Ever Have an EEG? (brainwave entrainment)

10 replies
I just had my first EEG, and one of the last things they did was put a super bright strobe light in front of my closed eyes and flashed the light at varying speeds. The flashing light produced some pretty interesting patterns and colors for me, and I left wondering if something like that could be used to produce different states of consciousness. I'm intrigued.

  • Profile picture of the author John Rogers
    Hmmm, my research is leading me to entrainment devices, which I actually mentioned to the tech as I was leaving. I don't think she had a clue what I was talking about.

    Here's what I just found:

    Modern scientific research into the effects of rhythmic light and sound began in the mid 1930s when scientists discovered that the electrical rhythms of the brain tended to assume the rhythm of a flashing light stimulus, a process called entrainment. Research shifted into high gear in the late 1940s when the great British neuroscientist W. Gray Walter used an electronic strobe and advanced EEG equipment to investigate what he called the "flicker phenomenon." He found that rhythmic flashing lights quickly altered brainwave activity, producing trance like states of profound relaxation and vivid mental imagery. He was also startled to find that the flickering seemed to alter the brain wave activity of the whole cortex instead of just the areas associated with vision.

    Walter wrote: "The rhythmic series of flashes appear to be breaking down some of the physiologic barriers between different regions of the brain. This means the stimulus of flicker received by the visual projection area of the cortex was breaking bounds its ripples were overflowing into other areas." The subjective experiences of those receiving the flashes were even more intriguing: Subjects reported lights like comets, ultra- unearthly colors, mental colors, and not deep visual ones. We now know we see and hear with our brain not with our eyes and ears.

    A flood of subsequent scientific research in the 1960s and 70s revealed that such flicker effects at certain frequencies seemed to have amazing powers. Various scientists discovered that such photic stimulation could have a variety of beneficial effects, such as increasing IQ scores, enhancing intellectual functioning and producing greater synchronization between the two hemispheres of the brain. Other researchers found that the addition of rhythmic auditory signals dramatically increased the mind enhancing effects.
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  • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
    Hi John,

    This is an area I used to read a lot about many years ago. I'm much
    more familiar with audio entrainment to induce ultra deep relaxation.
    There's a guy named Robert Monroe who did a great deal of research
    in this area during the 60's, I think. He founded the Monroe Institute
    which is in Virginia, pretty sure. I knew someone who went there
    several times for their service offerings.

    Audio entrainment and inducing altered states works by feeding
    separate frequencies into each ear. The really cool thing is that the
    brain, as a whole, detects and recognizes the beat frequency which
    is the difference between the two separate frequencies. Isn't that
    kinda amazing?

    I've also used strobing lights to induce lucid dreams. I posted something
    about that in the OT not too long ago.

    Brainwave entrainment is a fascinating subject, and I believe its various
    uses have not even begun to be understood. I also would not be surprised
    if the gubmnt knows more about it than anyone else. They were involved
    with research in this area a long time ago, and Bob Monroe was involved
    with them, too.
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    • Profile picture of the author John Rogers
      Originally Posted by KenThompson View Post

      There's a guy named Robert Monroe who did a great deal of research
      in this area during the 60's, I think. He founded the Monroe Institute
      which is in Virginia, pretty sure.
      I read the Robert Monroe out of body stuff many years ago. Fascinating.

      I remember seeing ads for his audios in Omni magazine (again, many years ago). Sounds like something I need to take a look at. I'm really interested in the pairing of audio and photic stimulation though. In the little bit of time I've been looking, I'm not having any success in finding objective reviews and comparisons of "mind machines." (damn marketers)

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  • Profile picture of the author AwesomePossum
    Ya, we've developed some pretty sick brain entertainment nowadays. Things are getting pretty crazy now that I come to think about it.

    There's a really cool audio program by Mind Tek called X. I'm not sure if you've heard of it or not but I hear it's pretty crazy : O
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  • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
    Yes, I bought quite a few of Monroe's CD's in the late 90's. My friend
    who took two trips to his institute had some weird stories about that
    place. Weird enough to make me not want to go there. lol.

    I listened to one of his oob cd's damn near every day for two years. I
    was not trying to induce an oob experience. I was doing it for deep
    relaxation, and it had some very interesting affects. It helped make me
    what I am, today! lol.

    I've been out of the loop for a long time. I also don't recall seeing
    anything combining the two, either. But it has been a long time. One thing
    you could do is just get separate programs/products and do it like
    that. The lucid dreaming thing I talked about was a mask you put on
    before going to bed. It had a small circuit card built into it with leds
    that were timed to strobe at a certain frequency at certain intervals
    programmed to coincide with rem (dreaming) sleep.

    I would think you could get something like that, although with that and
    headphones you'd look like some cheap experiment from a bad scifi flick.
    But... the things we do in our pursuits. lol.

    Yes, possum, I've been to Mind Tek's website many years ago and was
    pretty interested in a lot of their stuff. But never bought anything from
    them. Maybe I'll check out this X thing you mentioned.
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  • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
    Ok John,

    You got my curiosity up about this. The only thing I found was
    a page about SLED's, sound & light entrainment devices. There's
    no review about them, but there is a page with makes and model
    numbers for about 4 of them.

    The Mind Machine Page

    Click on SLED's on the left. You could research those devices and
    should be able to get something, I would think.

