What is your vision? Do this and watch what happens

by rodelu
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What is your vision? What are you committed to achieve during 2015?

I wish I had known this when I started out. Everything seemed so complicated, everybody promised I could make this much doing this, and that much doing that... I developed what is known as the "Shiny Object Syndrome". This killed my career for a long time.

I used to jump from one program to another, and another, and then to another one. I tried just about everything under the sun, with no success (and losing a ton of money in the meantime). After a short time of trying something, I would just drop it and start something else. Sounds familiar? Oh boy, what a mistake.

You see, the reality is, there are millions of ways to make money online. But the problem is that if you don't focus on one thing, and one thing only, then you are diluting your efforts. And it does take time to accomplish something, you need to keep working on whatever you are working until you reach the success you want, and that is not going to happen in two days.

You need to decide on what part of Internet Marketing you like the most, and study it and apply it. Learn as much as you can, but most importantly, apply what you learn right away. Do not wait, do not hesitate. If you make a mistake, big deal! Just correct it and move on. Knowing more is not going to make you any money; applying what you know will.

So what is it that you want? Can you describe it in detail? Do you really know exactly what you want? You can't be vague here (ie, "I want to make more money" doesn't mean anything, you need to be very specific)

So decide exactly what it is you want to achieve, and create a vision for yourself of you living that vision as if it's happening now. How does it look? How are you feeling? What are you smelling? What are you doing in your vision? What are you saying? What are you touching? Again, how are you feeling as you are living your vision and you have already accomplished it? Write it down on a piece of paper, and describe exactly what you are doing and how you are feeling. Read that vision every day, visualizing it as already accomplished, feeling how you would feel once it's accomplished. Keep reading it and visualizing it every day next week, every day next month, every day until you accomplish it.

But you have to make it so real that all your senses believe that is already yours, that it is happening now. Close your eyes, and "feel" how it feels when you are touching it, how if feels when you are smelling it, how you are feeling by having this vision as part of your daily life.

Avoid the TV (I cancelled cable tv years ago, one of the best things I've ever done!), avoid the news and gossip, and focus only on what you want. I don't care who you are, how little you have (or don't have), where you live, or what the situation is: I guarantee you that you are an incredible human being with unlimited potential, and that you can achieve any dream you have. You DO have the potential, it is entirely possible. But you have to feed your mind with the right food (right books, right friends, right habits!), and avoid the mental poison of trash TV news, bad friendships and other things that can change the way you feel for the worse.

And this is one of the things that has helped me the most: Always, always focus on what you want, on your goal. And whenever you have a setback, whenever you have a problem, whenever you feel like your dream is crumbling down, keep focusing on your goal as being a reality -- no matter what is happening around you. Did you understand that? Whatever happens - good or bad - always focus on what you want, not on what you don't want. You have a setback? Keep focusing on what you want, as if it already is a reality. I know it's not always easy, but if you master this, you can control your destiny.

So never, never give up. No matter how many things you tried or how many times you failed, keep trying while holding that vision in your mind, in full color and in full detail, the same way you would see it if it was already real. Read motivational books, hang around people that can help you grow, entertain positive conversations ONLY, and don't waste your time around people who can drag you down or derail you from your goals, don't waste your time watching trash tv or doing silly activities. Like Mohammed Ali said, work very hard now so you can live the rest of your life like a champion.

Wow! Sorry for the long post, but I got inspired and I meant to write something like this for a long time but I have been very busy with a project. But I hope you get the point, and I sincerely hope you can make your life a masterpiece, because you can. I don't care if somebody told you that you can't do it (ie, that you can't be successful, or you can't have money, or you can't have a business you enjoy, etc). They won't live your life, so they don't know what they are saying. But YOU will live your life, and you have a choice: either give up and move on to something else living the life you have always lived, or create your life vision, visualize it every day, focus on what you want ONLY and commit yourself to reaching your goals in 2015. Which one is it going to be?

To your success,

Gabriel (Rodelu)

PS. Go ahead and write your vision now while this is fresh in your mind. Do it NOW! Most people spend more time planning a vacation than planning their life, but you are not one of them. Your name is in the list of Best Internet Marketers of 2015. Can you visualize that? Do you hear the standing ovation while you are walking towards the front of the big room to deliver a speech on how to succeed online? Do you feel the handshake of other successful people while they congratulate you? Do you hear what they are saying to you? Are you nervous while you see so many people looking at you and cheering your name? Do you hear all the sounds in the room? How do you feel as you stand in front of the room, with hundreds of people staring at you and waiting to hear your speech, and you look around and you notice that everybody is smiling at you, everybody is very happy for you? How do you feel?

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