Here's Why You're So Magnificent...

8 replies
Hi! It's been a while since I've posted anything on here, so I thought you might like to hear why you're sooooo magnificent! This is something I sent to my subscribers just recently.

Do you know just how magnificent you are?

It is my intention for you to know just how special, powerful and
truly magnificent you are. And with that, I offer this rampage
for you...

You are an extension of God
You are more powerful than you realize
You have an abundance of resources at your finger tips
You can have anything that you choose
You can feel good in any moment
You can be who you came to be
You get to decide it all
You will never get this wrong, you cannot
You are powerful
You are special and incredible
You can make anything that you want manifest
You can relax into well-being and manifest your hearts desires
You can physically feel when you're in alignment
You can physically feel inspiration
You know when you're in true alignment
You love knowing it!
You love being around others who are the same as you
You love knowing how awesome you are
You love knowing that you can do it
You love knowing that you're never alone
You love knowing you can call upon your angels to help guide you
You love being here in physical
You love playing

You love it all and that's why you came here. You came for the
enjoyment of life. You didn't come here because you wanted it
all rosy and perfect. You wanted the contrast, you wanted to get
kicked out of alignment so that you could soothe and ease your
way back into alignment. You know exactly what your work is, and
you know that working hard and being out of alignment never
yields you positive results. You love knowing how to deliberately
create and you love knowing that you can get yourself back into
alignment whenever you feel like it.

No matter where I'm going and no matter who I'm doing it
with, it is my dominant intent to feel good. I'm going to feel


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