it so patients could have information (I'm a physician), but I'm having trouble getting decent rankings in Google because it's not nichey enough. It does get traffic from patients but less than 10% of visitors come from Google. For future websites, I definitely need a niche!

    Thanks to all of you for your suggestions. :-)

    Discover tips for looking, feeling and living healthier. We keep you up-to-date on ways to improve your health through diet and lifestyle choices - http://www.healthylifestyledocs.com

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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B

      What is your specialty?

      By addressing patients that have something in common, you begin to narrow your audience down. Broad, generic audiences are too hard to market and sell to. Homogeneous audiences have similar needs, desires, wants, and problems - that's what you're looking for because you can then give them specific solutions and advice. You begin to market to a very specific segment that will really value your advice directed squarely at the customer.

      I can see you easily attracting a wide audience because you are a doctor and your advice has a certain "credibility" and trust factor to it given your position - an enviable place to be.

      Good luck to you, whatever you decide.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I'd put them on my site, and use them as credibility builders in the eyes of your email subscribers. Then link to a product page at the end of your articles.

    Try this or do EZA... i prefer my own site though.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEOJerry
    I agree, create your own site and publish them, then you know they are there to stay and you might just build a highly credible site of your own.
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  • Profile picture of the author aleong
    Randall, good idea about linking to a product page. I may try that with some of them. Steve, I'm in Family Practice. I'm considering getting a naturopathic degree as well, if I can find the time. You learn very little about prevention and natural approaches to treating disease in medical school. I've had to learn about nutrition and exercise physiology on my own. I really enjoy helping people change their lifestyle to prevent disease so they won't have to treat it. Maybe there's a smaller niche in there somewhere. Thanks to all of you for your helpful advise. :-)


    Discover tips for looking, feeling and living healthier. We keep you up-to-date on ways to improve your health through diet and lifestyle choices - http://www.healthylifestyledocs.com

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  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    Create your own website and upload them there. You can also create a Facebook page and upload some of them there too.
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  • Profile picture of the author deekay
    I would also post and publish them on my own website. Maybe I'll schedule 2 articles to be published every day. BUT before I do that, I'd check on Copyscape if those articles aren't indexed anymore.
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  • Profile picture of the author Reddy20
    You can create a website then advertise it. Or, make it like a blog type.
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  • Profile picture of the author spancont
    You may even use some of them to create profitable pages on Squidoo and Hub Pages.

    Dinesh Dhiman
    Digital Marketing
    www.nirajgoel.com ||

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  • Profile picture of the author BizOnTheWeb
    Have you considered opening your own Website using WordPress or something like that? What about becoming a writer for someplace like About.com and submitting these articles over time there? You literally have a huge pipeline of content! I think all of the ideas shared above are pretty good, as well - you have a lot of options, so think about all of them before proceeding. Make sure you know what your goals are before going into it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave37
    Originally Posted by aleong View Post

    Hi everyone! I have more than 5,000 articles published on Yahoo Voices. Yahoo Voices is closing and I'm looking for other avenues to publish them. Since they're on a variety of topics, mostly health, nutrition and fitness, I don't really want to turn them into e-books. I considered Hub Pages but I'm not sure whether they allow previously published content. I'm also not sure whether it's really worth the time. Any suggestions?

    Thanks. :-)
    Since they were already published, many article platforms won't approve them. And since they are from various niches, a good idea would be to find a common point between them and create a website or blog to publish them. For example if they are all how-to articles, you could create a how-to website to publish them.

    You would also need to modify them so that they are not seen as syndicated content by the search engines
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  • Profile picture of the author TheFranchiseMarketer
    Yeas, this question is a pretty tough one being that these articles are pre-published. But also there is not site that will let you publish that many articles at one time anyways. You will have to do it manually which will take forever.
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