Why Majority Struggling Online And Offline

33 replies
I can tell you from my 8 years online experience way majority struggling to make money online and this is a statistic 95% of people who trying to make money online make less than $100 dollars per month I used to be in the same shoes, very sad. Until I come across "The Law of Attraction" that the most successful marketers business owners using this if you will "Mumbo Jumbo" but it really helped me and by applying these laws in my life I did change my life completely for the much much better! Just little bit about it below:

Make sure you're in a relaxed state. The best times for this are immediately on waking or just before you go to sleep.
Know what you want and ask the universe for it. After all - If you don't place your order with the Universe, how will it ever know what to deliver to you? Create a movie of yourself being successful at whatever it is you want to achieve. Create as vivid a movie as you can. Turn up the colour, the sounds, the happiness levels you're experiencing, the tastes -- everything. You are living your goal!
Feel and believe as if the object of your desire is on its way. Focus your thoughts and your language on what it is you want to attract. Feel the feeling of really 'knowing' that what you want is already on its way, even if you have to trick yourself into believing it. Replace hope with firm expectation.
Be open to receive it. Notice the messages and signs from the Universe to confirm you are on the right path. Open yourself to receiving the very thing you want.
It doesn't matter how much you want something or how much you visualise a successful outcome...if you don't take action it won't happen. Any action will do to get you off the starting block and give you some momentum.

Listen this video to understand https://youtu.be/3_mD0CvVi48

How does it work? For me it's because planting positive images in your subconscious will switch your brain into the mode whereby it will automatically generate the endorphins that will give you the natural impetus you need to succeed. You'll then be more minded to take the actions that will take you to where you need to be.
#earn #majority #offline #online #struggling
  • Profile picture of the author Courage
    Oh yes, the Law of Attraction is
    definitely one of the best ways to make
    money online
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  • Profile picture of the author aarthielumalai
    People have new names for concepts that have been alive since the dawn of time. Law of attraction is one of those "new" concepts/fads.

    The fact that we need to remind people that they should have a positive mindset and believe in themselves to succeed is depressing.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    This its the real trust many succesful people use law of attraction for there succes some knows other dont know ,unfortunately for me i have a bad paradigm that stop me every day to achieve what i want
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  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    Being in a frame of mind to succeed is important.

    It is also important to get educated in sound business principles.

    In my interaction with other struggling business owners there is a commonality.

    Usually the business operator lacks sufficient education in regards to a few key areas.

    These include.

    No clear plan or objective.

    Poor financial management.

    Lack of systemisation.

    Many small business operators or even solo online entrepreneurs have ended up in a situation where they have invested some money in an effort to generate a profitable return.

    They have usually arrived in this situation through a few means like losing a job and taking a redundancy payment or by borrowing money from a relative or extending their credit cards.

    Their ideas are sometimes good and they may even succeed for a while but they lack the fundamentals to being successful in business.

    The five things I look for when assessing businesses in regards to survival are.



    Daily operations systems

    Cashflow forecasts and position

    Ability and systems to manage costs and variable expenses.

    Despite all the guru speak there is really only one way to get more from any business and that involves leveraging three components. Increasing revenue, decreasing costs and reducing expenses.

    Most people only focus on the one area of increasing sales or revenue.

    Mindset is very important but without sound fundamentals it won't get you too far.

    Best regards,

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  • Profile picture of the author Joey Babbs
    I began using this same exact thinking when my mentor who was one of the top marketers in Canada told me about something like this....I listened to the CD "Think and Grow Rich" by Robert Kiyosaki,.....was best thing I did....


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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Originally Posted by VidasVegas View Post

    I can tell you from my 8 years online experience way majority struggling to make money online and this is a statistic 95% of people who trying to make money online make less than $100 dollars per month I used to be in the same shoes, very sad.
    Where did you get that stat from ?

    Originally Posted by VidasVegas View Post

    How does it work? For me it's because planting positive images in your subconscious will switch your brain into the mode whereby it will automatically generate the endorphins that will give you the natural impetus you need to succeed. You'll then be more minded to take the actions that will take you to where you need to be.

