Five Steps to Eliminate Procrastination

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Do you often find yourself doing things at the last minute? Does the phrase "I'll get around to it" often come from your lips, but usually "it" never happens? Do you ever say "I do my best work under pressure"? Procrastination means to "defer" some action, but it is rarely productive.

Procrastination isn't always putting off an action; it's also substituting other action (watching TV?) for what we should be doing. Procrastination causes stress, and it is not as if we don't have enough of that in our busy lives. It is also a waste of our time and energy.

The good news is that procrastination is just a habit, and we can change our habits.

The first thing to ask yourself is whether procrastination is a sign that you need to change something fundamental in your life (i.e. job, environment, relationships) or if it's masking fear, lack of self-confidence, self-esteem etc There are a number of ways to tackle procrastination and you can use different strategies for different situations.

1. Make a decision!
Most of us live lives driven by what we "have" to do, which pushes aside those things we want to do. Decide to want to do those difficult things by focusing on the benefits. For example, if I balance my checkbook, or do my bills systematically and regularly, won't the benefit be that I remain more in control of my finances? If I exercise, won't I gain benefits of better health and higher energy? By thinking of the benefit it leads to positive action rather than guilt or worry.

2. Delegate!
This is the most fun - if we are in a position to do so, delegate the things we hate to do. Of course, this only works if you have a subordinate or children. (Others substitute outsourcing for delegation, but that is a topic for another time.) Do you have to do it? Can it be done better by someone else?

3. Break it up, knock it down!
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! This old saw is as valid now as ever - break a project down into bite sized tasks and focus on one at a time until the project is complete.

4. Prioritize! (Or, to thine own self be true)
Do the things you don't want to do when you have the most energy to do them. If you are a morning person, get those ugly things out of the way early, if you run with the vampires, do them late at night. The way you should work is the way you work best.

5. Create a system!
Procrastination is a waste of time and energy. You are always under the gun or playing catch up. Stop procrastination before it starts by creating a system. Try GTD, or Zen to Done, get an exercise buddy or a personal trainer.
#eliminate #procrastination #steps

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