If You're Going Through Hell, Keep Going.

6 replies
It took me many years to begin understanding this famous Churchill quote ("If You're Going Through Hell, Keep Going.") . The more I learned about him the more I related to him since we both share many of the positive (and unfortunately negative) qualities of character.

As I aged, whenever I took upon myself a project or a lifestyle and things began feeling horrible, I'd rationalize that this means it's probably not the right project for me and would haphazardly quit with no guilty feelings.

I believe that the reason Churchill said this famous quote is due to the fact that he suffered from Bipolar Disorder (as do I), this illness causes slightly depressing situations to become extremely stressful and depressive episodes, but also makes events which are positive cause mania. This oscillation and swinging of moods and perceptions is undoubtedly the reason he wrote that quote.

What I learned was that, when things are toughest, and you're in the most depressed, stressful and hopeless part of the journey, that is exactly the REASON why you MUST keep going!

Let's say that you are going through hell and everything is horrible, what sense would it make to stop? Stopping basically guarantees that you'll stay there a lot longer than if you'd keep moving.

That's my interpretation of this quote.. When things feel horrible, that's exactly the reason why you must keep moving forward. Stopping at horrible would only mean you accept horrible as your reality.

Hope this helps,

#hell #you’re
  • Working has helped me get through a lot of bad days. It helped me focus on what matters and redirected my pain into something productive.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenny Lee
    And when you quit, you will face the same scenario at your next venture.. and the next. Unless we learn to persevere and go through whatever hardship we are facing, life will keep throwing us the same lemon.
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    • Profile picture of the author Wayne Equity
      Originally Posted by Kenny Lee View Post

      And when you quit, you will face the same scenario at your next venture.. and the next. Unless we learn to persevere and go through whatever hardship we are facing, life will keep throwing us the same lemon.
      100%, Spot on.

      Success Coach | Traveling | $2,000 / Month Coaching | 5 Videos Per Day

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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    You know what I like better than hell? Lamborghinis.
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