    I checked out Mind Tek's X series. Good marketing copy re descriptions
    of the CD's.
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    • Profile picture of the author John Rogers
      Originally Posted by KenThompson View Post

      Chico State. My old stomping grounds. And I thought they only killed brain cells in Chico...

      Chico was also home to Magical Blend magazine, which sadly ceased publication.

      Thanks for the link!

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  • Profile picture of the author John Rogers
    I found some good information at this link for anyone interested in brainwave entrainment machines.

    Mind Machine Blog Blog Archive AVS Buyers Guide for Light and Sound Mindmachines

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  • Profile picture of the author Hightower
    Hi John,
    thanks for the info about sale at incansoft. I cleaned up last night, through your link I might add.
    Earlier today I wrote:

    Jack canfield said he only endourses a few products. One of them being center

    Pointe's Holosync -- which among other things....

    "Dramatically increase your production of vital (and very pleasurable) brain

    chemicals related to your longevity, well-being, and quality of life..."

    Personally, I think it is expensive (maybe worth it), but just today I listened to Dr.

    Andrew Weil's -- Mindbody tool kit -- sound healing journey's. I have also used Dr.

    Mercola's endoursed product which is much less expensive.
    From Wikipedia: Binaural beats are of interest to neurophysiologists investigating

    the sense of hearing. Second, binaural beats reportedly influence the brain in more subtle

    ways through the entrainment of brainwaves[1][2] and can be used to reduce anxiety[3] and

    provide other health benefits such as nociceptive control.[4]

    From Dr. Mercola about meditation and binaural beats:
    "I've always believed meditation can be a wonderful tool that can help you take a

    deliberate break from the stream of thoughts that are constantly flowing in and out of

    your mind. Some people use it to promote spiritual growth or find inner peace, while

    others use it as a relaxation and stress-reduction tool.

    The study provides further support for the link between physical and emotional health.

    Since we are constantly stimulated in our daily lives -- visually, mentally, emotionally

    and physically -- it is not surprising that taking a break from this stimulation can

    actually improve your physical health.

    Numerous scientific studies have confirmed the health benefits of meditation.

    One earlier study found that people who underwent eight weeks of meditation training

    produced more antibodies to a flu vaccine. Though I don't recommend the flu vaccine, this

    study does indicate meditation can boost the immune system.

    Other Ailments Meditation Can be Useful For

    * Stress, tension, anxiety and panic
    * High blood pressure
    * Chronic pain
    * Headaches
    * Respiratory problems such as emphysema and asthma
    * Sleep disturbances

    * Gastrointestinal distress
    * Fatigue
    * Skin disorders
    * Mild depression
    * Premenstrual syndrome
    * Irritable bowel syndrome

    If your schedule is anything like mine, you are probably wondering how you can possibly

    fit regular a meditation practice into your schedule, while still trying to fit in other

    healthy lifestyle choices like:

    * exercise
    * more sleep
    * preparing your own food

    Well folks, the answer lies with new and exciting brain wave entrainment technology. This

    is a system in which you listen to relaxing sounds of a rainfall on a CD through stereo

    headphones. Each channel has different frequencies that gradually but rapidly bring you

    into a state of blissful relaxation because your brain is now resonating at frequencies

    consistent with those observed in experienced meditators.

    I previously had endorsed a system called Holosync on this site. While that was a great

    program that helped hundreds of thousands of people, it cost $150 and the company had far

    too aggressive annoying marketing follow-ups. I was fortunate to find an equally

    beneficial system at a fraction of the price that does not send out ANY followup marketing

    materials. We have had the Insight CD System on our site for a while now and have received

    many testimonials as to how this has helped.

    The Insight CD is actually set up so you can do a 20-minute quick session that gets you

    most all of the benefits. Most people, including me, can carve out 20 minutes; however,

    the CD is also set up so you can do a 40- or 60-minute session.

    By listening to the CD you can literally train your brain to function at a high level of

    synchronization, opening up the way for a flood of positive effects. When left and right

    sides of your brain begin to work in concert with each other, electrical activity and

    energy patterns in your brain become more widespread throughout the brain instead of

    remaining confined to certain areas. Research has indicated this type of "whole brain

    synchronization" is present in the brain at times of intense creativity, clarity and


    Therefore, whether you do it with the Insight audio CD or on your own in a quiet,

    undisturbed place, make sure you make meditation a priority of your daily life. It's a

    simple step that can have lasting and profound influences on both your physical health and

    mental well-being." Dr. Mercola

    All the best,
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  • Profile picture of the author John M Kane
    I've had several "mind machines" and the best I have,after selling the other two, is called the Mind Gear brand "Innervision PR_2"
    It has many built-in programs but, also allow you to enter your own.
    New models allow programming with using a computer which would be a bunch easier.

    Program proven to me to be affective are for sleep aid and energy.
    others like "learning" I don't know how it could be proven.

    If I set the sleep program it WILL knock me out where I end up sleeping with the earphones and glasses still on my knoggin'

    Expensive sucker but, worth it.

    A simple CD called Hypnotica The Sphinx of Imagination has similar results.
    Hypnotica | The Sphinx of Imagination | CD Baby
    I never can stay awake through the whole session.

    The authors claimed that the CD is better as the MP3 is too compressed and is less affective.
    I've the CD so, haven't tried a MP3 verison.
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