7 powerful tips to keep you on (Whatever) project track

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7 powerful tips to keep you on (Whatever) project track

1. Imagine it, Write it, then just do it

You know most of us,

and that most people including myself often have brilliant idea

on their head..

like suddenly something just pop up on our head, and say..

wow i can do this...i think it might worked if i can do this and that sort

of thing. Man, I hear you fr distance..I HEAR YOU

And if you nod your head, than you....yes you

are one of the "most of us" sentences.

Sound ridiculous? well think again.


Because there are so many distraction around us,things change,

you will have many task to do more than ever and eventually more responsibility.

Because if you keep it only in your head, it will dissappear..gone with the wind...swooooosshhh...(Hurricane sound : ON )

In fact to tell you the truth the one who write this article (yes it's me im talking about) have been in that situation and

suffer because of...because

i simply forgot my whole brilliant idea...like if i recall it and try to remember it, something missing..

i just know something missing..

and it called passion and idea.

I completely lost the moment, because i only keep in in my head...and forget it...lost it.

Wonderin why i throw my golden egg, my very own idea and priceless passion to the trash...

I BET you do to.

So, buy special stack of magic paper called BOOK of IDEA..bring it with you whereever you go, remember..

idea just come out frm nowhere, random time and unimaginable location. Just bring the book with no further question.

once it appear, "CATCH IT" and write it..i guarantee that you will be grateful writing it at the next time you re-read the book.

That passion, That idea...will properly stored within the book.

2. Stay away frm negative people

Negative people will always prevent you this and that which eventually block your creative and visionary idea.Making you

down and in the end of the day...you will leave it with no trace...what a waste.

They will say many bad thing once they knew your plan...HECK, people result may very right? When people fail, it doesn't

tell you that you will failed under the same graveyard as they were.

I knew that they are your best friend, be friend with them...talk about amuzement thing, anything...no problemo

but not about your idea.

There are friend who are bringing you negative thought about most of thing....anything seem bad for them, the world like "against" them.


3. In opposite, Keep it touch with positive people.

Join internet forum, designer forum, or even your favorite speaker forum. Follow them on facebook or Twitter.

They will give you strength to go on even when all thing begin to worse. One of my fav motivator

speaker frm Indonesia Mr. Mario Teguh

once said which similar to this wise word " DO THE BEST AND LET GOD DO THE REST".

IT WILL 100% boost your morale, knowing that you are not alone...hypnotize yourself to do better knowing that GOD will help you

4. Brainstorm (do this often)
Try to googling keyword Brainstorm, you will know the benefit frm it

5. Make TNA (Time table and Action)
Simply, record your progress and plan your next step.

6. Focus and work hard

Definitely, you need this to make things work...INCREDIBLE SOUND SEO BOOK make you lazy and unfocus,
they say " on top of Google in 5 Minutes" sort of thing, well WHO ARE YOU MR?? MAGICIAN??....

that just crap..

Dont buy that, buy reasonable book title like " How to..(not in minute, but in month or year)". It offer you stability and exact task to do than " on top of Google in 5 Minutes"

if you want to be on top GOOGLE, then work for it, moreover work hard for it...if it failed, then review it, revise it..

and work for it again. repeat it...you will surprise by the result.

Lazy people goin nowhere, dreamer goin nowhere, die hard soldier will make it work.

Focus and work hard

That is a big word "DICIPLINE". Keep that on your mind

Last but not least

Pray to GOD

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