Quit Smoking without gaining Weight

5 replies
I've recently quit smoking. Even when I was smoking, I worked out at a gym. Although I now can lift more and longer, I eat all the time! I guess it's that wicked oral fixation. Any tips from anyone? How do you curb the desire?
#gaining #quit #smoking #weight
  • Profile picture of the author 3afash
    You basically have an acidic biochemistry and you need to neutralize that out and alakalize your body by eating lots of green vegetables (I know it's nerd talk, but eating lots of vegetables and vegetable juices will help a lot). One reason why people crave cigarettes in the first place is because cigarettes, as well as coffee, are an alkaloid, meaning they will temporarily put you body in a state similar to that of an alkaline body. However that state is not permanent. When you re-mineralize and alkalize your body by eating lots of organic raw foods you're craving for cigarettes will disappear because your acid-alkaline balance will get closer and closer to the ideal level.
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    • Profile picture of the author MattSteel
      Now THAT is something I have not yet heard! I have been told to replace one bad habit with a good one, but nothing this specific! I'll try it! You rock! Celery, carrots, and cucumbers, here I come!
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      • Profile picture of the author 3afash
        Originally Posted by MattSteel View Post

        Now THAT is something I have not yet heard! I have been told to replace one bad habit with a good one, but nothing this specific! I'll try it! You rock! Celery, carrots, and cucumbers, here I come!
        glad to be of service
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  • Profile picture of the author snazzy
    Have you read Paul McKenna's book "Quit Smoking Today Without Gaining Weight"? Can't vouch for it myself as I've never been a smoker but I can vouch for the need to retrain your mind to change your habits.
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    Originally Posted by jjeeezy View Post

    So smoking does help people lose weight? I thought that was a myth...
    It doesn't help people lose weight.. When people quit smoking they crave more food or etc..

    Replace one bad habit with a good one is right on!
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