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What is vision? Is it something that only great leaders and great achievers have? If you have ever desired something that you don't have right now, and have imagined the picture of you having that, you've had a vision. If you have ever wanted to be a better version of yourself, and have imagined yourself doing things in a better way, you've had a vision.

Vision is simply a visualisation of something that you don't have right now. So ask yourself, who do you want to be at the end of 2010? What do you want to have? What do you want to accomplish? The ideas that you form right now to answer those questions are the beginnings of your vision for yourself by that particular time.

Vision is the starting point for success. If you desire success, but do not have a clear picture of what success looks like, then you are destined for unfulfillment and frustration. This is simply because you will never know when you have reached your intended destination. So why is it that success eludes most people when having a vision is very much within their reach? I've come up with two possible reasons. One is that they do not know how to create an effective vision. Two is that they do not know how to bring their vision into reality. So what is an effective vision?

It is Achievable

This is what differentiates vision from a dream or a fantasy. An effective vision is one that you should be reasonably capable of realising. This doesn't mean that you can achieve it without any effort on your part, it just means that it's got to be something that is in line with the talents and resources currently accessible to you.

It is Big

This might come across as rather contradictory to the first criteria, but they actually go hand in hand. As much as your vision must be achievable, it shouldn't be so easy as to require the minimum of effort on your part. You'll want to challenge yourself, to grow and become a person with a bigger capacity for achieving. A great way to do this is to create a vision that makes it necessary for you to be stretched and expand your area of expertise.

It is Clear

You might have a vague picture of what you want to see in your life right now. A clear picture needs specifics. It needs to be quantified. Exactly what does it look like? Can you describe it to someone else? Will that person see the same vision that you are seeing? That is the ultimate test of the clarity of your vision. Don't be afraid to put a concrete figure to your desires. By applying this criteria to your vision from the start, you will avoid a lot of wasted time and effort along the way.

It has a Deadline

Finally, your vision must have a deadline. Don't be afraid to set it, and then to tell people about it. Be accountable for it. Make a promise to yourself and to others for completing it. That will give you a tremendous sense of urgency which will motivate you to get it done. This criteria also forces you to stay focused on the most essential tasks when actioning your vision. Set your deadline for your vision today.

(Taken From My Blog Post: What Is Your Vision?)

If you don't have a clear picture of where your internet marketing business is going today, take time to write down what you want your internet business to look like in a month, 6 months and a year from now. Then, you need to overcome your excuses, design your plan, maintain your focus and get the results that you want. You can find all these in my vision series on my blog.
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