Sharing critical Q & A for beginning marketers

by kingde
1 replies
I see a lot of people passing through who seem to think money making is a mechanical process. If you can find a way to make money that way, great.. But I am hoping it is an informed choice.

I want to share some thoughts to help those who are open to broader horizons but just perhaps (like me in the past) had no clue that either they existed or that they were a real option for them.

I hope this is helpful. If you find any points to contest or want clarified, I'd be interested in that conversation.


Who are you going to sell to?

Do you have any particular group in mind? Are they currently motivated to take action to improve their life given the right proposition passes their way? Do you need to educate them or have them 'buy into' some other way of thinking to just be able to understand or see the benefits of your offer?

How are you going to contact them?

Do you have an affordable way to get feedback from people to see if you can sell them on the idea at all? Will they take any action steps closer towards what you would like them to do? You need an affordable system of getting feedback so you can methodically and incrementally pivot away from what is not working and keep looking for anything which actually works so you can begin the optimization process.

Do you plan to target cold leads or warm leads?

Warm leads (referrals and endorsements) are much easier to sell to and make much better and more responsive customers long term. Getting good sales via warm leads says nothing, however, about your ability to sell via cold leads. Before you try to sell to cold leads however, why not get into the swing of things with warm leads? You need a genuinely valuable product though or it may be hard to get anyone to recommend you.

What are you going to sell to?

Try selling some ideas for a product before worrying about actually creating the product. Sell yourself and what you are capable of, the experience of working with you and the benefit of what you want to share. You can make money via commissions but there is no guarantee people aren't randomly stealing your traffic for themselves. For longevity and sustainability, your own product is crucial. Then you are in a powerful position to partner to make even more money, than you ever could with a commission. You'll eventually need a backend so you aren't in the 'hamster wheel' and tactical treadmill of trying to profit only from front end sales and commissions from those front end sales.

Who are you going to partner with?

Trying to do it all alone is going against the tide of success. The sooner you can rent or borrow the resources of others where you both win, the sooner you can leverage yourself up to greater and greater opportunities to profit without knocking yourself out trying to be a jack of all trades.

What criteria or qualifications do you have about who you will work with?

There are many personality types, reliability and ethical standards. Begin the process of being able to screen out those who would not make a good partner for you. If you aren't sure, start extremely small, but start so you don't need to start from square one once things start ramping up.

What information regarding your interests do you have to share?

One the most valuable things you can do. Having the ability to speak to people so they receive value just from the experience of learning from you. Don't make it work. Make it easy, fun, exciting, interesting and leaving them wanting more by not under or over doing it. (Share the right amount in the right way)

Do you understand how people get value out of the products or services you want to sell?

If all you know how to do is copy something that works and optimize it, then you may not be developing the ability to really speak to a target audience. You want to learn HOW people get value out of what you offer so you can better understand what else to sell them, how much, for how long and why. If all you do is guess and tweak the performance stats, then you are an analyst but not a marketer.

Are you familiar with the intimate experience of people's problems with whom your product will resolve that problem?

Empathy is the key to everything. Can you relate to them in a way where they feel you 'get' them. Do you give them anything in a way which they can say 'this guy/girl gets me. they are for me". Do you hide behind the scenes letting them make their own conclusions about your character, and ability to trust? Of course people will wonder what's wrong with you that you can't show your face, and you will probably be forever positioned that way in their mind, even if you are 'hooking them up' with things of interest.

Do you know these people's internal dialog to themselves which you can essentially jump in and continue the conversation with them?

Keep striving to achieve this. When you know marketing in this way you are essentially learning of art of making money at will.
#answers #beginning #critical #marketers #marketing #questions #selling #sharing

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