Mind Programming Reintegration - Strategy Included

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Hey folks, it's me!

Ok so just about every day of my life, I create some new strategy. Living life to figure things out, it becomes a part of you! I recently hacked oatmeal. I know.. that sounds crazy, but really what I'm saying is I studied it, picked it apart and tried to understand it. Turns out, it's not that good for you, but that's totally irrelevant.

Now that I have your attention, here is a great strategy to integrate your mind and create an outcome.

Mind Integration: Eliciting problem thoughts and then taking the time to hash stuff out.

If you have problem thoughts, though you may feel like you can't do anything about them, you absolutely can.

Outcome Creation: The act of mapping out an outcome and all of the ideas that come to mind to move you closer to the creation of the outcome. Lab Time!

  1. Write down thoughts that have been troubling you (ex, I need to make more money, or I'm experiencing a lack of confidence in this area)
  2. Ask "why?" Why is this happening? Why have I not followed through or created? Why is this area messed up?
  3. Ask "what can I do to align this situation?"
  4. Write down what your mind comes up with - Go Crazy with it.

Action Strategy
  1. Create an outcome that settles this argument in your head - Put this in the middle of a piece of paper (as shown below)
  2. Draw lines branching out with actions that will settle the problem

Negative Visualization - I know, not to typical, but I don't do what's typical, I'm into what works. Picture what you DON'T WANT TO HAPPEN. Get your mind really associated to what you don't want. Even ask questions like "what would I think of myself if I didn't follow through?" Be tough, this is a good motivator.

Positive Visualization - I'm sure you all know how to do this! If not, create mental images of YOU FOLLOWING THROUGH. See the outcome, run through the scenarios in your head (if you actually engaging, and then hitting the target) and try to get yourself emotionally associated to the outcome; get excited.

Now you're in a way better STATE to then RESOLVE to action on the things you wrote down.

Mental alignment is probably the most important factor when it comes to seriously making things work in life. I realized this when I started studying this thing we call "success" a couple of years ago.
  1. People that are a "mental mess" simply don't achieve
  2. People who align their minds and map out outcomes, do

Hope this helps you kick some serious hyney! :p

Seriously, this works wonders for me, I know it can work for you. Thanks for reading.

#included #mind #programming #reintegration #strategy

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