What role does your subconscious play in success

13 replies
This question first is somewhat rhetorical. In reality I know our subconscious mind helps to manifest our physical reality. This is to more invoke a discussion about how powerful the subconscious mind and ways to improve the subconscious in establishing success and wealth. Just want others take on this.
#play #role #subconscious #success
  • Profile picture of the author rcritchett
    Great topic, not touched on enough! I actually did an experiment where I talked to about 150 people, all of which I knew personally or had interactions with in a work scenario, about the subconscious mind asking them if they knew what it was, what it did or anything about it. 2 people, TWO out of 150 said they knew, and we had some good conversations. Most people have no idea! Somehow I think we'll all be more aware of these things in hundreds of years.

    I believe the subconscious mind (even though it doesn't actually exist physically) is an incredibly powerful thing. Just as something builds up in your mind (when you're angry at your boss but you're holding it in.. eventually it comes out in some kind of physical form, a fight, argument, you getting fired etc..) and expresses itself into your life, the same is true for goals and success. I've personally created some incredible experiences as a result of constant and consistent conscious thought towards something goal related. The more you think about something, the more you're telling your mind "this is important," the more it surfaces, always at the right times. It's as if this thought (whatever goals you constantly think about) is served up to your conscious awareness at times that really suit you. The power of the subconscious mind is really the power of the human nervous system. It's the power of your brain. Every single day, saying something to yourself, out loud, in an intense state and engaging your emotions, is a sure way to actually create the thing in your life. Very similar to conditioning, because you are essentially installing, training, or in many cases retraining. The subconscious mind, or the part of your brain that is holding information and is active while you (consciousness, the self, your soul) is consciously thinking about something else, is a powerful force of human beings, of the world really (if you believe that there is a collective consciousness) and can truly guide a person, if directed the right way, to ultimate success.

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    • Profile picture of the author webwriter
      The subconscious is also a willing slave; it gives you exactly what you are expecting, whether you realize it on the conscious level or not. For example, you can SAY that you're feeling confident or going to be successful. But if you have any negative feelings , such as doubts, as you are saying that deep down inside, you will likely get negative results. Things like deep-seated "I'm not really sure that I can do this" will ruin positive vibes.

      In other words, you attract the negative as well as the positive.
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    • Profile picture of the author EternalIncome4U
      Originally Posted by rcritchett View Post

      Great topic, not touched on enough! I actually did an experiment where I talked to about 150 people, all of which I knew personally or had interactions with in a work scenario, about the subconscious mind asking them if they knew what it was, what it did or anything about it. 2 people, TWO out of 150 said they knew, and we had some good conversations. Most people have no idea! Somehow I think we'll all be more aware of these things in hundreds of years.

      I believe the subconscious mind (even though it doesn't actually exist physically) is an incredibly powerful thing. Just as something builds up in your mind (when you're angry at your boss but you're holding it in.. eventually it comes out in some kind of physical form, a fight, argument, you getting fired etc..) and expresses itself into your life, the same is true for goals and success. I've personally created some incredible experiences as a result of constant and consistent conscious thought towards something goal related. The more you think about something, the more you're telling your mind "this is important," the more it surfaces, always at the right times. It's as if this thought (whatever goals you constantly think about) is served up to your conscious awareness at times that really suit you. The power of the subconscious mind is really the power of the human nervous system. It's the power of your brain. Every single day, saying something to yourself, out loud, in an intense state and engaging your emotions, is a sure way to actually create the thing in your life. Very similar to conditioning, because you are essentially installing, training, or in many cases retraining. The subconscious mind, or the part of your brain that is holding information and is active while you (consciousness, the self, your soul) is consciously thinking about something else, is a powerful force of human beings, of the world really (if you believe that there is a collective consciousness) and can truly guide a person, if directed the right way, to ultimate success.
      Firstly, thanks to the OP for starting a great topic.

      Secondly, thanks for this post rcritchett, as there's some great stuff in it. Perhaps you'd care to share some of your "personally created incredible experiences as a result of constant and consistent conscious thought towards something goal related" with the Forum? I'm sure more than a few of us would like to hear them. Maybe you could start your own thread?

      Finally I'd like to draw attention to this particular quote from you
      "I believe the subconscious mind (even though it doesn't actually exist physically) is an incredibly powerful thing"

      I agree with this statement completely yet it's the "(even though it doesn't actually exist physically)" part of it that I'd like to specifically address. Historically, right up into the present, the vast majority of humanity has been focused almost entirely on the 'Physical'. It was not even until the past century or so that the study and 'proof' of non-physical things really began.

      I think to say something as you have above, that the subconscious mind is powerful even though is doesn't exist physically, is to greatly detract from the reality of the situation. I mean no offense in any way by this first of all and let me please explain where I am going with it. For many decades now humanity has known and come to accept, and even harness or utalize in some way many things which "don't actually exist physically". For example radio waves, micowaves, radiation, magnetic fields etc. Further, science has relatively recently began to truly understand that Everything is energy, moving in various wave forms and frequencies and that the 'Physical' as we generally now and understand it, does not even really exist.

