Today IS Your Day! Yeah, I Said It!

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Today, I lost track of exactly why I'm here, doing what I'm doing due to minor details -- a dispute with PayPal, a particularly nasty refund request, the car alarm going off ... all small beans in the big cooking pot of life.

I got so bogged down with negativity that I downright forgot about the 3 emails I got last week all thanking me for my product & the information within it.

I forgot the phone call I got from my coaching student saying she isn't going to give up because she saw that taking action really does create results.

I forgot the constant replies & DM's on twitter thanking me for helping, answering questions.

I forgot the look of excitement on my best friend's face when he finally got to see me after 5 years of phone calls, emails, letters, packages, and video messages. I forgot his smile when I shared with him what our company, the business we run together, has been doing -- including having its CEO (moi!) on a regional radio show this month (4,000 people are listening to me talk about niche market research!)

I forgot how proud my father looked when I came home, even after he hasn't seen me in almost two years.

I forgot my friends, my family, business associates, twitter darlings, special someone's and all folks inbetween...over small beans. I need to look at the pot as a whole, because there's good things cooking here!

I wrote this in Mind Warriors because this really is a battlefield of the mind, and as warriors, as attuned as we are, we get caught up in the "small beans", forgetting all the good things that are apart of our day.

Being the night owl I am ... today is not over for me yet. But even though so many things look unclear and odd from this point, I have to smile: today really is my day.

Our days are specially crafted for our pleasure, our enjoyment, our peace with the world around us and built for us to express our joy to everyone we meet ... why throw that away over small beans?

As Warriors, ours is a bigger job, the job of inspiration and motivation -- look out into your own worlds - how many people would give up their right leg to do what you do, to know what you know? Envy and jealousy are powerful magnets, but the strongest pull of all comes from the twin titans of real power -- service, and sincerity.

Combine those two twins and you'll never have to worry about where your next meal is coming from ever again.

So, let's start and end our day with gratitude -- I will plant the seed and expect you on the other side of the battlefield with me, rejoicing in our good day:

It is an honor, a blessing, and a pleasure to be here for each and every one of you today. Thank you for having me, for supporting me, for encouraging me and steering me into the right direction.

Yes, today is your day, make the most of it!

Work hard, play hard, love easily Warriors!

#day #today #yeah

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