    Look it's the easter bunny......
    Are there actually people who believe this hooey....
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by salegurus View Post

      Look it's the easter bunny......
      Are there actually people who believe this hooey....
      Big Frank clean up in aisle 2
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  • Profile picture of the author madison_avenue
    People don't execute enough ideas. Only 1 in 10 ideas succeed - go through the failures to get a success.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi VV,

    Yep; it is an energy game.

    SO tough to get this idea planted in our minds. Took me 8 years too.

    Of course we act, but before acting, aligning your energy and doing things mainly for fun, with love, makes you stupid successful and the cool thing is, things get easier and easier as your success expands.

    When you vibe high, with love, versus doing stuff from fear/scarcity, you literally see above the problems which trip up most online marketers. Don't even need to solve 'em because they are not there.

    I am writing these words from Doha, Qatar. Richest country on earth. I'm doing a freaking house sit for a month in a 5 bedroom mansion. Amazing how things are getting easier and we're lining up these trips and house sits and prospering online, all happening because I am facing my fears, letting 'em go and hopping into fun, profitable actions.

    Thanks much.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by VidasVegas View Post

    It doesn't matter how much you want something or how much you visualise a successful outcome...if you don't take action it won't happen.

    I'm sorry Vidas . . . but asking the universe (as if it was a sugar daddy), visualizing, and taking action aren't the answer to the majority of life's problems that many, many people struggle with. Lots of folks go through life spinning their wheels taking action and don't realize that what they are trying to gain is not within their reach no matter what they do.

    I want to play basketball just like LeBron James. I can prepare and ask and visualize and take every action I can think of . . . but I will never be LeBron James. I'm under 6 feet tall and no matter what I do, the Law of Attraction is never going to help me dunk a basketball. The "universe" is not going to give me what I want. I know it, you know it, and everyone knows it. It's a wish or desire or want, call it what you will, that I will never realize.

    I'm not saying that good is not rewarded, that people shouldn't follow their dreams, or that miracles don't happen . . . I know better. What I am saying is that we are all bound by certain limits and no matter how much we wish otherwise, those limits can and will keep us from "attracting" everything we want in life.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

      But asking the universe (as if it was a sugar daddy), visualizing, and taking action aren't the answer to the majority of life's problems that many, many people struggle with.
      Maybe. However they certainly do help People with many of Life's challenges. Visualization is an important part of the process (IMO). In fact you can't accomplish anything without thinking about it first. Then there's vision. All the great Leaders and Entrepreneurs had a clear vision of what they hoped to achieve and visualized it.

      The "universe" is not going to give me what I want. I know it, you know it, and everyone knows it. It's a wish or desire or want, call it what you will, that I will never realize.
      I agree. (With that example at least.) There are many things that are literally impossible. That said, there are many, many, many things that a Person can accomplish (including at being successful at IM) and two of the most important components are 1. Visualization and 2. Action.

      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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    • Profile picture of the author VidasVegas
      Thank you for replay to my post but I want to share what helped me breakthrough in internet marketing and that's why majority struggling because they think that this is a "Mumbo Jumbo" do you know that million dollar companies in USA applying these concepts to their business? Do you know that many famous and successful people do the same their know that it works. Albert Einstein came up with in 1924 to explain this energy frequency thing is e=mc2. What about Hollywood actors like Will Smith Richard Gere Jim Carrey Jennifer Lopez and many more are they stupid too? But if to look at their results I don't think so.
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  • Profile picture of the author misterkailo
    Umm failure is mostly due to lack of traffic and not closing the sale. The best mindset isn't going to solve that issue
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  • Profile picture of the author Splatterfox
    I think people should start spending time on strategizing, learning real skills and building their businesses on a daily basis.

    I know so many people being theoretical experts in entrepreneurship and "self-development" because they consumed every book about this topic that exists. Yet they are miles away from having a profitable business.

    Ultimately, yes, the right attitude towards the whole entrepreneurship thing is important, but all meditation, visualization and positive thinking doesn't help if you don't actively work on a specific idea on a constant basis and make it happen. There won't be "the next big thing" happening to you out of nowhere.
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    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Yep, spent years visualizing, creating a dream board, and using moitvational videos, (Anik had the best ones, one of his courses).

      And they do help, slightly, but overall, crap!

