The 3 SIMPLE KEYS To Success In 2016!

8 replies
Hello Warriors,

I hope you had a fantastic Christmas break if you celebrate at this time of the year.

Even if you don't celebrate Christmas I hope this day finds you well, happy and loved.
Today, I thought I would write a post about GOALS.

More specifically as we have a fresh untouched year ahead of us - goals in 2016 and how to achieve them.

I will tell you in my opinion the 3 things that will make the most positive impact on your year in 2016:

1. Goals:

Goals, Targets, To Do Lists etc.... it does not matter what you call them although I am referring to goals meaning big goals. Things you want to achieve in 2016. Of course you need 'to do lists' and will need to get things done to achieve the goals BUT the REAL KEY is setting them.

Set your goals so they excite you, you don't want to totally outface yourself and set goals you think are impossible but set them so you really need to stretch and grow to get them and then they become exciting!

2. Consistency:

This should really be #1. It is the top trait in EVERY SUCCESSFUL person I know or have I read about. Stay consistent. Anyone can have a good day, most people can have a good week BUT to stay on the ball, working toward a goal for a few months without letting up is tough and that is where the real rewards are.

3. Become A Serious Student:

This one I learnt from Jim Rohn. 'Become a serious student' - you will find that most successful people are constantly learning.

Choose your field, you do not want to try and be a master at everything, it won't happen and you will end up spreading yourself too thin.


"If I was in the X Men movie what would my ONE skill be?"

Then work on improving that one skill - in short, focus on your strengths and find a way to outsource the stuff you are not good at.

4. (Action)

I put this in here as number 4 is always action.

The key is putting in enough action.

This clip explains how to get better results, more from yourself then you thought possible and to achieve some of those goals too:

Hope you get something from reading this and here's to a fantastic 2016!

To Your Success,
Chris Jones
#2016 #keys #simple #success
  • Profile picture of the author allanrsm
    Great contribution, thanks for sharing.

    The Three factors mentioned are indefinably the key tri-fecta that will move someone from mediocrity to abundance.

    When consistency is mixed with desire and unwavering belief that whet you are pursuing will be attained this gives an energy to your daily actions that has a significant effect on creating a new paradigm.

    Studying success and making continuous improvements in all aspects of your life can create an entirely new awareness that opens a student up to freedom and success!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10459503].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Priki
    1. Love the things that I am doing.

    2. Keep faith in Me that I will succeed on my path.

    3. Have hope that if the thing go wrong, I should never quit!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10459982].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author PassiveIncomes
    1. Focus
    2. Consistency
    3. Never give up

    That's how I making 2k/month now using adsense and other network.
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  • Profile picture of the author dawoodkhan97
    I still remember the day when my physics teacher showed us that video
    He said "Always try to give your best! Never quit"
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
      Good post Chris. I guess we could say this in several different ways. I might write the 3 keys this way....

      1. Internet marketing skills.
      2. Have a plan.
      3. Action.
      Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10463317].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Priki
    1. Be aware of you Thoughts when you are alone and with the crowd.

    2. Think about your Emotions and analyzed them.

    3. Keep in mind that if you follow your thoughts you will be aware about your emotions who will create your Actions!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10463398].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
      Originally Posted by allanrsm View Post

      Great contribution, thanks for sharing.

      The Three factors mentioned are indefinably the key tri-fecta that will move someone from mediocrity to abundance.

      When consistency is mixed with desire and unwavering belief that whet you are pursuing will be attained this gives an energy to your daily actions that has a significant effect on creating a new paradigm.

      Studying success and making continuous improvements in all aspects of your life can create an entirely new awareness that opens a student up to freedom and success!
      Thanks, you are spot on about the energy part, it is all mindset. I remember being in a sales office and was funny when you were doing well in terms of sales you could be turning people down BUT when you were doing badly and you REALLY needed the sales to meet your targets it was hard work.

      The product didn't change, only i did and my perception of things.

      Awesome post!

      Happy New Year!

      Originally Posted by Priki View Post

      1. Love the things that I am doing.

      2. Keep faith in Me that I will succeed on my path.

      3. Have hope that if the thing go wrong, I should never quit!
      Another 3 great ones, love what your doing helps for sure, faith in yourself and self confidence is essential and never give up! Bravo!

      Happy New Year!

      Originally Posted by PassiveIncomes View Post

      1. Focus
      2. Consistency
      3. Never give up

      That's how I making 2k/month now using adsense and other network.
      Great stuff, Those 3 you could apply to anything and work.

      Happy New Year!

      Originally Posted by dawoodkhan97 View Post

      I still remember the day when my physics teacher showed us that video
      He said "Always try to give your best! Never quit"
      That's awesome man, I had no idea it was played in schools but if i were a teacher i would play it. Love that vid!

      Happy New Year!

      Originally Posted by Jeff Schuman View Post

      Good post Chris. I guess we could say this in several different ways. I might write the 3 keys this way....

      1. Internet marketing skills.
      2. Have a plan.
      3. Action.
      Cheers Jeff,

      Yep there are tons of them and in fact it is almost impossible to boil it down to three.

      But, I'm with you a plan and action are so important, I write down my tasks and plan for the day everyday.

      Originally Posted by Priki View Post

      1. Be aware of you Thoughts when you are alone and with the crowd.

      2. Think about your Emotions and analyzed them.

      3. Keep in mind that if you follow your thoughts you will be aware about your emotions who will create your Actions!
      Ahh, Law of attraction, it works for sure but i like to think of it as the Law of Action, if you are not using the Law of attraction to get the feelings that cause you to take action nothing happens. But great ones there too!

      Cheers Guys!

      All the best,

      Chris Jones
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10466977].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Priki
        Originally Posted by Chri5123 View Post

        Thanks, you are spot on about the energy part, it is all mindset. I remember being in a sales office and was funny when you were doing well in terms of sales you could be turning people down BUT when you were doing badly and you REALLY needed the sales to meet your targets it was hard work.

        The product didn't change, only i did and my perception of things.

        Awesome post!

        Happy New Year!

        Another 3 great ones, love what your doing helps for sure, faith in yourself and self confidence is essential and never give up! Bravo!

        Happy New Year!

        Great stuff, Those 3 you could apply to anything and work.

        Happy New Year!

        That's awesome man, I had no idea it was played in schools but if i were a teacher i would play it. Love that vid!

        Happy New Year!

        Cheers Jeff,

        Yep there are tons of them and in fact it is almost impossible to boil it down to three.

        But, I'm with you a plan and action are so important, I write down my tasks and plan for the day everyday.

        Ahh, Law of attraction, it works for sure but i like to think of it as the Law of Action, if you are not using the Law of attraction to get the feelings that cause you to take action nothing happens. But great ones there too!

        Cheers Guys!

        All the best,

        Chris Jones
        Thank you!

        By the way, I agree with your definition about the Law of Action, because it can be like a boomerang if you don't how to manage what you wish for...
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