How To Think BIG: 3 NEW rules for massive success (if that's what you want)...

51 replies
If you MUST set goals, give them some real power with these 3 simple rules. They have helped me achieve massive things...

Rule 1. Add a zero to your numerical goals.

Rule 2. Cut your time lines by 90%
Rule 2a. Replace dates with A.S.A.P.!*

Rule 3. Factor in some failure


Old Goal = $2,000 a week within 12 months
New Goal = $20,000 a week within 6 weeks.

It also works if you obey just one of the rules.

Old goal = $2,000 a week within 12 months
New goal = $20,000 a week within 12 months


Old goal = $2,000 a week within 12 months
New goal = $2,000 a week within 6 weeks

I prefer to apply them both but if I had to choose one of the rules I'd say it's much more beneficial to your thinking process to make your goals larger. They should be unreasonable but feasible and I'll tell you why I think this works.

It forces you to think in a new way.

Creating a million dollar a year income ($2,739.73 per day) takes a different and more serious approach than making a nice living of $2,000 a week ($285.71 per day). It puts you in a different frame of mind. Some of you have (or know someone who has) a corporate job and in some cases with huge budgets. Properly trained humans can handle billions of dollars worth of goals and targets and yet when it comes to creating our own incomes we tone it right down and only "ask" a "nice" income from our efforts which in some cases are comparable to the pressure and time of a full time job.

Internet Marketing is perfect for big thinking. How long does it take for one person to click on your link? How long does it take for 1 million people to click on your link? The same time, a split second. It is conceivable (at a stretch) that any of us with campaigns running anywhere right now could experience a massive spike in traffic for some reason and wake up a multi millionaire in the morning and I think we all have that little secret hope ever time we switch our machines on but realistically it won't happen but that doesn't matter because the next best thing to get rich quick can happen to us and that's "get rich slow" but is it really that slow?

What if it took a year to generate a $2,000 a week passive income? That's still an astonishing result. Before the internet what hope did any of us have of replacing our wage with passive income within a year? $2,000 a week these days is 4 or 5 fully paid off houses and real estate rent was as close as any mortal came to passive income prior to the internet unless you were a publisher of music or literature.

The internet has brought early retirement at a better than working wage into the realms of possibility for all of us and that is truly amazing but is that the best we can do? I think we can do better and the way I know that is because one weekend I made over $100,000 by pulling a reverse sale. I informed my list that my product was going up from $2,000 to $5,000 so if they were thinking of buying it - now would be a good time). I did this on Easter weekend so a lot of my list didn't read my email until they got home on Monday evening. Most of my sales came through in the last few hours of Monday night. I was pulling cash out of paypal so often that Paypal never logged me out for 4 hours.

Bragging? No. My point is that I would never have even thought that was possible if I hadn't had a trigger of an idea from our mate "Kerny" and I wasn't a believer in thinking BIG. I'm not smart or clever (my product was high quality though) but I did bump into someone who gave me a massive idea which I twisted into something that worked for me and I allowed for a lot of money to come in (a bit of the old "law of attraction" never goes astray) and it came POURING IN!!

I had company and they could not believe what they were seeing. Even I was chuckling and I think once or twice I may have even giggled but by the time the smoke had cleared I had over a hundred grand sitting in my account on Tuesday that was not there on Friday and all because of the magic(al effect) of thinking big.

So how much money can really be made? I believe a million a month is not out of the question for any of us reading this but I get the feeling that we are all (for the most part) still fumbling around in the dark. We're close. We can taste it, some of us have even glimpsed it.

Another time I was involved in a subscription forum that cost $99 a month. One month we pulled two hundred and fifty grand! I was a one third partner and was regularly pulling thirty grand passive after tax and expenses PER MONTH and you know the funny part? Had we known back then what we know now about promoting online we could have easily added a zero to the income. I sold my share after less than two years for over half a mill.

