Using the Brains Secret Ability to Look Within

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Do you want to have a more relaxed, happy and balanced mindset every day? I'm just going to dive right into it because I think this is a truly fascinating concept that can be simply applied to our lives.

Basically, there are two types of attention. External and Internal. When we hear the word attention we usually associate it with the external version, i.e. paying attention to your exam, or work, or driving. In essence, it is attenuating to something outside of you. However, when we want a balanced lifestyle the type of attention we should be looking to focus on is our internal attention. This is anything from your emotions or heart rate to your blood flow.

To show this concept in action here is a study where the researchers compared meditators (internal attention) to dancers (external attention) and found that the dancers had less control over their internal emotional states.

Many scientists have held the view that attention is processed in an area of the brain called the Prefrontal Cortex (used for complex thought, decision making, personality etc). However in a new study by Farb et al. it has been shown that there are different ways to pay attention and that more primitive areas of the brain deal with internal attention. So what does this mean for you?

Our internal attention is seriously important because it is usually that factor that determines how we feel in the morning, whether we get a burst of road rage, if we are happy or melancholy throughout the day etc. However, it is particularly important in emotional well-being. We can use this internal attention to help put our racing mind into a relaxed, neutral state which is very handy when we're feeling stressed. If practiced we can also help maintain this relaxed, happy state throughout the day, every day.

So how do you develop this internal attention? It is obviously intrinsic to everyone but because many of us have completely ignored it we need to train it, like any muscle. The three easiest ways to do this are:

• Yoga
• Breathing Exercises
• Meditation

Here is a link to a breathing guide and a meditation guide.

I've been doing meditation every day for the past 6 months and I know I feel a hell of a lot happier, balanced and just in-tune with myself. So try it out and let me know what you think.

Also, what did you guys think about this mini-post? I might try to do more of these so any feedback would be really appreciated!

Cheers, Zach.
#ability #brains #secret

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