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Hello Warriors:
For years now I've been advising people that it's not the outside (extrinsic) motivation that you want for yourself.

Things like the idea of owning a fancy car, big corner office, or huge bank account for example can throw off
huge motivational energies and, if you let them, those energies can seriously manipulate and corrupt your sense
of direction.

It's not that those things are evil or anything (they're not). It's just that you don't want them moving you to
act in ways that are not authentic or consistent with your own personal values toward your customers or clients.
(As we've witnessed in the recent global recession these things can be a really bad investment anyway.)

Better instead to be motivated by inside (intrinsic) things. (Like joy in the doing, sense of accomplishment,
genuine enthusiasm.)

Do you think that perhaps you might find that you are way more likely to feel satisfied with yourself and the
services or products you offer? Do you think that an invisible value like this will be felt by those you serve
as well?

The good news is that it looks like science is now looking at these types things more closely too. Some very
interesting observations about the relationship between compensation and productivity is made clear by this
fascinating TED talk by author Dan Pink.

You can see the video here: Motivation In’s & Out’s. MOBIUSMAN TODAY

What do you think? Are you IN or are you OUT?

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