forget the now opportunities

by Odahh
1 replies
hello all,

back 30 years ago.. before 90 percent of what a computer was .. bill gates saw a future with a computer in every home ..and he saw them having microsoft software .

Donald trump build the biggest fanciest buildings .

Henry ford , invent the car assemply line system and the 40 hour work week..wel befor there where many paved road or gas stations..or highways .

many of the richest people observe current trend and build their business to converge at points in the future .. and there are many others who might not have the future vision..but build their business at the right time and it grows as the trend drive customers ..

you can make a lot of money feeding hungry crods stuff they want now .. or you can picture what needs ill be in a few years and build a business slowly ..

the world economy is going into the toilet right now .. well it has been in and going in .

but the reasons it is happening are not bad ..china was growing it's economy buy buildin cities people never moved into..and lots of office building companies never used .. and The Usa much of the economic growth was government spending..massivie increases in health care costs..and oil production from fracking ..

i have mention it in other posts .. but the education systems around the world train people to earn money at a job ..then buy the things they need ..

in the last ten years the gadgets have allowed people to start making a lot more of what they use..and advances in automation and supply lines ..has meant a lot less overhead was needed to get things into the hands of consumers ,,

the major trends that will effect economies for the next few decades are the increase in technical support for small scale home based business ..with limited amounts of production .

people who do i'm are a small section of this crowed ..but there will be an increasing number of people doing business online ,,or producing somein in or near their home an marketing it online
#forget #opportunities
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    in essence you can serch for a nich now and jump on what looks like opportunity ..or you can build according to opportunities that will emerge as trend move forward ..

    and the biggest trend right now are the ones that will shift a lot of consumer production closer to home .
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