Again, not bragging. I'm still stunned! But it does prove one thing. The Internet has more power than we dare to dream of. I'm a genuine ding-a-ling and look what happened to me! I believe we are underestimating how much we can make. I think if properly tuned and with some luck and serendipity we can all safely add at least one zero to our goals and do you know what the best part is?

The best part is that with big thinking we can still fail miserably (like we normally do) and still come out way ahead. Am I the only one who gets the feeling we've underestimated not only our power to create massive incomes but perhaps even more importantly the Internet's power to deliver a Tsunami of income?

Ask of yourself much more than you expect and you might just surprise yourself. I know I got one heck of a shock when a few Internet income waves washed up on my shore.

The sector I was in was stock market trading and I'm all out of that now and moving into zero risk based passive income. I miss those monthly cash injections. I'm here to catch up on the latest techniques and try new things and hopefully add something to anyone who can benefit from anything I know (my hobby is the Internet - I run a dedicated server just for the heck of it - I know, it's an illness). I've run several forums and if there was ever a place that could foster big thinking it's the Warrior Forum. I mean, take a look at the name!

Thanks for listening. I just thought it was worth mentioning. Think big and expect massive results. You've got nothing to lose - a thought is free.

Edit: See note about modified rule 2a in my reply below in post 24
#big #massive #rules #success #think big
  • Profile picture of the author AdwordsMogul
    Wow, this post is a real gem. I found it buried in other posts on this forum.

    You may find this surprising, but the post geared towards real money tend to be ignored on this forum.

    But well...

    Anyway, thanks this is inspiring, and by coincidence, I was having a similar thought just recently. Time to get some work done!
    "Those who can - DO IT. Those who can't, say it's impossible."
    Jean Paul a.k.a AdwordsMogul - Top of the range PHP developers

    Easy Link Saver - Are you tired of the pain of constantly searching for your affiliate links? ( Chrome extension - FREE )
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    Glad you liked it. Thinking big gets results no doubt about it. This very forum would not exist had there not been big thinking to drive it. I've got a third rule now which ties it all in together and makes super sense out of the first rule.

    Rule 3. Factor Failure

    What this is supposed to mean is that we will fail to achieve our high goals almost 100% of the time but that's not a bad thing if we appreciate what we got. If I aim for $20,000 a week and only end up with 2 or 3 that's a "failure" to achieve my goal but it's also pretty obvious that I'd be over joyed by "just" 2 or 3k per week.

    I'm working on a new essay called "Goals are lame".
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  • Profile picture of the author janicelou
    Originally Posted by WSOHelp View Post

    Rule 1. Add a zero to your numerical goals.

    THATS GREAT!! and very sound advice. Far too often we limit ourselves by the small goals/desires we have.

    How about adding two or three zero's to your numerical goals?
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    That works too. The bigger the better as long as it doesn't lose possibility. Usually that works best to focus your mind on the goal. Do you really only want to make a dollar or do you want to make $1,000? That's adding 3 zeros and that works. Not sure how powerful taking a 1 million dollar "goal" might be if you tried to make 1 Billion.

    The idea behind this is that bigger ideas make you think of bigger solutions which opens the mind to all possibilities and makes the smaller goals easy to achieve.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan Dodson
    Thanks for sharing your past experience and knowledge. It's messages like this that constantly remind me of why I'm in this business.

    I'm going to add an extra zero to my current goal and let you know how it goes
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    Please do. I'd love to discuss Big Thinking with anyone who drops in so drop in and say hi.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kaysa
    You know, when I see long posts like this I get something inside me that encourage me to read it entire to the end. I like these types of post just for the true wisdom that I've found. Now I'll get to my goals and ad a zero to them, I know its posible and I must thank you for making me realize it.

