How are you getting the most out of your pocket rocket ship???

2 replies
Where do you warriors stand on these waves of more and more powerful smartphones, and how are you using them to make money?

On average, a smartphone today is millions of times faster than the original technology that allowed us to put man on the moon.
Think about that for a second.
The Apollo Missions required several hundreds of computers, and a great deal of man power to operate each technological component, because, of course, at that time all of the various functions required for space travel could not be isolated in a few select computers.
The Apple I-phone 6, two generations behind the current 7, would be able to perform instructions 120, 000, 000 times faster than the fastest Apollo era computers; just the I-phones timekeeping system in the clock app is about 32,600 times faster than those old space computers.
But hey, this is a marketing forum, so no need to go over the sciencey stuff, right?
The real question is, can you run an entire business from your phone? Is that possible given how powerful they are?
Apparently, it is not unheard of.
Recently the general manager of Coca Cola was quoted as saying that he does nearly all of his work on his smartphone.
Also, Forbes did a study recently indicating that about 1 in 10 businessmen use their phones almost exclusively in business, or at least that it was their chief device when conducting and preparing for business rather than a pc computer.

Now personally, I find doing almost anything on my phone at least somewhat cumbersome compared to doing similar tasks on a computer (I have an I-phone). I do realize the necessity of a smartphone. In this day and age, and especially in the business of freelancing, you need to constantly have access to your email and be able to communicate with any current or potential clients. You need to be able to monitor social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. However, often I find myself fonder of using the computer. A matter of personal preference I suppose.
I assume that as time progresses, these phones will get exponentially better, though. Soon enough we might all be laughing at the idea that we ever did any kind of work on a device as clunky and huge as a pc computer, but for now, they are definitely still relevant to the world of business, at least

I am curious though, what approximate breakdown you all have, in terms of business done on the computer versus business done on your phone? Are you all phone ninjas like the General Manager of Coca Cola, or are you all working mostly on your computers? I would be interested in some approximate breakdowns of how you think your time is divided between the two.
#pocket #rocket #ship
  • Profile picture of the author Wayne Equity
    I can basically run my business entirely from my phone. So, year. It's great.

    Success Coach | Traveling | $2,000 / Month Coaching | 5 Videos Per Day

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  • Profile picture of the author Jose Fourino
    I use my computer because it is hands down way more powerful than that little device called a smart phone. How would you render resource demanding videos and myriads of little things... desktop all the way. It's a no brainer.
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