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I was feeling very down for a month, getting discouraged by people telling me what I can and cannot do in my business to the point that I started to see and feel a shift in my reality. I started to have the same negative thoughts as the people who believed they were helping me but were rather hindering me. My attraction reflected on those thoughts, my sales were slower and smaller amounts, my happiness was diminishing and my family could feel that I was distancing myself as I continued to dwell on what I can and cannot do. I have a basic understanding of the power of emotional energy and laws of attraction, and knew that I needed a positive shift, somewhat of a reminder of my positive self and most of all I needed to develop good habits and principles that could never be easily destroyed by words and fears of negative people. So I researched via google and youtube and found this video below: 10 Scrolls of the Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino and also found an pdf; Success through a Positive Mental Attitude by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone:http://www.4motivi.com/books/hill/positive.pdf

It helped me to get my positive shift and if you are going through what I did then this post will help and develop good habits and principles so that you are never again affected by negative sources. Please also suggest other videos and pdfs that can help.

#energy #habits #loa #positive #shift

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