    Do you want to become a successful Persuasion Master? Learn Persuasion Skills to get anything that you want in your life.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    If I help just one person a day I can sleep with a smile.
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  • Profile picture of the author crumpet
    I've already put this info into use. Very inspiring man

    Thanks alot
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
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  • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
    Think Big, trained by Bart Cummings won two consecutive Melbourne Cups in the late 70s

    Now that is a real success story
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  • Profile picture of the author stopper
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    • Profile picture of the author
      As per usual you are on the Money, Awsome stuff. And if you think that this is all this guy is good at think again. If it is about IM or IT he is your man nothing to big or small and he will deliver. Results that is.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    Thanks Daniel. I'm just lucky to be doing something I love.
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  • Profile picture of the author Spastabetic
    You are damn right about thinking bigger. Great post and I hope you don't mind but I've recreated your words and installed as my wallpaper so every time I see my desktop I see something inspirational.
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  • Profile picture of the author adrwcav
    This post is AWESOME and so true. Most people don't realize it and I think it happens to everyone. Thinking I just need to figure out a way to make 5k/month can be absolutely detrimental to your business. It wasn't until I started making a goal of 75k/month that I really start to explode my sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    Thanks Ron, yes of course. You should call me for the full speech. Mention this thread for a free chat. You should read a few of my new chapters. One's called "Goals Are Lame" (don't worry, I replace them something much more powerful)but it does fit in perfectly with my 3 Rules For Thinking Big. I was mentally deformed by the famous book "The Magic Of Thinking BIG" - By David Schwartz and have never been the same since and that was over 20 years ago.

    Glad to hear you are using the power and magic of thinking big Adr'. Definitely the best way to get to 5k per month is to set a plan in motion to get 50k per month and (as usual) fail

    I love thinking BIG. It makes me happy and fits with who I am naturally. If I fail when I make big plans (which I always do) I always end up with something cool as a "consolation prize" which (wink wink) was all I was really going for in the start.

    Works for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author The Marketeer
    Hey Bill,

    Thanks for the advice. This is very encouraging.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    Massive growth is not needed to achieve peace, relief, freedom and friendship but sometimes it's fun to grow and if you're going to aim, may as well aim high.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ga RedNeck
    Great post
    What I've always done is fine something that works and times it by 100 fold then it gets BIG
    Then move to the next
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    Rules one and two get me to think differently enough to rise above the norm and rule number three account for my flawed humanity. It works and thinking big (or at least bigger) is way more fun than being "realistic" (i.e a negative pessimist). Plus big things tend to happen (much bigger than any pessimist would ever hope for) just by thinking big. So it's all good all round. Thanks for the feedback.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
      If you notice I've added an extra option to rule number 2.

      I'm now "anti-date" when it comes to goals. I think it limits nature. Sure it might get you moving but you really shouldn't need moving if your aim is strong enough.

      Let me throw this out there thinkers. Scrap all your dates on every fanatsy goal you have. A fantasy goal is "wouldn't it be nice if...". Please let's not get silly, you will need to keep your essential goals (such as "pay rent by Thursday").

      So, throw away your dates, replace them with ol' "A.S.A.P.!!" and see how fast the wind can take you. It's liberating and my guess is you'll be surprised how fast some of them arrive.

      Just saying...
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      • Profile picture of the author dorianjohn425
        Originally Posted by WSOHelp View Post

        If you notice I've added an extra option to rule number 2.

        I'm now "anti-date" when it comes to goals. I think it limits nature. Sure it might get you moving but you really shouldn't need moving if your aim is strong enough.

        Let me throw this out there thinkers. Scrap all your dates on every fanatsy goal you have. A fantasy goal is "wouldn't it be nice if...". Please let's not get silly, you will need to keep your essential goals (such as "pay rent by Thursday").

        So, throw away your dates, replace them with ol' "A.S.A.P.!!" and see how fast the wind can take you. It's liberating and my guess is you'll be surprised how fast some of them arrive.

        Just saying...
        Yeah...I agree on this.