      We generally tend to think of something being Real, being Physical when it is something that we can see and touch and feel, something made of Solid Matter. Yet we now know that that solid matter as we had previously understood it is an illusion and is really just a conglomeration of slow moving molecules and energy. So, truly, Nothing physically exists (or Everything does, depending on how you look at it. )

      So my main points are that, the Subconscious mind Does Exist just as much as if not more than other things we can Physically interact with. And Further, by continuing to use language in such a way that 'discredits' anything that is not 'Physically Real', like say the mind and it's great abilities, we are all doing ourselves a disservice. And Language, what we say, could not be more important. For Words are the Physical manifestation of Thought, powered by the Energy of Emotion.

      Feeling (Emotion)+ Idea (Thought)= Manifestation (Word...as it was in the Beginning...remember? )

      Anyway, just wanted to share that.

      Cheers to another great Thread all!
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Wherever you are in life, whatever results you receive are the product of the subconscious mind.

    It is THE powerhouse. It will do whatever you tell consciously tell it to do.

    I have used the tape recorder method to condition it. Buy a tape player and record a series of affirmations - whatever you want to be, have, or do at the time - in the present tense. Fill the tape.

    Play it 10 minutes prior to sleep. When you drift off into sleep the subconscious mind is wide open. The conscious mind has submerged so the pesky "I can't, I won't" objections of the ego have disappeared. As you sleep your affirmations are acted on by the subconscious. This is how to attract wealth by sleeping.

    I learned this method from self help coach Randy Gage and have seen cool results from it. Give it a shot.

    Ryan Biddulph
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author rcritchett
    Originally Posted by Black Magick View Post

    I'm gonna go with the great Napoleon Hill's philosophy on this.

    The subconscious mind can be your silent partner or your silent enemy. It's all about what you choose to feed it. You feed the subconscious mind by suggestion. That could be outside suggestion and auto-suggestion (suggestion that you make to yourself). When it all comes down to it, you will always get what you subconsciously want and believe you can have. How do you increase belief? With auto-suggestion. If you say anything to yourself enough times, you eventually begin to believe it, doesn't matter if it's a lie or the truth. So in this case, let's use this in a positive way. Repeat a goal to yourself many times until you believe it and it becomes buried in your subconscious mind, and see what happens!
    Awesome!! I still read think and grow rich once every 3 months!

    We do mail-in iPhone Repair Services, Nationwide in the US. LCD/Digitizer Glass Replacement And More.

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  • Profile picture of the author Lefty4237
    The subconscious is pre-programmed to be negative from genetic DNA, childhood training and lifetime experiences.

    To change your programming you need to access the deeper brainwave states, where the programming exists.

    This is why so many fail when they try affirmations, visualizations, etc., because their subconscious is not in alignment with their conscious goals and desires.

    You can download a short, but extremely powerful (free) PDF "How To Rewire Your Brain For Success" here: Rewire Your Brain For Success

    It explains how to easily create new neural pathways and reduce the firing of old, negative thought patterns.
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    • Profile picture of the author asheybrns
      Our sub-conscious mind is an immensely powerful source and could become an eminent part of our lives if we nurture it in proper way. It is what we go through everyday and the way we live our lives has a good impact on it. Keep ourselves motivated would also act as the food for it and this is something that controls the "go get it" mentality in us.
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    Originally Posted by Black Magick View Post

    I'm gonna go with the great Napoleon Hill's philosophy on this.

    The subconscious mind can be your silent partner or your silent enemy. It's all about what you choose to feed it. You feed the subconscious mind by suggestion. That could be outside suggestion and auto-suggestion (suggestion that you make to yourself). When it all comes down to it, you will always get what you subconsciously want and believe you can have. How do you increase belief? With auto-suggestion. If you say anything to yourself enough times, you eventually begin to believe it, doesn't matter if it's a lie or the truth. So in this case, let's use this in a positive way. Repeat a goal to yourself many times until you believe it and it becomes buried in your subconscious mind, and see what happens!
    Great reply! It's almost like that analogy I often heard from people.. "You are what you eat" It's never cease to amaze me how powerful our mind can be.. We do all have different perspective in things and have the power to control of what to believe in this world.. I really would love to see the next Eistien who can use more than 10% of brain power during our life time.
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  • Profile picture of the author hendricius
    Your sub conscious guides you for every situation, its like an inner guru telling you whats right and whats wrong. Its what people call as the sixth sense
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  • Profile picture of the author NicholasCarter
    WOW so many responses. I can only say thank you and the subconscious mind is unlimited or limited depending on our control of it

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  • Profile picture of the author sohoney
    The subconscious is our main processing unit.It never goes on break.It is freaky in that if you do not program it properly,it gives to you what you do not really bargain for and that is what you manifest.
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  • Profile picture of the author vem
    I believe that it's the subconscious that makes you do what you do. Although it is true that you can program your subconscious when you are talking about a longer time periods, in shorter time periods subconscious is what controls us.
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