      Online for 8 years, lol, l have been online for 9, and motivational whatever is handy, but is a joke compared with hard work, investing, learning, fighting through fear, and taking risks.

      That is what gets you there.

      Not visualising before Christmas for a new pushbike, or whatever.

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      • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
        Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

        Compared with hard work, investing, learning, fighting through fear, and taking risks.
        I agree. They are important.

        However so is visualization. Why? Because you have to have a strong vision of what you hope to accomplish. I'm not saying you can just sit on your ass and visualize $1 Million and it will magically appear. Just that you have to have a strong vision of what you want to accomplish. (And to visualize that.)

        "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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        • Profile picture of the author VidasVegas
          Vision believe two main components and action.
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        • Profile picture of the author Odahh
          Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

          I agree. They are important.

          However so is visualization. Why? Because you have to have a strong vision of what you hope to accomplish. I'm not saying you can just sit on your ass and visualize $1 Million and it will magically appear. Just that you have to have a strong vision of what you want to accomplish. (And to visualize that.)

          I think there is just a lot we visualize that we don't really want but there is some pleasure in visualizing. so you can get good at Visualizing and get use to the kick .

          that is what is behind so many consumer purchases that end up on a shelf unused , hell thats what adult industry is about and all the food porn cooking shows.

          I believe in and use the law of attraction but how it worked out for me is that it only manifests what i am personally ready to manifest and lately it has been just in ti me manifestation.. like omg i need 2thirds of my rent in the next 2 days when in the last 5 i only got 1 3rd .. but today i got almost 1 third and tomorrow i should get the rest .

          at this point a pile of money a million dollars high would probably ruin my life . but now that thing are picking up and there will be a lot more money to make the next few month..the ideas to maximize that and figure out hou to get 100-300 a day are coming in .

          then i have wanted to go to Hawaii after this and i was thinking about making it a goal for this November December and January ..then that night my roommate or the guy sleeping on my couch.. was working and smoking pot pot with A Woman from Hawaii ..who said oh yeah there is a place you can do what your doing and i see no one in your costume .

          This is who it has worked for me Begining with how i got into doing what i am doing ..

          now A lot of what i have learned and the biggest lesson.. is hand and hand .. it is less go get ..but let things come to me ..the main work and action is to go where what i want can come to me ,

          once my roomate gets his taxes back in a few weeks and gets of my couch and finds his own place there is a woman i want to gt to live with me but i am not ready for that until the money picks up and this woman randomly walks up to me and we chat ..se what happens haha ..

          What you are ready for will manifest ..but then again my reality is crazy right now because i have people walk up and give me money and other stuff ..
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            • Profile picture of the author Odahh
              Originally Posted by VidasVegas View Post

              That's what i'm talking about.
              i can get into deeper spiritual stuff ..but for me enlightenment is about lightening up . and higher awarnes is not about looking high all the time but just being more aware .

              We live in the greatest time to live in on this planet as a human because we are at the pivot of history ..the future is no longer being created by repeating what has happen in the past .

              Instead of filling a predetermined out determined role in society .. everything is blowing around the world at the same time and people are being handed the tools to create the lives they want and not a life based of what has been going on for generations .

              So there are human being born into horrid levels of poverty who will have cellphone put in their hands that teach them how to read and do other things and in the course of their lives will go from that horrid beginning to better lifestyles then 80 percent of Americans have right now .

              right now by all measures i am poor or in poverty by american standards ..accept mine . because i have been outside the USA and im rich compare to 90 percent of the rest of humanity .

              And the life and wealth i can created for myself the will benefit many others in the next 5-10 years is ..well the visions of it are tasty .. i would do i disservice to myself humanit and the future if i don't follow my visions oor dreams at this point .. my only fear is that i might be dreaming to small .

              i am at peace with the life i had even with the major problem.. because when i make it and people as me for advice ..then try to list why they can't do something .. i probably got a larger bible of can'ts that i have gotten over ..

              I was in this huge hole 5-7 years ago but it was only that huge so i could build the foundation for my success.. and i am still just smoothing the cement on the ground floor have not even put up the walls yet ..on floor 1
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      • Profile picture of the author VidasVegas
        Am not saying to stay in a bed and just meditating my friend Everyone of us know how works TV radio mobile phones right frequencies energy this is invisible staff but majority refuse this when it comes to sales funny. SALE IS A TRANSFER OF FEELINGS.
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

    I agree. They are important.