        I'm that kind as well...Don't wait for tomorrow if you can do it now.

        Especially if an opportunity knocks your door, grab it immediately and take action...same with doing online tasks.
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      • Profile picture of the author shawoon98
        Originally Posted by WSOHelp View Post

        If you notice I've added an extra option to rule number 2.

        I'm now "anti-date" when it comes to goals. I think it limits nature. Sure it might get you moving but you really shouldn't need moving if your aim is strong enough.

        Just saying...
        It may work for you. But doesn't work for the most. But still it worths a try. In my case, written goals or programs work the best. Anyway, great post. Thanks again.
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  • Profile picture of the author kmids
    I think setting impossible goals can actually be a bad thing for you, and self esteem and such. More expectations yes, as long as it's realistic.
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  • Profile picture of the author andy moore
    Thank you for this, Bill.
    I'm new on here and just come across this post. After reading this I feel I have just received a new burst of energy. My goals, if ever I made any, were pretty nefarious and never achievable or achieved. I am now going to take up your 'challenge' and think big. Especially without a time limit. ASAP! is the order of the day.
    This is quite strange really as I have been feeling a creeping sense of change entering my life. Even the wife is feeling the same and we both have an urgent desire(!) to succeed at something PDQ!
    Thank you so much for this. It has been a big kick up the rear end that I've needed.
    Cheers, mate.
    Signature How To Get Top Ranking Videos In Google and YouTube - In Days!
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  • Profile picture of the author scsheldon33
    Think big...Think high

    Act immediately, don't procrastinate

    Thanks for all the share...It energizes and renews our dreams to succeed!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    Glad you found something in it for you.

    Have a little faith. I'm finding that replacing dates with A.S.A.P! will get you there much faster. Dates are lame (unless they are essential) and will slow you down compared to your real potential.

    I don't think any of us can speak for "most" but everyone I've shared this with feels massive relief and some have reported back that it worked amazingly well. Almost everyone I spoke to in my research said they almost never achieve their big goals and all the dates do is make them feel worse daily (and that's bad) but when I lift the dates off it leaves them with a decision. "Do I really want this thing?" and with A.S.A.P! as their only reminder they usually complete the task much faster than they thought.

    Maybe just try it and see what happens. If you feel naked without dates (lol) you can put them back on and take control back off nature into your human hands. Nature moves much faster than any goal we can set ourselves because nature has no doubts about his power.
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  • Profile picture of the author debbiechamilton
    Re: How to think Big.

    Love the philosophy. We tend to restrict ourselves in all we do with our limited thinking. Especially so on the internet. Great idea to think big and a zero or two. The only way to reach a positive goal. In the self employed retail I work we always have goals for all the designers, but we are always challenged to help think beyond to a higher goal. Don't restrict your thinking as you have stated by aiming too low or being satisfied with the goal you can reach. Love the thinking, if you do not reach your goal and FAIL you really haven't as you have reached a nice piece of the pie.

    Thanks again for positive thinking.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    You're welcome. These messages are thousands of years old. Only the interpretations change. The Magic Of Thinking BIG (Dr David J Schwarz) is the book that has been my main influence for The 3 Rules For Thinking BIG. I read it back in the 80s in two sittings in two days and I haven't been that absorbed in a book since. Highly suggested reading for everyone. Chapter 2 is my favourite.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    Whatever makes you think differently about your challenge is what works. If your goals have been very small then maybe an extra zero or two might help. Example; from $100 per month to $10,000 per month.

    A plan required to put together ten grand a month is different from a plan required to put a hundred bucks a month together.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bozander
    Thanks - very motivating. It's easy to get complacent and sidetracked with simple small goals. Readjusting the numbers definitely makes you think in a different way and even to reevaluate whether the system you presently have in place will get you where you need to go!

