A Technique for Getting Feedback

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The technique I want to share with you sets the foundation for what is to come... there is an interesting phenomenon you can experiment with, that will turn you somewhat into a human "lie detector."

The subconscious part of you absorbs and retains a lot more than you can.
And it sends electric signals through your body, which can affect you physically.

You can use this bit of knowledge to create a tool you can use to give you information you wouldn't be able to get from the conscious part of you.

For instance, the energy of thought, when directed by intention, can influence physical strength in an instant - causing weakness in the muscles or increasing strength according to the question or statement.

Suspend your disbelief for a moment and do this technique:

1. Hold your dominant hand in an "OK" position, putting a fair amount of pressure on your index finger and thumb to keep them glued together.
2. With your other hand, hold out your index finger in a pointing position and place it within the "OK" circle.
3. Sweep the index finger from right to left and if the body tests weak, the index finger will break the chain, if strong, the chain will remain unbroken.

Next, I encourage you to watch this video for a beautiful explanation of how this is possible... it also reveals another way to do it which I think is brilliant:

(Educational Purposes Only)

Now using these tools, we can communicate with the subconscious part of us.
If the energy is resonant with the thought (in other words, if your subconscious believes it is true) electric pulses animate and strengthen the physical muscles.
If dissonant, the energy will test weak.

Here's your first test:

Say your name. You know your name, and so does your subconscious. So if you say your name, you will test strong. (Unless you aren't feeling like yourself!)

So say your name like ("my name is _____") and swipe your index finger from right to left to see if it breaks the chain. Chances are, it won't.

Now regardless of your result, write it down. This is your first record.

For the second part of the test, make a statement that is false. This should create dissonance which will instantly weaken the body and the chain will break.

Say "my name is (a friend's name)". Test it. Record the result.

For some people this works better by using their middle finger and thumb to make the "OK" sign. Whichever way works best for you, use it.

Here are some examples...

A) Write down two imaginary (or real) business ideas. Say to yourself that you're going to test "strong" for the most profitable idea that is best aligned with whatever you enjoy and are good at. And weak if the idea is not best suited to you, your personality, skills, desires or abilities.

B) Now read the first idea to yourself, and test it. Record the result.

C) Test the other idea, and record the result.

A) Give yourself 4 "best next step" choices to make, to get something you want. It could be anything. Just write down 4 possibilities...

B) Read the first one and test it. Weak or strong?

C) Do the same with each of the 4 possibilities.

D) If more than one possibility tests strong, test the two possibilities against each other until you only have one winner. Then test again to confirm it.

E) This will likely amaze you. It's fun, and produces incredible results.

Obviously, the one that tests strong is resonating with you at the core, giving strength to the body and mind. This is your subconscious saying, "This one!"

But again, it is important to test each technique a minimum of ten times, so you can get a much more accurate "best out of ten" picture. One answer isn't enough evidence. You want a preponderance of truth. Undeniable, repeatable proof.

Proof gives you confidence, which gives you the freedom to unlock more abilities.

The only thing that robs you of these natural abilities is FEAR. People fear what they don't understand, or have installed belief patterns that block them.

But when you do these techniques and write them down, as I've described - even if you fear because you don't understand them now, you most certainly will gain a crystal clear understanding of why these work, and how to benefit from them.

Have fun testing yourself.
#feedback #mind power #power of mind #self development #subconscious mind power #technique #thought power

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