Found Teenager to Help while Gaming

7 replies
Yesterday I hired a 15 year old Brit to help me with some data entry and marketing work. I met him playing TD Balloon Battles. We were chatting while we were playing, and he offered some strategy tips, and overall showed he was helpful and smart too. And his parents are happy he found a job instead of playing games. I agreed to pay him a little over the minimum wage for a person of his age in the UK (so about $7.50/hour). He is doing great work!

So thought I would share this. Sometimes finding people to help outside of the traditional outsourcing sites can be rewarding, and in this case I found him playing games.
#found #game #gaming #paying #teenager
  • Profile picture of the author Shane12
    With the right person, someone like this could make a good worker. I sure would rather have been doing something like that as opposed to bagging groceries when I was his age (or even for 5 years later the similar jobs I had). Heck, even now, when I end up quitting my day job, I'm probably going to end up looking for something like this as a part time supplement.

    Not only is it an interesting story, but it's a good lesson, beyond just the think outside the box recruiting concept. When I play games like this, I try to be respectful, both to the other players and also the developers that provided the game, often for free. Had he been swearing and calling everyone (and various inanimate objects) gay, I suspect you would not have hired him.
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  • Profile picture of the author Luke Dennison
    I'v met lots of people thorough games who I talk to on skype, and they all have helped me out with things like GFX and editing etc for free lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author JagSEO
    People willing to help will be blessed and getting helped in return, nice story.
    Hooked To Success -Personal development For People Who Wants Success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery Moss
    A very good idea. It might be possible to locate an assistant through a church or youth group. You could ask the adminstrator of the group for permission to post a 'help wanted' flyer at their location. You would likely get many calls about the job. Most teens want good paying summer jobs anyway.
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  • Profile picture of the author master reseller
    It's really cool how you are giving this kid a job. He's getting real world work experience that can go on his resume to help him get a good starter job out of high school rather than having to work at a fast food place. Early experiences like this are very valuable.
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  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    I just imagine the look on his parents' face when he told them somebody offered him a job while playing a game.
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