    However so is visualization. Why? Because you have to have a strong vision of what you hope to accomplish. I'm not saying you can just sit on your ass and visualize $1 Million and it will magically appear. Just that you have to have a strong vision of what you want to accomplish. (And to visualize that.)

    Groan, maybe l should post my story in a years time, showing how l went from pocket money to 10k a month?

    Visualizing is self defeating.

    You visualize the BMW in your driveway, and after a while, the consciousness mind takes over and you realise, this is a crock.

    Then you have planatery alignments, or visualise your brains out and if you are meant to make it in 5 years time, then unfortunately you are stuck in cream.

    I still visualize, but only if a BMW is behind me in traffic or a see one in the carpark.

    Visualing puts a leash in your subsciousness, which helps, and on occasion it can help quite a bit, but overall?

    Originally Posted by VidasVegas View Post

    Thank you for replay to my post but I want to share what helped me breakthrough in and that's why majority struggling because they think that this is a "Mumbo Jumbo" do you know that million dollar companies in USA applying these concepts to their business? Do you know that many famous and successful people do the same their know that it works. Albert Einstein came up with in 1924 to explain this energy frequency thing is e=mc2. What about Hollywood actors like Will Smith Richard Gere Jim Carrey Jennifer Lopez and many more are they stupid too? But if to look at their results I don't think so.
    Well, million dollar companies also p*** away 5k for Anthony Robbins seminars, and get bugger all from it.

    Apart from saving some Tax dollars.

    True, Jim Carrey used it for his first cheque, Will Smith, well his father instilled some virtues about never giving up, Albert Einstein, used being thankful mainly for his great ideas.

    And the rest well, actors don't need to be too bright to make it, just good actors.

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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

      Groan, maybe l should post my story in a years time, showing how l went from pocket money to 10k a month?

      Visualizing is self defeating.

      You visualize the BMW in your driveway, and after a while, the consciousness mind takes over and you realise, this is a crock.

      Then you have planatery alignments, or visualise your brains out and if you are meant to make it in 5 years time, then unfortunately you are stuck in cream.

      I still visualize, but only if a BMW is behind me in traffic or a see one in the carpark.

      Visualing puts a leash in your subsciousness, which helps, and on occasion it can help quite a bit, but overall?

      Well, million dollar companies also p*** away 5k for Anthony Robbins seminars, and get bugger all from it.

      Apart from saving some Tax dollars.

      True, Jim Carrey used it for his first cheque, Will Smith, well his father instilled some virtues about never giving up, Albert Einstein, used being thankful mainly for his great ideas.

      And the rest well, actors don't need to be too bright to make it, just good actors.

      i think the way the pop self help community approaches it is not that usefull ..

      I don't even want a car right now forget a bmw ..doesn't fit in the life i want . i can walk from the place i live to where i work and i really woul not use a car all that much .. When i do get a vehicle again it will be a camper van or a small buss type RV.

      Practical reasons for that ..when i get to Hawaii end of this year ..I want to live where it is warm all the time and i can grow much of my own food and fruit trees . and have a a small fish ponf for my own supply of fish and ducks on the pond for eggs ..

      i can probably buy the land and work on gwoing stuff before i have money to build a house .. so

      As i have visualized the life i want more pieces have come together and where for the longest time or the last three years at least of working on this vision and having it to fall back on when life was shitty ..I now have a path that is possible and doable .

      Then after i get the house built and the life i want .. i can replicate it buy buying pieces of land around the world in environments i want to live and setting the land up about the same way ..so i can travel but have the lifesyle i want in many places.

      so tell me visualization is worthless ..and the law of attraction is BS ..i use both and know how to work with them .
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      • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
        Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

        As i have visualized the life i want more pieces have come together and where for the longest time or the last three years at least of working on this vision and having it to fall back on when life was shitty ..I now have a path that is possible and doable .

        Then after i get the house built and the life i want .. i can replicate it buy buying pieces of land around the world in environments i want to live and setting the land up about the same way ..so i can travel but have the lifesyle i want in many places.

        so tell me visualization is worthless ..and the law of attraction is BS ..i use both and know how to work with them .
        I didn't say that visualization or the other one are crap, (well, for the most part).

