there is no magic pill

by Odahh
1 replies
hello ,

one of the big differences in the mindsets of those who become successful at anything verse the majority who do not ... is that most people are looking fopr the magic pill to get results , while successful people learn to do the work involved to get the results they want .

now i have been watching a lot of info from body builders ..and steroids get mentioned a lot ..but the thing about steroids is that they do not magically make your muscles get bigger .. they allow you to train harder and more often than without them ..

where as people who lose weight and keep it off ..change what they eat and do activitues to burn calories and stay in shape .. most people will look for a diet pill , eat crappy foods and try to take vitamins and think because the box says healthy ..they are eating right .

in most cases it takes 7-10 years fore people too become wealthy or actually start to show the sign of building wealth .. yes some people may look like they do it faster but most of the time they started a lot earlier on the path than most people thing .

Warren buffet started at like 7 , Bill gate had wealthy parents and a good business sense as a young person , Trump well .robert kiosaki .. started studying what his "rich dad "was saying as a teen and was and it was 20 years before he had success that lasted .

also the longer you have been on a path ..that isn't working.. there is time needed to halt the momentum and start to shift into a more lucrative path ..

the hard work of becoming successful .or building success brick by brick .is built on long term changes to personal behaviors ..not magic pills that may bring instant but temporary results ..
#magic #pill
  • Profile picture of the author PureFusion
    Agreed, the real key to success in anything is perseverance. Don't quit when the road get tough, keep pushing forward no matter what and you will meet your goals.
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