Make my Study - Excel in Career

2 replies
Be the leader in education sector by creating a platform for the Students, Institutes and supporting Agencies to meet each other and facilitate success for all both in India and Abroad by connecting each other.

Help the students to prepare to succeed in this competitive world with
healthy and systematic methodology. Provide the students with adequate
options for the career choice and proper guidance for preparation.

MakeMyStudy helps you to Explore multiple Career Options through their website and guidance support, Identify your Strength based on your Interest + Intelligence + Aptitude. Make a Personal interaction with the experts based on Career Mapping System.
Raise your queries anytime through Support Ticket Systems. Get support for Admission as per choice both in India and Abroad. Get a support System for Scholarships. Explore the options for Education Loan. Make a Career of your choice ? Make Excellence your habit


•Facilitate students and their parents to explore regarding various career options, Scholarships, Education Loans, Study related issues etc. time to time.

•Conduct Aptitude tests both online and paper pencil to help the students to choose the right career

•Become a Facilitator for every one to meet each other with the same mission like, Students, Multiple Career Options, Higher Education Institutions, Scholarship Agencies, Loan Agencies etc. both in India and Abroad

•Support the students from child hood in identifying the needs and helping them in growth through health care programs

•Research and Development to update time to time on the scientific requirements related to education

•Support the Students with best possible Technology Support

•Organize education fairs both online and on ground


•A website with multiple Career Information.

•Help you to understand the world is not in a frame but is open for all.

•Individualized attention by ticket options.

•Information on Prestigious scholarships and allied facilities to support Education.

•Unlimited personal attention.
#career #excel #make #study
  • Profile picture of the author mackjackk
    That's a really helpful post for the students seeking information on career support.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dot Commoner
    ^ lol. You posted on your own post saying it's a helpful post.

    So, is this your own website then?

    Just took a quick look at the site; I'm instantly put off by the overall design and feel of the site TBH. But you say it's helpful to students looking for career information, so thanks for the share.

    My advice to students: check the websites of the University you are seeking to attend - you will find much more helpful and accurate information on their websites and I've found that generally they are designed and presented better; much easier on the eyes.

    Peace and Bless.
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