        They help to keep you motivated or keep trying.

        The law of attraction does work, but not in the way that creates real change.

        I have used visaulization and wanted to create the best hand painted glasses available. My subsciouness then told me how, eventhough l was skeptical. In the end they sold like wildfire, so sure there is something to it.

        And l still use it, but not in the self help book, way, but as a guidance tool, between making decisions.

        And the law of attraction, l visualized finding money, and every now and then l would find a few dollars. But use it to attract a million, it won't happen, (unless it is drug money).

        That is the point l am trying to make here,.....it works in a party trick kind of way, but it tends to fall flat for big stuff.And motivational books, push this way to hard.

        Sure l use it when going art work, which probably explains why l keep getting "l love your work" remarks, online.

        But the point is, dream boards, visualizing it twice daily, motivational videos, and following gurus online, don't really work, and tend to lead to getting fed up, with how long it is all taking.

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      • Profile picture of the author VidasVegas
        I think you not understand The Law of Attraction properly If visualize and think what you want it doesn't mean you will get the thought with picture must be supported with true feeling that what you think you already have it. Only than the law works. That's what shaolin monks say too. If your wish not in harmony with your feelings there's only FANTASY .
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    yeah i see your point .

    Because to get these things to work right you have to fully understand why you are attracting what you are attracting now to create the life you have at this moment ..Why it takes so long is because you have to own up to why you are creating the life you have .

    then you get the way the gurus explain the law off attraction .and honestly it cane be come something to blame almost something out of your control that brings all this bad stuff when you want good .

    Because i hve developed an advanced spiritual viewpoint .That has me on a certain path .Or more of a growth path .everything in my life good and bad ..has happened to promote growth ..those problems i am ready to solve i attract the information i need or the people to help me . or if i need to learn something vital the event unfold to teach me .

    I am very far from being ready to attract manifest or what ever ter a million dollars It would most likely be a detriment to my growth and possibly foster my destruction with the minset i have now honestly i would probably take that money go to thailand or the philipines rent a place and get a different hooker for breakfest lunch and dinner every day of the week untill i pissed through the money ..

    Instead I am slowly building the skills to earn more and more money and attracting the information to figure out how i would build wealth .. and hopefully soon have 1 woman in my life to have breakfest lunch and dinner with .along with plenty of ..(censored)

    to introduce a concept to the masses you have to water it down and misrepresent it which pretty much happened with the law off attraction and many spiritual concepts .

    My problems are my greatest teachers or opportunities for growth . when i finally learn the lesson they teach and solve the problem they go away and new problems show up .

    you can Visualize having a million dollars all you want fut if you are not ready to solve the problems between you and the million dollars you are not ready for the problems that come with having a million dollars .

    you can visualize the BMW All you want .but does a BMW match the other thing you have in you lifestyle now
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    • Profile picture of the author VidasVegas
      Very simple explanation :
      If you want like example to earn $10k per month but you look at the mirror and not see yourself as you earn already $10k ( you have to feel it - your thought must be supported with feeling ) than there's no harmony between your goal and yourself.
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      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by VidasVegas View Post

        Very simple explanation :
        If you want like example to earn $10k per month but you look at the mirror and not see yourself as you earn already $10k ( you have to feel it - your thought must be supported with feeling ) than there's no harmony between your goal and yourself.
        Let me toss a monkey wrench into this with what i am learning .we focus to much on what we earn .. because we have been trained to get everything we want in our lives based off money .

        say you earn 10k more a month..take half of that away for taxes so 5 k. and if you are saving 10 percent and giving 10 percent . you have 3 k a month .

        so the visuals should be around how your lifestyle would change with an extra 3k a month to spend .

        then bipass needing to earn the 10k. and see if you can get those improvements you think 3k would give you without the 3k
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  • Profile picture of the author AL Hummel
    Its God's way of feeling your energy and reflecting it back, at least that's always the way I looked at the law of attraction. Joy attracts Joyful circumstances and Love attracts more Love. Great post. Blessings to you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrew Hurst
    Positive image planting! I like it
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