    Bob K.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    Glad you got something out of it. I have more. Might chuck a few more up later.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrxu
    I'd love to discuss Big Thinking with anyone who drops in so drop in and say hi.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
      Originally Posted by mrxu View Post

      I'd love to discuss Big Thinking with anyone who drops in so drop in and say hi.
      I love discussing big thinking too. If you want to talk BIG THINKING skype me. The more I talk the better I feel, the better you feel the better we all are.
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  • Profile picture of the author HenryZayasOBU
    Thanks a lot Mr. Bill. This was an awesome Post to read at this time of the night for a lil mental inspiration lol. I appreciate man! And good luck to your business and success pal.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    Thanks Henry. These days I'm actually teaching/pushing/suggesting daily success but the rules still apply.
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  • Profile picture of the author angelinebobby
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    • Profile picture of the author buttonlife
      I am fairly new to IM and originally started with $100/month as a goal. But a week ago I changed it to 100$/day just for the same reasons you give. Now creating goals that are $10,000/month+ was not in my range of thinking, but I definitely will give it some thought once I achieve my goal.

      Interesting read.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    Button, $100 a month will not motivate you to stop picking your nose but $10,000 a month means freedom for most western people and will get you shifting in your seat. And if you factor (90%!) failure into the equation you might just end up with $1,000 a month very soon and that's how it's done. Movement requires much more force to get going than it does to keep going. To get going you need BIG THINKING.
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  • Profile picture of the author buttonlife
    So you think $3000/month is too low of a goal to start off? I personally know I can live more than comfortably with freedom at $5000/month no problem.

    I understand your reasoning behind setting such a high goal, but my goal is to have $3000 rolling in each month 2 months after my first project is finished. Would you still think $3000 is too low for a 2 month goal?

    Just curious.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    I can't make that judgment for you. For some it's way too much, for others it's a tiny amount. What I do know is that if you want to go to the moon you have to shoot for the stars.
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  • Profile picture of the author buttonlife
    I like your vague yet concise answers. Remind me of the Buddha.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    Well, for me to know if $3,000 a month is "too low a goal" I would have to know more about your expenses, your hobbies, passions, your break even, your skills, you drive, what you want $3,000 for, what it would mean to you and lots of other things. Even when I did have a financial services license I would hesitate to answer a question as specific as that. All I know is that if a specific goal is important to you make it much bigger and a facor in a level of failure.
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    • Profile picture of the author buttonlife
      I meant it as a compliment, not criticism. I know no one could answer that question correctly without knowing all the variables in play. I was just stating that you give general answers rather than direct statements. It's kind of like the saying, good teacher will show you the path, but not how to tread it.

      That's just what I've seen from how you speak, but I could be wrong. :rolleyes:
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    Oops, you're right. I took it the wrong way. Thank you for the compliment. Sorry about that. It's hard to eat humble pie with two feet in my mouth.
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  • Profile picture of the author crx
    Thanks for the inspiring posts!
    BIG THINKING is a must if you want results, thinking small drives only to failure.
    Veritas semper vincit
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  • Profile picture of the author Kragsig
    Wow an amazing post about changing your life and reaching your goals with the speed of light. Not sure I can reduce the time by my projects like you, but I can definetely use your mindset as inspiration. Thanks Mr. Bill.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    Well, the idea is to make you shift in your seat. Just by changing these three things (especially the first two) it makes you think differently and take more action.
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  • Profile picture of the author Maya2066
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    • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
      Originally Posted by Michael Ten View Post

      What is 10% of ASAP?
      Really fast! I wrote the 90% rule before I adjusted it to ASAP. I find ASAP is more popular because it removes the guilt and stress associated with dated goals.

      Many people would probably be surprised how many people have told me they HATE dated goals but didn't want to drop goal setting completely because setting them made them feel so good (which is a whole other problem). ASAP turns goals into aims which you can succeed at daily. Kind of like "journey vs destination".

      Originally Posted by Maya2066 View Post

      Yes, this post is a real gem...
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